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Twitter Hack Lets You Force People To Follow You

Gizmodo stumbled onto an amazing hole in Twitter that allowed you to have anyone you want following you. It looks like Twitter has shut this down after word of the hole spread across...Twitter. Here's how it worked. Log in to Twitter. Type "accept 'username'" Hit "Tweet" In "username" put in who you want. We went with Conan O'Brien because he said over the weekend, " If it ever says I’m following more than one person, I’ve been hacked. I’m a completely monogamous Twitterer—I only follow Sarah Killen." And Boom! It worked for us. Apparently it also worked for 379 other people! Conan is following 380 people now. While we were writing this post it seems Twitter closed the hole. As a result of what Twitter is doing, it knocked the number of followers and following to 0 for all users. You still get the Tweets from people that are following you though.

Yahoo’s Email Account in China Was Hacked

According to a Beijing-based press association, the email accounts of foreign journalists in China and Taiwan got hacked. Recently, Google got into a row with Chinese authorities because Gmail accounts based China have been hacked. The Foreign Correspondents' Club of China (FCCC) reported eight cases of hacking of Yahoo Email accounts in China. The company condemned this Cyber attack. A reporter of Irish Times complained that he got an error message while he tried to log into Yahoo. FCCC charged Yahoo for not giving the user about the information of possible cyberattack. Yahoo has not answered the FCCC's questions about the attacks, nor has it told individual mail users how the accounts were accessed," a spokesman told the news agency.

Jika Twitter Sudah Terjangkit Phishing Attack

Today there's a phishing run underway in Twitter, using Direct Messages ("DMs"). These are private one-to-one Tweets inside Twitter. The messages look like these:

How to Get Back Hacked Facebook Account

These days there are many ways a facebook account can be hacked easily and many people are falling victims to these hackers. Its very easy to get trapped by hackers, they use more sophisticated  methods to do it. And are you in such a situation? Did some one hacked your facebook account ? There should be any thing to worry if it is yes. Before losing hope there are some things that can be done to get your Hacked Face Book Account Back. First of all you can try resetting your account password on facebook. But this could help only in rare cases, because most hackers are intelligent and they surely will have changed the default email address. But if some body have accidentally (though the chances are extremely narrow) logged into your account and has changed only the password of your face book account, this might help you in recovering your account password and gain access to your compromised account.

Nge-Hack Akun Facebook Itu Sangat Mudah

Perkembangan dunia teknologi informasi saat ini sangatlah begitu pesat. Hal ini dilihat dari semakin banyaknya orang dari berbagai penjuru di dunia menggunakan berbagai media terkini sebagai alat komunikasi mereka, namun hal ini juga sering dimanfaatkan orang-orang yang tidak bertanggung jawab untuk melakukan kejahatannya. Salah satu bentuk tindakan melawan hukum itu adalah meng-hacking email atau jaringan komputer orang lain. Yang terbaru adalah para hacker saat ini sudah mengincar akun para pengguna facebook.

Top 11 Windows 7 Hacks You Must Know

If you are looking for Windows 7 hacks, I am sure you can finds loads of them on web. What matters is, how many of them are really important. Do you think unlocking the Taskbar in Windows 7 is something very exciting? Obviously, not for the majority of users its nothing cool. Instead if you are interested in Windows 7 Hack that can help you to get rid of expiry date, remove watermark, or disable send feedback link then my article can surely help you out. I organized a set Top 11 Windows 7 Hack You Must Know. This list includes some of the handy posts on Windows 7 hacks in our blog. I have also provided the sources where you can find the hacks.

Kasus Kejahatan: Kecurangan Bisnis Hosting

"Hentikan iklan Adwords Ass Hole...!!!"

Situs Di-hack, Anggota Dewan Saling Tuding

Serangan terhadap situs di Amerika Serikat kembali terjadi, bahkan korban yang jatuh mencapai 49 situs milik anggota dewan AS. Dan pelaku yang bertanggung jawab terhadap aksi meretas tersebut adalah hacker asal Brasil. Ke-49 situs milik anggota dewan AS (House of Representative) dibobol peretas asal Brasil, setelah pidato kenegeraan pertama Presiden Barack Obama di depan anggota dewan selesai dibacakan. Para pembobol sukses mengubah tampilan situs tersebut dengan latar belakang putih dan sebuah pesan yang ditujukan kepada Obama karena kebijakan yang diambilnya.

TechCrunch Officially Hacked

Popular technology blog  Techcrunch  has been hacked and is currently down with all but a message noting that the site has indeed been compromised. The blog has experienced frequent downtime of late but as have other blogs who host on  Rackspace  including,  Mashable  and  The Inquisitr  â€“ we fortunately aren’t (we’re with  Slicehost , owned by Rackspace interestingly enough). This case appears different however with other blogs remaining live and Techcrunch admitting they had been targeted with a message that reads:

Microsoft Confirms 17-year-old Windows Bug

Microsoft late yesterday issued its second advisory of the last week, warning users that a 17-year-old bug in the kernel of all 32-bit versions of Windows could be used by hackers to hijack PCs.