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10 Ways to Protect Your Facebook Account from Facebook Hackers

Facebook suffers from a number of security issues. Users can run into serious risk in case they are not careful. What's more important is that users should be able to protect his/her own profile form these viruses than that for Facebook developers itself has some of the viruses or an attempt to hack your profile. The number of facebook account hacking seems to be on the increase and this page is in response to a friend who asked what to do after her account is hacked. Any online account is in danger of being hacked. With its unique features the risk of hacking aggravates. To help you out in protecting your Facebook account we have assembled a list of top 10 Facebook accounts from Facebook Hackers. 1. Proper Facebook login Avoid clicking on any URL in email or other documentation to open Facebook Login page. Go to the Facebook page and enter login details to access the account. Try to redirect clicks in most common way to hack Facebook account and it might be easily a...

Hacker Serang Sistem Dukungan Windows XP

Penjahat teknologi tinggi meningkatkan serangan terhadap sebuah bug unpatched (celah error yang belum diatasi) pada Help & Support System Windows XP (sistem bantuan dan dukungan Windows XP). Pihak Microsoft mengatakan telah melihat lebih dari 10 ribu mesin terkena serangan itu, sejauh ini, belum ditemukan untuk memperbaiki. PC Windows yang menjadi korban serangan itu akan bisa dikendalikan oleh penyerang. Microsoft mengatakan serangan itu baik secara teori maupun nyata bisa menghilang dengan sangat cepat dan mendorong pengguna untuk mengambil langkah-langkah melindungi diri sendiri.

Apple Mendesain Ulang Mac Mini

Apple selalu mendesain fitur-fitur hemat ruang dan memiliki teknologi yang sangat berkualitas. Di musim semi ini, bagi Anda pecinta produk berlogo apel tergigit, siap-siap menyediakan budget sebesar US$699 untuk mendapatkan salah satu produk fenomenal di tahun 2010 ini. Desain terbaru dari Mac Mini lebih tipis dan lebih ringan untuk ukuran PC. New Mac Mini yang memiliki ukuran 1.4″ tinggi x 7.7″ lebar x 7.7″ ketebalan dan sangat ringan sekali, yaitu hanya 3 lbs saja. Ini merupakan ukuran yang paling fantastik untuk sebuah PC bukan?

Google to Roll Out Android 2.2 for Nexus One

Apparently, Google is starting to roll out the Android 2.2 Froyo update to Nexus One devices. According to Vice President for Google engineering Vic Gundotra at the Google IO conference, Android 2.2, codenamed Froyo, is going to be five times faster at running apps and three times faster at browsing. You will be able to use the camera and voice recognition in the browser with Froyo. Web page and games run faster because the Android browser has the same V8 JavaScript engine as Chrome. "We think we can claim Froyo has the fastest mobile browser," said Gundotra. The Froyo browser incorporates HTML 5 features; Gundotra mentioned  the ones that let the browser access hardware features like the accelerometer for rotating the screen, the camera for taking photos in web apps like Buzz, and the microphone. Using webapps with Google's voice recognition and translation services, you will be able to search the web, tell your phone what to do or get a translation of another languag...

The Top 7 Ways You can Detect Malware in Your System

Cybercriminals are making every effort to inject Malware in your system so that it is going to be difficult to detect. Many computers are loaded with this stuff but the users have no idea its there or how to get rid of it. It is very crucial to know what is running in your computer . This article highlights some of the useful anti malware utilities that can detect, remove and block malware from your system. Microsoft Process Explorer : Process Explorer shows you information about what processes are running on your system. It also describes each process. When your PC is running okay, you can runProcess Explorer to save a baseline. If anything goes wrong in your PC, you can see the differences between the list of processes beforehand and afterward. That may give you some clue about possibleMalware attack. Kaspersky's GetSystemInfo : GetSystemInfo is a free system program that gives you useful information about your system in order to troubleshoot technical issues. It can be us...

