Image via Wikipedia Ambassador Kishan S. Rana writes: The release of 250,000 diplomatic 'cables' (a lovely, quaint term) by the US diplomatic system has produced some shock-waves and a vast outpouring of comment. Of course, some faces, belonging to those that acted with indiscretion are red; some political figures are hurt that behind their backs, they are seen in unflattering terms - but is that really so unusual; a few that indiscreetly shared with US diplomats information they should not have given out are truly embarrassed - and one senior official heading the German Foreign Minister's office has reportedly resigned; and the media have had a field day with lots of schadenfreude . US officials have spoken of grave danger to the system of inter-state exchanges; one reads that Secretary of State Hilary Clinton has telephoned a dozen or more high foreign personalities to apologise for the disclosures. But is diplomacy, as a process of confidential communication between a...
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