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YouTube Fasilitasi Pengakuan Dosa Tiger Woods

Sejumlah event besar telah diboyong YouTube ke hadapan para peselancar dunia maya melalui live video feed. Dari panggung politik saat inaugurasi Presiden Barack Obama hingga panggung musik konser band U2. Dan kini, waktunya penikmat olahraga untuk menyaksikan 'come back' dari pegolf terkenal Tiger Woods. Namun kehadirannya TIger bukan untuk bertanding, ia ingin membuat konferensi pers terkait perselingkuhannya. Ya, YouTube akan menyajikan semacam acara pengakuan dosa pegolf nomor satu dunia tersebut secara live streaming. Ditayangkan pada hari Jumat pagi pukul 8 waktu setempat, di sini pengunjung bisa menyaksikan permintaan maaf Woods kepada publik atas kasus perselingkuhan yang telah menghancurkan reputasinya tersebut.

Facebook’s Zero: A Forthcoming Lightweight Mobile Web Site

As more and more people use Facebook from locations around the world with poor internet and mobile data connections, the company has been trying to customize its products to better reach them. The latest move is a not-yet-launched mobile site called Zero, that Facebook plans to fully introduce in the coming weeks. Facebook executive Chamath Palihapitiya mentioned a little about it at the Mobile World Congress happening now in Barcelona, Spain. While he didn’t provide many details, TechCrunch’s Robin Wauters gleaned a few, and took the top screenshot: “it’s basically a text-only version of the Facebook service that carriers can offer to their subscribers at no charge. If a user then decides to switch from text-only to multimedia (e.g. view photos from their friends), mobile operators can start charging them for ‘premium’ data service.”

Google Beli Layanan Sosial Search Aardvark

Raksasa internet Google telah membeli Aardvark, layanan social search yang khusus didesain untuk menjawab pertanyaan dari penggunanya. Aardvark akan meneruskan pertanyaan tersebut ke layanan jejaring sosial dan memilih jawaban yang tepat. "Saya bisa mengkonfirmasi bahwa kami telah menandatangani kesepakatan dengan Google," pendiri dan kepala teknologi Aardvark Damon Horowitz dalam emailnya kepada AFP seperti dilansir Antara. Namun, pihaknya tidak dapat berkomentar lebih jauh soal akuisisi tersebut. Blog teknologi terkemuka TechCrunch memperkirakan harga pembelian itu tak kurang dari 50 juta dollar AS.

Amazing Pencil Printer & Eraser Saves Trees

  Amazing Pencil Printer & Eraser The paperless office that was promised back in the last century never happened, and despite our increased use of the Internet and electronic gadgets, plus the endless little green pleas about saving the environment on the signature of nearly every corporate email, we still love to print stuff out.

Google's Display-Ad Sales Should Top $1 Billion

Google CEO Eric Schmidt hinted in July that display advertising would probably be the next of his company's businesses to generate $1 billion in sales. Analysts say 2010 is the year he'll deliver on that prediction. Display ads are likely to contribute a little more than $1 billion, or about 4% of Google's (GOOG) total sales this year—an increase of as much 40% over last year—say analysts, including Doug Anmuth at Barclays Capital. That marks an important threshold for Mountain View (Calif.)-based Google, which makes most of its sales from ads placed alongside search results and which has been criticized for not getting more revenue from other businesses. Demand for display ads, which include marketing messages in videos and banner ads adorning Web pages, may rise faster this year than for search-related ads, according to eMarketer. "You have to go somewhere else to get the next legs of growth," says Jim Friedland, an analyst at Cowen & Co.

Tiga Alasan Facebook Salip Google

Perusahaan jejaring sosial yang awalnya hanya untuk melayani mahasiswa kampus Havard AS, itu telah menjadi perusahaan web terbesar ketiga di dunia, demikian The Atlantic edisi Februari 2010. Mengutip laporan TechCrunch, The Atlantic menyebutkan perkembangan Facebook mencapai tingkat yang mencengangkan. Facebook diprediksi bakal menyalip Yahoo tahun depan, dalam hal "pengunjung unik" bulanan. (unique visitors). Itu akan menempatkan situs tersebut di antara Google dan Microsoft. Lebih dari itu, model iklan Facebook yang terus berkembang dan perannya sebagai platform distribusi berita (news-sharing), sungguh menjanjikan.

Ini Dia, Selebriti Internet 2010

Majalah Forbes merilis daftar tahunan berisi para pesohor internet. Mereka jadi selebritas bukan karena sering nampang di depan kamera, namun karena pengaruhnya di jagad maya. Untuk daftar berikut, Forbes melibatkan Google guna mengukur sosok yang paling sering dirujuk di website, Alexa untuk melihat ranking trafik homepage mereka, serta Factiva untuk memantau penyebutan nama di TV atau radio. Kemudian, penghitungan terakhir dilihat dari jumlah follower di Twitter. Hasil yang didapat, pendiri blog gosip Mario Lavandeira ada di posisi puncak. Situsnya bernama Perez Hilton yang ia juluki sebagai "situs paling dibenci di Hollywood" memang menjadi situs yang kontroversial.

TechCrunch Officially Hacked

Popular technology blog  Techcrunch  has been hacked and is currently down with all but a message noting that the site has indeed been compromised. The blog has experienced frequent downtime of late but as have other blogs who host on  Rackspace  including,  Mashable  and  The Inquisitr  – we fortunately aren’t (we’re with  Slicehost , owned by Rackspace interestingly enough). This case appears different however with other blogs remaining live and Techcrunch admitting they had been targeted with a message that reads: