Bloggers be ready to work with the newest version of Wordpress. Because the much anticipated Wordpress 3.0 is now ready for download and upgrade. Its been the hard work of 218 contributors for nearly half a year that make it possible for Wordpress to unveil the latest version of Wordpress codename as "Thelonious". As you know Wordpress is a powerful platform for blogging with full of features. Be it micro-blogging or personal blogs or a multi-blog corporate house, Wordpress has spread its wings everywhere. Wordpress is free and completely customizable. You can build and manage multiple sites using thousands of plugins, widgets, and themes available in Wordpress. The revelation of Wordpress 3.0 has created much excitement among millions of its users. They are searching for the new features of Wordpress 3.0. Lets delve into whats the major changes or new features has been adopted in WordPress 3.0.
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