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Modal Twitter Bertambah Rp 1,8 Triliun

Image via CrunchBase Twitter Inc. lagi-lagi mendapat tambahan modal sebesar US$ 200 juta (Rp 1,8 triliun) dari beberapa investor Rabu (15/12) lalu. Penyertaan modal tersebut membuat nilai perusahaan yang berbasis di San Fransisco ini naik 4 kali lipat dari tahun lalu menjadi US$ 3,7 miliar. Pendanaan terbaru tersebut datang dari Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers yang aktif di Silicon Valley, serta beberapa investor lain. Dengan penyertaan modal terbesar kedua tahun ini, Twitter sudah meraih dana US$ 360 juta. Analis Gartner Inc. Ray Valdes mengatakan valuasi tersebut mencerminkan peningkatan ketertarikan para investor terhadap perusahaan pengelola situs web jejaring sosial ini. “Valuasi itu tidak berlebihan, karena memang Twitter tumbuh pesat,” ujar Valdes.

Where Is the Best Place to Work?

Image via CrunchBase Of all the strategies for making workers happy, turning them into millionaires is probably the most effective. Facebook has succeeded with the wealth strategy like few other companies, earning it the title of best employer, as determined by users of the career site . Workers at the social networking colossus – or at least people who claimed to be – gave it the highest rating – 4.6 out of 5 – based on eight different criteria including work/life balance, recognition and, of course, compensation and benefits. Southwest Airlines was second on Glassdoor’s annual top 50 Best Places to Work list followed by Bain & Company, the management consulting firm.

Getting Smarter About Google's "Brain Drain"

Image via CrunchBase Another day, another set of high-profile worries about how Google is going to persuade its best and brightest people from leaving the company to join newer outfits or launch companies of their own. A few weeks ago, Silicon Valley was abuzz with reports that Google had granted across-the-board raises of 10 % to all 23,000 or so of its employees--a bracing reminder of just how much money Google makes, and of its willingness to share the spoils of success with its people. Just yesterday, on the front page of the New York Times , came a report about how "low-level engineers, product managers and prominent managers" from the executive ranks are leaving the company for high-profile companies such as Facebook as well as venture-funded startups of the sort that dot the technology landscape.

WikiLeaks Booted From Amazon Servers

Image via Wikipedia Can WikiLeaks be gagged? A massive DDoS attack crashed the controversial site and its "cablegate" archive, forcing WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange to find new hosting. He did, thanks to Amazon. Now, after an intervention from an unlikely source--Joe Lieberman--Amazon has turned Assange away again. For a brief period, WikiLeaks was back up and running on through the Seattle-based company's servers. Amazon's A3 service offers self-serve cloud hosting, an ideal though temporary solution for the site's trove of confidential diplomatic documents. But Assange and Co. were kicked off Amazon's servers Wednesday, and again forced to find different hosting. Senator Joe Lieberman told AP that Amazon took down the site after inquiries from congressional staffers Tuesday. The company has stopped responding to requests for WikiLeaks, which reportedly has returned to a Swedish provider. According to reps for Sen. Lieberman, the issue is being handl...

'Scared Google about to launch Facebook rival'

About to take on Facebook?: Google co-founders Sergey Brin, left, and Larry Page. Photo: AP Google, perhaps the only company with the clout and users to take on the seemingly unassailable Facebook, is reportedly working secretly on "Google Me", a product that would go head-to-head with the social networking giant. The founder of popular link-sharing site Digg, Kevin Rose, kicked off a round of feverish speculation this week by tweeting that he had heard a "huge rumour" from a "very credible source" that Google was going to launch a Facebook competitor "very soon". Rose has since removed the tweet, saying he was asked to do so. Adam D'Angelo, former CTO of Facebook and now co-founder of social Q&A site Quora, added fuel to the fire by declaring "This is not a rumour. This is a real project". He claimed to have received information from "reliable sources".

Internet pornography to get its own red light district as .xxx name approved

New domain means legal pornography sites can be found in a single grouping. Photograph: AP The internet could soon have its own red light district after the ".xxx" suffix was approved – though pornography companies are not keen to use it. Icann, the organisation which determines what "top-level domains" (TLDs) such as .com or .uk can be added to the internet announced today that it will begin the process of registering .xxx by making checks on ICM Registry, the company that wants to run the domain and sell registrations. It marks the closing stages of a 10-year battle by ICM Registry, now run by the British internet entrepreneur Stuart Lawley, to get the .xxx domain set up so that legal pornography sites can be found in a single grouping.

