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Cara Memblokir Konten Berbau Negatif

Sistem pengelolaan database terpusat pada server DNS memundahkan pengontrolan situs negatif. Server ini hadir untuk mengurangi kecemasan orang tua pada anak-anak mereka atas maraknya video tak senonoh yang melibatkan artis-artis papan atas. Sejak merebaknya kasus itu, banyak orang termasuk anak-anak dan remaja dibuat penasaran. Warnet-warnet dikabarkan penuh dengan pengunjung yang mencari situs yang menyediakan unduhan film itu. Untuk menyaring konten-konten yang tak senonoh, pengguna internet bisa memanfaatkan tools Nawala Project (DNS Nawala) besutan Asosiasi Warung Internet Indonesia (Awari), yang bebas digunakan oleh siapa saja. Bahkan baru-baru ini pengurus Awari (asosiasi warung internet Indonesia) juga menghimbau para pemilik warnet untuk memanfaatkan tool ini. Menyadari sepenuhnya bahwa rekaman video negatif yang marak diberikan seminggu terakhir ini adalah satu bentuk kandungan negatif internet yang terlarang untuk diakses melalu warnet (warung internet). Atas kesadaran ...

Wikipedia Down: Affects Millions Worldwide

Today millions of people need to access the World Wide Web on a daily basis and the email and search related services are required by them every now and then. That explains why the breakdown of such services can put a stop to their workflow and activities. Yesterday, the wiki users got a taste of the service breakdown and the Wikipedia site problem took the users by surprise. The Wiki site is accessed by millions of users for various purposes and they saw red when the site could not be accessed. It took them a while to understand what was going on. Later, the confusion was clear and the users got to know that the breakdown was triggered by a server overheating problem. The Wikipedia European Data center got overheated and a number of Wiki servers closed down the service to stop damage to the data bank. This problem resulted in a DNS resolution failure which thwarted the attempts of the Wiki team that was trying to divert the traffic to other running servers. The users who got a '...

Google Loses Groovle Domain Name Dispute

Google has lost in its attempt to prevent a Canadian Website from using the domain name The National Arbitration Forum (NAF), which is accredited by Internet overseer ICANN, has dismissed Google's complaint against operator 207 Media. The complaint was filed in November. Google had objected to the site's domain name, arguing that it was "confusingly similar" to its Google trademark., founded by Canadians Jacob Fuller and Ryan Fitzgibbon in 2007, provides Internet start pages that people can customize with their own photos. The three-person NAF panel agreed with 207 Media that the name of its site was sufficiently different to avoid confusion with Google. "Accordingly, it is ordered that the domain name remain with respondent," the panel said in its decision.

Serangan Besar Lumpuhkan Internet

Serangan yang ditujukan ke penyedia server DNS melumpuhkan beberapa perusahaan e-commerce besar. Serangan itu terjadi saat menjelang Natal yang krusial. Neustar, perusahaan yang menyediakan layanan DNS, UltraDNS mengkonfirmasi adanya serangan yang mengambil alih situs dan membuat layanan menjadi lambat. Perwakilan perusahaan mangatakan, serangan itu memang ditujukan langsung ke fasilitas Neustar di Palo Alto dan San Jose, California.

Twitter Hacked by 'Iranian Cyber Army'

Microblogging site Twitter has been hacked by a group of protesters calling themselves the Iranian Cyber Army. The attack forced Twitter offline for more than an hour overnight, leaving Twitter users unable to log on to the service or send tweets. Visitors to were automatically redirected to another web page, which displayed a green flag and English and Arabic writing.