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15 Teen Idols: Then and Now

There are certain stars who burst into the limelight at a young age, become excessively famous, worshiped and paid more than most of could dream to make in a lifetime. They usually wind up as idols for teens and pre-teens across the globe, who likely grow up along with them, watching intently along the way. Some of these stars fade into the background of Hollywood noise, and some manage to last through it all, well into adulthood. Some even manage a comeback — though whether it’s a good thing or not is always up in the air. For many, it’s just plain bad , while others pull it off with style. These are 15 of America’s teen idols of the past, and where they are now. Mario Lopez Images: Source , Source Mario Lopez has plagued television since 1989, when he played his only fitting role as AC Slater in Saved By the Bell . After the show finally ended sometime in the mid-nineties, he floundered around Hollywood while trying to somewhat successfully play the stud card his character was known...

Melody Prima Ananda Artis Pendatang Baru

Melody Prima Ananda Divia atau akrab disapa Moudy lahir di Jakarta pada tanggal 18 Januari 1995 merupakan seorang aktris berkebangsaan Indonesia. Dia pertama kali bermain di sinetron utamanya seperti Dia Bukan Cinderella saat dia diperankan sebagai Amanda. Cewek dengan tinggi 168 cm ini punya hobi adalah akting, bernyanyi, modeling dan menari.

Foto: Aura Kasih

Bintang Porno Jepang Topless di Film Indonesia

Bintang film porno asal Jepang, Rin Sakuragi akan tampil di film garapan Maxima 'Suster Keramas'. Di film bergenre horor komedi itu, Rin melakoni adegan syur. Di trailer film 'Suster Keramas', Rin terlihat tengah menanggalkan pakaian di depan dua pemain pria. "Adegan itu merupakan adegan ketika beberapa anak berimajinasi nakal," ujar Odi Mulya Hidayat, pihak Maxima saat bincang-bincang dengan detikhot di Pasar Festival, Kuningan, Jakarta Selatan, Selasa (15/12/2009).

Blogs Worth A Thousand Words

If a picture is worth a thousand words, then a photo blog is worth a few million at the very least. Photo blogs are widely used by amateur and professional photographers, travel bloggers, artists and many others as an easy way to share their work with millions of viewers worldwide. Attractive, contemporary and often minimalistic blog themes are used to frame the shots and make them stand out on the page.