Mozilla CEO, John Lilly to Quit

T he CEO of Mozilla, Mr. John Lilly is ready to step down from his post at open source software non-profit organization. Lily confirmed this via an email message to Mozilla employees. He is going to move to Greylock Partners as  a venture partner. Lilly took over from Mitchell Baker as company CEO in 2008. Initially, he served as company COO. Lilly will continue to serve as board of director of the company. Mozilla makes differentsoftware products and the landmark one is the Firefox Browser . According to the survey, the Firefox share went up to 24.6% in the browser market from 11 percent in 2006. Microsoft Internet Explorer is still the leading browser in the browser market. Although, its share dropped below 60%. Chrome browser stands at distant third place. Mozilla is expected to ship a beta of Firefox 4 next month and the final version will be released in November. The new version is supposed to improve in terms of interface and speed. By removing Internet Explorer from ...

Facebook ends Facebook Lite

Facebook has put a full stop to its "Lighter Cousin" a.k.a Facebook Lite. Facebook Lite, launched in September 2009 in India and United States was aimed at the users, who prefer to use only basic features of the main site, instead of the clutter one. Facebook Lite used to serve the users with the most trivial social networking features of Facebook, such as accepting friends' requests, updating profile status, post photos and videos, writing on friends' wall etc. With its simpler interface, the slimmed-down site was gradually gaining popularity among the users, only when the Facebook admin has decided its fate. The company has not offered any proper reason behind shutting down Lite. Facebook stated that, We're no longer supporting it, but learned a lot from the test of a slimmed-down site. If you used Lite, you'll now be taken to the main site.

Your Google Password Might have been Compromised

In cyberattack December last year Google had intruders stealing vital information from its computer. However, the Mountain View company didn't reveal the exact nature and extent of the theft that involved closely guarded company secret. According to the latest reports in NYT, one of the Google's password system that controls access by millions of users worldwide to almost all of the company's web services including the email and business applications. Google's program code named Gaia was attacked in a lightning raid taking less than two days last December. Actually, Gaia allows users to sign in using their password for a range of services compromises during a two-day attack last December. However, it's a relief for Gmail users that their passwords have not been stolen.Google initiated the security changes to its networks. The intrusion began when Google employee in China clicked on a link sent in an instant message, which took the visitor to a corrupted website....

Google Again Posts Big Jumps In Sales And Profits

Google’s streak of strong quarters continues: The company just posted big increases in quarterly profits and revenue. Net revenue at the search giant was up 19 percent to $5.06 billion, compared to $4.1 billion a year ago. Net income increased to $1.96 billion, up from $1.4 billion a year ago. Both figures were squarely in line with analysts’ expectations. In after-hours trading, however, the company’s stock is down slightly. The performance comes as reports have said that the search market is recovering faster than anticipated. (Even during the midst of the recession, however, Google ( NSDQ: GOOG ) continued to grow). A report earlier this week , for instance, said that search-ad spending had jumped 20 percent during the first quarter. Some highlights: — Capital expenditures : Capital expenditures were only $239 million during the quarter, up slightly from the company’s $221 million in capital expenditures last quarter. That’s much less than what analysts had expected—and ...

New Password-Stealing Virus Targets Facebook

Hackers have flooded the Internet with virus-tainted spam that targets Facebook's estimated 400 million users in an effort to steal banking passwords and gather other sensitive information. The emails tell recipients that the passwords on their Facebook accounts have been reset, urging them to click on an attachment to obtain new login credentials, according to anti-virus software maker McAfee Inc. If the attachment is opened, it downloads several types of malicious software, including a program that steals passwords, McAfee said on Wednesday. Hackers have long targeted Facebook users, sending them tainted messages via the social networking company's own internal email system. With this new attack, they are using regular Internet email to spread their malicious software.

Broadband Internet Reaches 50 MBps

The Broadband Internet service in India lags behind that of other countries where downloading gigabytes of data is literally matter of minutes. The situation has not been very encouraging for the Indian users who still have to spend hours for downloading media files and software. Till a few days back, the highest data rate provided by broadband operators used to hover around 8 MBps mark. Things are going to change for the better for the Indian customers as leading telecom service provider Bharti Airtel is unleashing an unprecedented 50 MBps broadband service in select regions in the country. The residents of Delhi and Gurgaon will be able to avail the high speed broadband Internet service offered by Airtel as of now. However, with such massive speed the service is going to come at a steep cost for the users. There are two data plans offered by the company. The customers can opt for the 30 Mbps plan or the 50 MBps one. For the 50 MBps data plan, the users would have to churn out Rs. 8...

Joanna Shields leaves Elisabeth Murdoch's Shine to join Facebook

The former Bebo president has left Shine after just a few months to join Facebook as a vice-president of sales and business development Joanna Shields, who has joined Facebook months after signing up for digital content venture with Elisabeth Murdoch. Photograph: Linda Nylind The former Bebo president Joanna Shields has joined Facebook in a senior European role, leaving the venture she launched with Elisabeth Murdoch 's Shine production company just months ago. Shields, who was the architect of Bebo's $850m sale to AOL in 2008 , is to take the newly created role of vice-president of sales and business development for Europe, Middle East and Africa (EMEA). Shields, who left AOL in May last year , announced in September that she was launching a digital media content venture with Elisabeth Murdoch's Shine Group . Shields, who blazed a trail in online drama with Bebo's ground-breaking online TV series, KateModern, also had a seat on Shine's advisory board. ...

