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Event: The 19th Education & Training Expo 2010

Education & Training Expo adalah pameran pendidikan dan pelatihan terbesar dan terlengkap di Indonesia yang diselenggarakan setiap tahun sejak tahun 1992. Memasuki tahun ke-19, Education & Training Expo semakin eksis dan terpercaya – yang dibuktikan dengan meningkatnya kualitas dan kuantitas peserta pameran dan pengunjung pameran 19th Education & Training Expo berlangsung selama 4 hari mulai tanggal 11-14 Pebruari 2010 bertempat di Assembly Hall JCC dan diikuti oleh institusi pendidikan tinggi dan lembaga pelatihan terkemuka dan favorit dari Jabodetabek dan daerah-daerah di Indonesia meliputi: PTN, PTS, Kedinasan, Keagamaan, Badan Diklat dan lembaga keterampilan/ kursus

Facebook Fellowship Program

Every day Facebook confronts the most complex technical problems and we believe that close relationships with the academy will enable us to address many of these problems at a fundamental level and solve them. As part of our ongoing commitment to academic relations, we are pleased to announce the creation of the Facebook Fellowship program to support graduate students in the 2010-2011 school year. We are interested in a wide range of academic topics, including the following topical areas: Internet Economics:  auction theory and algorithmic game theory relevant to online advertising auctions. Cloud Computing:  storage, databases, and optimization for computing in a massively distributed environment. Social Computing:  models, algorithms and systems around social networks, social media, social search and collaborative environments. Data Mining and Machine Learning:  learning algorithms, feature generation, and evaluation methods to produce effective online and of...