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Google TV brings net to sets

Google's look and feel on TV will be similar to its style online. Photograph: Alamy Google has launched a "smart TV" service, in conjunction with partners including Sony , that will allow viewers to search the web while watching programmes. The service, called Google TV, will theoretically work with any TV set. However, the first products to incorporate the search capability will be developed by Sony and arrive on the US market from the autumn. Google TV-enabled sets, which will feature an on-screen search box similar to the company's look and feel on the web, will allow people to search for web content and download applications as well as programming from across the internet.

Hawaii Searching for Internet Answers with Google

Stuck in the Internet slow lane, Hawaii and its sluggish network are hoping Google will ride to the rescue. Through online petitions, a Facebook fan page and a YouTube video by the governor, Hawaii wants to persuade Google to choose the islands for one of its experimental fiber-optic networks, which could bring Internet speeds 100 times faster than those currently available to most Americans. The search engine giant is launching the experiment to test new ways to build fiber networks and to demonstrate the power of quick Internet to phone and cable companies. It invited all comers to say how they might benefit, and hundreds of communities from across the country have submitted bids arguing that they're the best location for the experiment. Hawaii's efforts may be a tough sell. The state's surfing speeds are among the slowest in the country, and legislative efforts to improve speeds haven't borne fruit. And the isolation of being in the middle of the Pacific Ocean ...

Is the Latest Union Budget a Good or Bad News for Indian IT Industry?

  Although, 2010-11 Union Budget has brought some good news for the construction, hospitality, banking, education and pharma sectors, but, it does not generate any good news for IT industry. The Finance minister didn't mention anything about the extension of Tax Rebate in this budget for IT industries. Since, the tax break ends in Mar 2011, outsourcing major such as Infosys Technologies, Tata Consultancy Services and Wipro are going to lose from the Budget because there is no mention of Tax Rebate in the budget. But, the Infosys chief Mr. Murthy has a different view. In an interview before the budget, he said that IT industry is quite different from other industries. IT companies need to pay higher taxes. That's why STPI (Software technology Park of India) extension is not required.

Laptop China Kuasai 90 Persen Pasar Indonesia

Kelangkaan industri laptop dalam negeri membuat Indonesia harus rela dibanjiri produk impor. Dari tahun ke tahun, nilai impor laptop terus merangsek naik. Sampai November 2009, nilai impor komputer jinjing telah menembus 461 juta dollar AS. Angka ini melonjak 30,4 persen dibandingkan impor laptop seluruh tahun 2008 yang hanya 353,4 juta dollar AS.

Facebook's $1B Revenues: Now Keep It Up

Facebook may pull in an excess of $1 billion in revenues, according to estimates and poking around on behalf of industry blog Inside Facebook . That's an increase from the same publication's estimate of $700 million last year. Facebook board member Marc Andreessen said last year that he projected the company would break $500 million revenue in 2009 , and that it had the potential to be a billion-dollar company already, but that it was acting conservatively. (Naturally, Facebook says that as a privately held company it doesn't disclose its financials.) What can Facebook credit this big jump in revenue to? It's all about the Social Ads program. Facebook ditched banner ads altogether earlier this year when its longstanding ad partnership with Microsoft ran out and has chosen to focus on its edgier " engagement ads " program instead--and often these are sold by encouraging brands to promote their presence on Facebook with ad space.