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[How to] Get Old Facebook Profile Page| Disable New Facebook Profile Page Feature

Earlier today, Facebook rolled out New Facebook Profile which provides easier way to share more information about the users. If you are one of those who do not like the new user interface or who want to get back to old Facebook profile page, then there is no easy way to get back to old profile page. Facebook developers have not provided anyway to get back to old Facebook profile. You need to follow the below steps to get old Facebook profile page . Note: We’ve tried it out on our new account. It works like a charm. You should follow the tutorial on how to get old Facebook profile carefully . How to Get Old Facebook Profile Here is how you get back your old Facebook profile page . Remember, this process is bit risky (not at all if you follow it properly). This is how my new Facebook profile page looks like.

News Corp. On MySpace: "Current Losses Are Not Acceptable"

To be clear: we don't mean to spread rumors or alarm anyone.  But MySpace employees might want to consider setting aside some extra money and updating their LinkedIn profiles, as one News Corp. exec hinted during an earnings call that a drastic cost-cutting action of sorts may occur. A large round (or two) of layoffs is one possibility.  A sale or even shutdown of MySpace doesn't seem to be out of the question, either.  News Corp. COO Chase Carey made the situation sound quite serious. As reported by the AFP , News Corp. COO Chase Carey told investors late yesterday, "We've been clear that Myspace has been a problem." Then Carey continued, "The current losses are not acceptable or sustainable.  Our current management did not create these losses but they know we have to address them."

Foto: Patung Mirip Asli

Corel Rilis CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X5

Corel telah merilis aplikasi grafis profesional terbarunya, CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X5. Versi baru ini, Corel meningkatkan limapuluh fitur yang meliputi manajemen aset, manajemen warna, grais web, dan sebagainya. Versi trial telah tersedia untuk diunduh dan produk ini siap dikapalkan sebelum akhir Maret di Inggris, Perancis, Jerman, Italia, Spanyol, Brazil, an Belanda. "Lewat daur pengembangan bagi CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X5, tim kami bekerja bahu membahu dengan komunitas pengguna kami, untuk memastikan kami memberikan fitur baru beserta peningkatan yang dapat memberikan perbedaan berarti. Kamin sangat ingin mengerti mengenai apa yang mereka sukai dan butuhkan agar pengalaman mereka lebih baik lagi," ujar Gérard Métrailler, Senior Director of Product Management, Graphics, for Corel.

29 Avatar Movie Wallpapers And Navi Recreating Tutorials

It seems like Avatar is becoming the most popular movie ever made, everybody is buzzing about it, creating fun clubs, tutorials, recreating navi persons and so on. Of course design community with their skillset can create something really beautiful, they can explain what’s needed to recreate such effects doing simple professional research. This is most fun post – I think everybody will enjoy those beautiful Avatar wallpapers and maybe even get so excited, so they would like to recreate even Navi effects and turn his own photo into navi one! Enjoy as always -that’s why I deliver you daily inspiration and resources!

Spectacularly Artistic Graffiti Art Pieces

Graffiti art Amsterdam 5 by Shiratski

The Transparent Toaster?

File this one under “it’s so cool that you can’t even buy it yet.” Frustrating, yes. But as technology improves we can hopefully one day be able to see the exact moment our bagel is perfectly toasted.

Innovative Folding Power Plug Design

Industrial designers sometimes make the mistake of thinking that certain product elements are written in stone, or that they just aren’t worth thinking about. And sometimes it takes a set of fresh eyes to see an exceptionally simple yet innovative solution. That was the case when Royal College of Art student Min Kyu Choi re-imagined the bulky UK power plug.

Light Touch

With all this talk of tablets and the much hyped launch Apple have planned at the end of the month perhaps the future lies in the Light Touch that instantly turns any flat surface into a touch screen (found via Design Boom ).

Kumpulan Logo-logo Google

Dec 25, 2009 Happy Holidays from Google 2009 (Part 5) - (Global) Dec 24, 2009 Happy Holidays from Google 2009 (Part 4) - (Global)

Upcoming Facebook Redesign Surface