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PCs are Going to be Touch Screen by the Year 2015

As per the recent report by Gartner, although, touch screen devices started to come in the market in 2010, but, its adoption in Enterprise Market is still very slow. Nevertheless, the research firm predicted that 50 p.c. PCs will be touchscreen by the end of the year 2015. "What we're going to see is the younger generation beginning to use touchscreen computers ahead of enterprises. We expect more than 50 per cent of PCs purchased for users under the age of 15 to have touchscreens, up from fewer than 2 per cent in 2009," said Leslie Fiering, research vice president at Gartner. At the same time, she predicted that less than 10 per cent of PCs sold to enterprises in 2015 are going to have touchscreen. The release of smartphone like Apple iPhone and the very recent launch of iPad made touch screen based devices very popular across the users worldwide. Gartner further predicts that the smartphone users will want to extend their touch based experience in their PCs too. Ma...

What is Chinese New Year?

Chinese New Year is the beginning of the new year in the traditional Chinese lunar calendar. Because the lunar new year does not coincide with January 1st (unlike the solar calendar, which you might be more familiar with), the date of the celebration usually falls in late January or early February, and continues for fifteen days. There are different activities and traditions that take place on certain days of the celebration. The day before the New Year is a time for cleaning the house in order to prepare for a fresh start. An elaborate dinner is cooked and eaten at midnight, at which time fireworks and firecrackers are set off all over town! New Years Day itself is a day for spending time with (and paying respect to) the most senior members of the family, such as grandparents. The third day of the new year is a day for visiting friends, but is also a day to pay respect to ancestors by praying and tending to the graves of family members who have passed on. The fifth day of the new ...

Google's 2010 New Year Secret Easter Egg

Google does not just have a new Logo today (Jan 1st 2010), they have  a secret goodie for everyone . They have done this before, but this is by far the most epic one yet! If you go to  Google  and click the "I'm feeling lucky" button without typing anything into the searchbox, you will get an explosive supprize! Happy new year!

New Year's Eve

A young woman celebrates New Year's Eve in Vienna, Austria with some sparklers. Georg Hochmuth/EPA

Tahun Baru Masehi: Sejarah Kelam Penghapusan Jejak Islam

Dalam beberapa hari ke depan, tahun 2009 akan segera berganti, dan tahun 2010 akan menjelang. Ini tahun baru Masehi, tentu saja, karena tahun baru Hijriyah telah terjadi satu pekan yang lalu. Bagi kita orang Islam, ada apa dengan tahun baru Masehi? Sejarah Tahun Baru Masehi Tahun Baru pertama kali dirayakan pada tanggal 1 Januari 45 SM. Tidak lama setelah Julius Caesar dinobatkan sebagai kaisar Roma, ia memutuskan untuk mengganti penanggalan tradisional Romawi yang telah diciptakan sejak abad ketujuh SM. Dalam mendesain kalender baru ini, Julius Caesar dibantu oleh Sosigenes, seorang ahli astronomi dari Iskandariyah, yang menyarankan agar penanggalan baru itu dibuat dengan mengikuti revolusi matahari, sebagaimana yang dilakukan orang-orang Mesir.

Be A Better Man In 2010

It isn’t just the end of a year; it’s the end of a decade. And a pretty significant decade at that. Ten years ago, it was New Year’s Eve 2000! You were dancing to Prince and laughing off the threat of Y2K (even if you were secretly a little apprehensive about it) and the party rocked all night long. Then you woke up into a hangover and a Bloody Mary and a fresh new year. Then that year flew by, and nine more years after it, and now here we are: New Year’s Eve 2010. We live in a culture that prizes youth, and because of this, we’re conditioned for nostalgia. We see the time that’s behind us as time lost, full of opportunities that are now lost too. And at the end of a decade, we feel it tenfold. Well, at AM we say: Enough! Enough sniffling over what could have been. It’s time for a mind-shift. And here’s how we’re going to initiate it: take the closest piece of paper and on it write down three things that you’ve accomplished since that New Year's Eve party 10 years ago. Maybe you ...

Top 10: New Year's Resolutions All Men Should Make

As 2010 looms ever larger, inevitably many of us will indulge in a bit of navel gazing. We will look at our flaws, faults, bad habits, and failed ambitions, and resolve to do better in the future. While we all know New Year’s resolutions are far easier to make than they are to keep, it doesn’t stop us from promising ourselves a more successful, more productive and happier year than the last one.

Taylor Swift's Big, Amazing Year

Her CMA nomination for entertainer of the year caps off a wild 2009 for country's new reigning princess.

New Islamic Year 1431 H

The lunar Islamic calendar does not align with the Gregorian calendar. Next week, the Islamic calendar will turn from year 1430 to year 1431 H. Muslims measure the passage of time using the Islamic (Hijrah) calendar. This calendar has twelve lunar months, the beginnings and endings of which are determined by the sighting of the crescent moon. Years are counted since the Hijrah, which is when the Prophet Muhammad migrated from Mecca to Madinah (approximately July 622 A.D.). Source :

A statement on the first of Muharram 1431 H

Fadlullah: The first of the month of Muharram is on Friday 18/12/2009. His Eminence, the Religious Authority Sayyed Muhammad Hussein Fadlullah, declared that Friday 18/12/1009 A.D. is the first of the month of Muharram and the beginning of the New Hijri Year 1431. Therefore, Sunday 27/12/2009 A.D. is the first day of Ashura, and Ashura ceremonies will be held, starting from the eve of Thursday 17/12/2009 A.D. under the auspices of His Eminence at the Imamain Al-Hassanain (a.s.) Mosque in Haret Hreik at 7:00 p.m.