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How to Measure Distances via Distance Measurement Tool in Google Maps

Users especially those in the land surveying field might need to do distance measurement between two or more places from the map from time to time. Instead of using a measurement scale ruler, Google Maps Labs has added another feature, Distance Measurement Tool, to help users to do instant measuring in Google Maps. Users are given various options to choose different measurement units, e.g. metric, foot, inch, etc to measure direct distance from one point to another on the map. To activate this measurement tool, users just need to go to Google Maps Labs settings, enable the Distance Measurement Tool feature and save the changes. Once this feature is activated, users will notice a tiny ruler icon located at the left bottom corner of the map. Users just need to click on the ruler icon and they will be able to use the Distance Measurement Tool immediately. Users can click on “I’m feeling geeky” to select their preferred measure unit from the long list of measurement units offered.

Google Launched Encrypted Web Search

Google launched encrypted web search service on Friday and they are going to roll it out for all of their services eventually. If you want to avail this option , type "" at their browser so that the words and phrases they search on, and the results that Google displays, will be protected from any unauthorized intrusion.The new beta service will be available worldwide in the next few days. Google is the first search engine that offered privacy protected feature. AOL, Yahoo or Microsoft do not. If you choose the secure option, it is going to provide the encryption only for Web searches and not for other types of searches, like Image Search and Maps etc. The encryption protects only data that travels between an your browser and the Google search server. When people click on a search result, they go through the encrypted channel and are directed to another Web site. The encrypted connections to means that users in China and other regimes where ...

Ponsel Android Terbaru Dilengakapi Satelit Navigasi

Google Maps pada ponsel Android terbaru kini memiliki fitur satelit navigasi. Raksasa mesin pencarian tersebut merilis update layanan mapping untuk ponsel Android sehingga memudahkan penggunanya menemukan sebuah lokasi. Layanan yang masih dalam versi beta tersebut, untuk saat ini bisa didapatkan secara gratis. Versi terbaru Google Maps ini kompatibel dengan semua ponsel yang dijalankan dengan OS Android versi 1.6 ke atas seperti Motorola Milestone, HTC Desire atau Nexus One. Menurut Telegraph, ketika pengguna mencari arah yang ditujunya, opsi 'Navigate' kini muncul pada layar ponsel. Jika diterima, ponsel kemudian mengunduh semua rute jalan. Ini berarti penerima data atau sinyal tidak penting untuk keseluruhan durasi. Double-tap pada layar juga memperbesar gambar Street View Google jika sinyal data tersedia.

Samsung Galaxy: Another Android Blasts Off

  IT'S getting harder and harder to keep up with all the latest Android mobile phone launches. They are like buses. You wait ages for one, and then about six come along at once. Hot on the heels of the Sony Ericsson X10, LG's first in the GW620, HTC and its Legend and Desire plus Samsung's own Galaxy Portal now comes this beauty. Again it's a Samsung. Again it's a Galaxy but this is codenamed the S and we've no idea why. It's hardly catchy.

Four Very Useful iPhone Apps

The following are some of the best applications available for iPhone users in accordance with their usefulness.

Google vs Facebook 'Oh Hell'

Social-networking star Facebook surpassed Google to become the most visited website in the United States for the first time last week, industry analysts showed. Facebook’s homepage finished the week ending March 13 as the most visited site in the country, according to industry tracker Hitwise. The “important milestone,” as described by Hitwise director of research Heather Dougherty, came as Facebook enjoyed a massive 185 percent increase in visits in the same period, compared to the same week in 2009. By comparison, visits to search engine home increased only nine percent in the same time — although the tracker does not include Google property sites such as the popular Gmail email service, YouTube and Google Maps.

Google Tambah Fitur Peta Jalur Sepeda

Bagi Anda pengguna kendaraan ramah lingkungan seperti sepeda, kini tidak perlu pusing lagi mencari jalur khusus sepeda. Pasalnya, perusahaan situs pencari terbesar di dunia, Google, terus menambah fasilitas untuk mempermudah kebutuhan para penggunanya, tak terkecuali para pengguna sepeda, dengan menambahkan fitur peta jalur sepeda dengan pilihan pemetaan online terbaru. Petunjuk arah jalur sepeda baru akan tersedia di sistem pemetaan "Google Maps", mulai dari Rabu (10/3). Dalam enam bulan terakhir, Google berkonsentrasi pada layanan pemetaan sehingga dapat merekomendasikan rute sepeda mulai dari bukit-bukit besar hingga ke jalan-jalan padat. Melengkapi petunjuk arah yang sebelumnya telah tersedia bagi pengendara dan pejalan kaki, petunjuk arah jalur sepeda awalnya baru akan tersedia untuk jalur sepeda di Amerika Serikat. Fitur terbaru Google ini dapat digunakan di jalur sepeda yang ada di lebih dari 150 kota. Petunjuk jalur sepeda memang telah tersedia di beberapa situs...

‘Ningen’ Makhluk Antartika Yang Menyerupai Manusia

Selama beberapa tahun terakhir, desas-desus telah beredar di Jepang tentang keberadaan raksasa bentuk kehidupan humanoid yang menghuni perairan es Antartika. Dilaporkan diamati berkali-kali oleh anggota awak kapal pemerintah yang melakukan “penelitian paus”, ini disebut “ Ningen ” (lit. “manusia“) dikatakan sepenuhnya berwarna putih dengan panjang sekitar 20 hingga 30 meter.

Rekam Pria Setengah Bugil, Google Dikecam

Layanan peta online Google Street View sudah sering menuai protes. Tayangan yang diumbar seringkali dianggap melanggar privasi warga, seperti yang terjadi di negara Finlandia. Dikutip detikINET dari TheRegister, Jumat (12/2/2010), otoritas di Finlandia menggeber penyelidikan dugaan pelanggaran privasi kelas berat di Google Street View. Pelanggaran dimaksud terkait penayangan gambar seorang pria tak bercelana di layanan Google ini. Sang pria ini sedang asyik bersantai di rumahnya yang berlokasi di daerah Raahe, Finlandia. Tidak dijelaskan mengapa ia duduk di sebuah kursi tanpa memakai celana. Namun yang pasti, pria tersebut tidak sadar bahwa ia tengah direkam oleh Google dan gambar setengah telanjangnya itu kemudian bisa diakses di seluruh dunia via layanan Street View.

Mappy Holidays!

Google Streetview Only Blurred Out Faces

Track Santa Online With Google Earth

It's that time of year again: the Northern  American Aerospace Defense Command  (NORAD) is partnering with  Google  to track Santa, so all the world's good boys and girls can follow along online. This is not just an opportunity for you and your kids to see how close Santa is to your house, but it's also a chance to teach your children a little something about the world. Use the  Google Earth  Browser Plug-in Santa began his annual journey at 2 a.m. ET on Thursday, and Google and NORAD have developed many different ways to keep tabs on the jolly old elf this season. One of the best ways to do so is through the  Google Earth Web browser plug-in  available for Windows and  Mac OS X  users. On Windows, the plug-in works with Google Chrome,  Internet Explorer 6  or higher, Firefox 2.0 or higher, and Flock. Mac users can use the plug-in with Safari and Firefox 3.0 or higher and some Chromium builds. Google Chrome for Mac does not...