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Menampilkan postingan dengan label Citizen Journalism

The Senior Citizen Embraces the Internet

I just heard words I never expected to hear from my mother: “Well, why don’t you just email it to me as an attachment?” This is a woman who owned, and presumably used, her computer for 3 years before she discovered she could minimize a window! Now, lo and behold, she’s almost, dare I say, becoming comfortable with using that amazing machine in her study. Like my mother, more and more senior citizens are utilizing their computers beyond playing their favorite card games. They are discovering that the Internet can connect them, cheaply and easily, to friends old and new. Grandparents can stay more in tune with little Josh’s first steps or Hannah’s piano recital when proud parents send pictures and video clips. Far-flung families can post regular updates and accomplishments on personal blogs or websites (made simple and almost professional looking with a free application like WordPress). Voice Over Internet Providers and cell phone packages have made even the simple act of keeping in to...

How To Use Twitter Correctly

Well, that’s quite easy. Since Twitter is free to use and available in every country in the world, you can just register and post tweets, engage in superficial internet relationships which require little or no investment. However, there’s more than that in Twitter. In this article, we’ll try to have some insight on how to use the famous 140-character micro blogging service correctly, as well as introduce you to basic vocabulary every Twitter should know. Before you start Tweeting, here’s the basic vocabulary of Twitter: To ‘follow’ someone means to subscribe to another users’ tweets, or follow to subscribe from them. You may want to follow only followorthy users as they give you more valuable content than the others. To Retweet or RT means to re-tweet tweets tweeted by other twitters, this can help you a lot, as it shows that you don’t care to put yourself in front of others. You can also send Direct Messages (DM) to other users; they can only be seen by the users you send them to....

Wimax Bisa Memacu Jurnalisme Generasi Baru

Kecanggihan teknologi informasi, terutama internet, kini telah memicu lahirnya jurnalisme baru, yaitu citizen journalism. Nah, dalam waktu beberapa tahun ke depan, diyakini bakal muncul bentuk jurnalisme yang baru akibat kemunculan Wimax. Kok? Seperti yang diungkap dosen ilmu teknologi informasi Institut Teknologi Harapan Bangsa (ITHB), Bandung, Tunggul Arief Nugroho, akhir pekan lalu, kehadiran Wimax nantinya bahkan bisa menggantikan fungsi alat Satellite News Gathering (SNG) yang biasa dipakai stasiun teve untuk menayangkan siaran langsung dari sebuah peristiwa.