Apple's iPad war on Adobe and Flash

Last week's announcement by Apple that the UK launch of the iPad will be delayed by a month was the headline news for consumers, but for geeks a more significant development came on Thursday with some changes in the 21,000-word "agreement" that you have to sign if you are going to develop applications for Apple's iDevices. Section 3.3.1 of the document stipulates that "Applications must be originally written in Objective-C, C, C++, or JavaScript as executed by the iPhone OS WebKit engine, and only code written in C, C++ and Objective-C may compile and directly link against the documented APIs (eg, applications that link to documented APIs through an intermediary translation or compatibility layer or tool are prohibited)." Incomprehensible, eh? An API is an application programming interface – ie the protocol that programmers must follow if their software is to work with the iDevice. The really interesting clause, though, is the one enclosed in brackets. T...

PCs are Going to be Touch Screen by the Year 2015

As per the recent report by Gartner, although, touch screen devices started to come in the market in 2010, but, its adoption in Enterprise Market is still very slow. Nevertheless, the research firm predicted that 50 p.c. PCs will be touchscreen by the end of the year 2015. "What we're going to see is the younger generation beginning to use touchscreen computers ahead of enterprises. We expect more than 50 per cent of PCs purchased for users under the age of 15 to have touchscreens, up from fewer than 2 per cent in 2009," said Leslie Fiering, research vice president at Gartner. At the same time, she predicted that less than 10 per cent of PCs sold to enterprises in 2015 are going to have touchscreen. The release of smartphone like Apple iPhone and the very recent launch of iPad made touch screen based devices very popular across the users worldwide. Gartner further predicts that the smartphone users will want to extend their touch based experience in their PCs too. Ma...

Google Jadikan PC Seperti Ponsel

Google sedang mengembangkan aplikasi desktop dari Google Voice. Langkah ini akan memberi kemudahan melakukan telepon langsung dari PC penggunanya. Akhir November lalu Google mengakuisisi Gizmo5, layanan VoIP dan bisa menerima panggilan dari sambungan telepon rumah dan dari ponsel. Gizmo5 memenuhi beberapa kekurangan dari produk Google Voice terutama menyediakan sambungan paling akhir ke rumah-rumah. Saat ini, pengguna Google Voice harus menetapkan nomor Google Voice ke telepon sebenarnya agar dapat membuat dan menerima panggilan.

Apple Reveals Many Apps for iPad

You can see different iPad apps at Apple iTune store before the release of the Tablet PC on this Saturday. According to Steve Jobs, you can take a quick preview of the iPad apps and learn how to use them. The listing of thousand apps belong to different categories ranging from entertainment and education to news and sports. iTune store has already many apps that is compatible with iPhone and iTouch type of devices. The prices of the apps range from 99 cents and $9.99 for different programs like Thesaurus XL, Hanoi Street Maps, Aki Mahjong, Stickies, Sex Offenders Search and ESPN Pinball.The popular apps such as USA Today, AP and NPR, Netflix, ebay, and Yellow Pages are still free. The other expensive apps includes The Lonely Planet Publications' 1,000 Ultimate Experiences that costs $19.99, MLB At Bat which is priced at $14.99 and the diagramming program OmniGraffle that costs at $49.99. Jobs further added that the 1.5 lbs. tablet PC is half-inch thick, it has a 1 GHz processor...

2010 Predictions: The Year Ahead in Tech

Well, it's that time of the year again. Time to enjoy the glow of a nice LED backlit display and huddle with the warmth that only an overclocked PC can produce. Yep, it's time to take a look at what's going to happen in technology in 2009. Here are my five predictions for the new year. This is the year of Vista - I mean Windows 7 - Yes, it's real and it's coming in 2009. Don't expect to hear a lot of Vista cheerleading going forward, other than Microsoft telling you how much better Windows 7 will be. Between Microsoft and all its partners, close to a billion dollars will be spent on beating the Windows 7 drum and trying to get the market beyond Vista and back to Windows at the same time. The good news for IT departments is that there won't be much of end-user demand for the new operating system, so they can take their time to deploy.