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Top Ten Largest Deserts

10. Kara-Kum Desert, Uzbekistan / Turkmenistan The Karakum Desert, also spelled Kara-Kum and Gara Gum is a desert in Central Asia. It occupies about 70 percent, or 350,000 km², of the area of Turkmenistan. Covering much of present day Turkmenistan, the Karakum Desert lies east of the Caspian Sea, with the Aral Sea to the north and the Amu Darya river and the Kyzyl Kum desert to the northeast. In modern times, with the shrinking of the Aral Sea, the extended “Aral Karakum” has appeared on the former seabed, with an estimated area of 15,440 sq. The sands of the Aral Karakum are made up of a salt-marsh consisting of finely-dispersed evaporites and remnants of alkaline mineral deposits, washed into the basin from irrigated fields. The dusts blown on a powerful east-west airstream carry pesticide residues that have been found in the blood of penguins in Antarctica.

Top 500 Valuable Brands in Business World

List of Top 500 valuable brands in business world. 1. Walmart 2. Google 3. Coca-Cola 4. IBM 5. Microsoft 6. GE 7. Vodafone 8. HSBC 9. HP 10. Toyota

Top Ten Richest People in 2010

Mukesh Ambani is ranked fourth among the World's top 10 billionaires by the Forbes Magazine with total assets worth $29 billion followed by another Indian, steel tycoon L N Mittal, who ranked fifth with a total value of $28.7 billion. The Forbes Billionaires list for 2010 has witnessed Mexican Carlo Slim surpassing Bill Gates and Warrant Buffett to be the richest man on the earth. Slim's total worth rose $18.5 billion during the year to an estimated $53.5 billion, the Forbes Magazine said. Gates remained second with a fortune of $53 billion. Apart from Reliance Industries Chairman Mukesh Ambani and Head of ArcelorMittal L N Mittal, there were four other Indian tycoons in the top 50 list and 49 others in the complete list of 1,011 billionaires. The four Indian businessmen, besides Ambani and Mittal, in the top 50 list are Azim Premji (ranked: 28, worth: $17 billion), Sashi Ruia and Ravi Ruia (ranked: 40, worth: $13 billion), and Savitri Jindal (ranked: 44, worth: $12.2 billi...

Koleksi Poster Tentang Infographic

World's Largest Plane 04 (Russian Antonov 225)

Top Ten: Negara-negara Yang Tidak Diakui

Sebuah micronation atau negara mini adalah mereka yang menyatakan dirinya negara berdaulat.  Meskipun mereka mengklaim kedaulatan dan sering tidak dicampuri oleh lembaga pemerintah yang lebih besar, namun mereka tidak diakui sebagai negara merdeka resmi (ini yang membedakan mereka dari negara mikro seperti Vatikan atau Singapura). Terdapat sejumlah alasan seseorang mungkin memulai micronation: sebagai lelucon, sebagai bentuk seni, untuk tujuan protes, sebagai percobaan politik atau hukum, atau bahkan untuk melakukan kegiatan kriminal. Sering kali permainan kata-kata hukum yang aneh atau pemanfaatan celah-celah hukum memberikan micronations ini status hukum yang unik. Inilah negara-negara yang unik, aneh dan lucu itu.

Obama: One Year On

Photo: World Beard and Moustache Championships

To be held in Trondheim, Norway, on May 14, 2011, the World Beard and Moustache Championships is a big deal. A BIG DEAL. Apparently, the United States is the ‘world’s new facial hair super power, having captured twelve world championship titles out of eighteen categories plus overall at the World Beard and Moustache Championships in Anchorage, Alaska in 2009′. So if you have a good handlebar, if you can connect the dots, then the next major event in the ‘ sport of bearding will be the Beard Team USA Nationals in Bend, Oregon on June 5, 2010, where $5000 in cash prizes will go to best beards and moustaches in the USA’. [self-portrait photo by Eric Harvey Brown ]

Mappy Holidays!

World Map of Social Networks

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