Will You Self-Censor for Social Media?

You may have noticed that WebWorkerDaily now publishes many of its authors’ tweets beside their articles. The syndication of contractors’ and employees’ tweets like this is becoming more common as everyone from fitness instructors to real estate agents seeks to take advantage of social media’s personal branding possibilities. If your tweets haven’t been syndicated yet, that day may not be far away. When it comes, you’ll probably need to decide whether you’re going to self-censor for the benefit of whoever’s paying your invoices. What will you do? A Matter of Perspective One thing that can definitely be said for social media is that they allow users to express themselves freely, and as users, we relish such unrestricted opportunities. For many, social networks may provide the only opportunity to engage online with a broader “public” completely as ourselves. The problem is that those who want to syndicate your tweets — to give you wider exposure, to help you engage with t...

Is the Latest Union Budget a Good or Bad News for Indian IT Industry?

  Although, 2010-11 Union Budget has brought some good news for the construction, hospitality, banking, education and pharma sectors, but, it does not generate any good news for IT industry. The Finance minister didn't mention anything about the extension of Tax Rebate in this budget for IT industries. Since, the tax break ends in Mar 2011, outsourcing major such as Infosys Technologies, Tata Consultancy Services and Wipro are going to lose from the Budget because there is no mention of Tax Rebate in the budget. But, the Infosys chief Mr. Murthy has a different view. In an interview before the budget, he said that IT industry is quite different from other industries. IT companies need to pay higher taxes. That's why STPI (Software technology Park of India) extension is not required.

The Top Five Terse Steve Jobs Email Replies

Steve Jobs, Apple's chief executive, doesn't often answer emails from his customers but when he does his replies are short and blunt. Here's our top five.

Summary Box: Google's tussle with China Censorship

Ten Reasons Your Corporate Social Network Should be an Innovation Social Network

Adoption - There is no doubt online communities are valuable and powerful, but there is no value if your community is an empty dance floor. Generic communities based on generic tools, often have no stated purpose and employees or customers don't know why they should go there. Idea Portals are a proven way to get very rapid uptake because there is something in it for the end user. Either participating in the product direction or cutting costs instead of headcount...there's an obvious 'What's in it for me?' and that drives rapid adoption out of the gate. ROI - In today's environment the bean counters are holding the purse strings pretty tightly. So a technology looking for a problem is dead on arrival. However with Innovation we are often talking to our customers about Millions, Hundreds of Millions and Billions of dollars. By connecting the benefits of social networking with the innovation process the ROI is obvious, immediate, quantifiable and large. Inno...

Facebook's $1B Revenues: Now Keep It Up

Facebook may pull in an excess of $1 billion in revenues, according to estimates and poking around on behalf of industry blog Inside Facebook . That's an increase from the same publication's estimate of $700 million last year. Facebook board member Marc Andreessen said last year that he projected the company would break $500 million revenue in 2009 , and that it had the potential to be a billion-dollar company already, but that it was acting conservatively. (Naturally, Facebook says that as a privately held company it doesn't disclose its financials.) What can Facebook credit this big jump in revenue to? It's all about the Social Ads program. Facebook ditched banner ads altogether earlier this year when its longstanding ad partnership with Microsoft ran out and has chosen to focus on its edgier " engagement ads " program instead--and often these are sold by encouraging brands to promote their presence on Facebook with ad space.

John Titor Dalam Dunia Maya dan Dunia Nyata

Seseorang yang mengaku dari tahun 2036 datang ke tahun 2000 untuk memposting di forum internet, mengaku sebagai prajurit amerika di tahun 2036 mengemban misi ke tahun 1975 untuk mengambil komputer portable pertama di dunia yaitu IBM 5100, dan mampir di tahun 2000-2001 untuk melihat keluarganya. adapun pro dan kontra terhadap orang ini di forum menjadi topik hangat saat itu, karena dia dapat membuktikan hal-hal yang akan terjadi di masa dpn, dia juga mengupload foto mesin waktu nya, cara kerjanya, dan juga menyebarkan formula ilmiah mesin waktu tersebut di forum. Beberapa orang di forum mulai memberondong John Titor dgn beragam pertanyaan, kesimpulan yang di dapat bahwa John Titor adalah orang yg cerdas dan mempunya ilmu pengetahuan science yg mendalam, meski JOhn mengaku spesialisasi di History bukan di bidang komputer maupun science. Siapa John Titor ? Dia mengaku lahir tahun 1998 di florida, dia mengemban tugas dari tahun 2036 untuk ke tahun 1975 tuk mengambil PC IBM 5100, yg m...