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Top Ten: Online AntiVirus Scanner For You to Use

While browsing the internet, the constant fear that itches at the back of our mind is whether our machine is getting affected by any virus/worms or not. To stop this unwanted intrusion by any malware, all of us rely on our machine installed anti-virus software . But unfortunately, some of this antivirus software might hamper your computer’s performance and even allow any malware to attack your machine if not updated regularly. To make sure your computer’s safety has not been compromised, you can always scan your machine by any online antivirus scanner.  Infact, An online virus scanner can be good option if you are doubtful about your installed antivirus. Possibilities of missing some threats are always there by standalone antivirus software and somehow enough to make you jump on second opinion. But one must be careful while choosing any of such online anti-virus scanner as they can themselves turn out to be some kind of malware. To help you out in your search for ...

Cara Memblokir Konten Berbau Negatif

Sistem pengelolaan database terpusat pada server DNS memundahkan pengontrolan situs negatif. Server ini hadir untuk mengurangi kecemasan orang tua pada anak-anak mereka atas maraknya video tak senonoh yang melibatkan artis-artis papan atas. Sejak merebaknya kasus itu, banyak orang termasuk anak-anak dan remaja dibuat penasaran. Warnet-warnet dikabarkan penuh dengan pengunjung yang mencari situs yang menyediakan unduhan film itu. Untuk menyaring konten-konten yang tak senonoh, pengguna internet bisa memanfaatkan tools Nawala Project (DNS Nawala) besutan Asosiasi Warung Internet Indonesia (Awari), yang bebas digunakan oleh siapa saja. Bahkan baru-baru ini pengurus Awari (asosiasi warung internet Indonesia) juga menghimbau para pemilik warnet untuk memanfaatkan tool ini. Menyadari sepenuhnya bahwa rekaman video negatif yang marak diberikan seminggu terakhir ini adalah satu bentuk kandungan negatif internet yang terlarang untuk diakses melalu warnet (warung internet). Atas kesadaran ...

WARNING: Facebook Malware Attack on the Loose

A Facebook phishing attack is on the loose this weekend — the third widespread attack on the site in the past three weeks. The attack attempts to steal your Facebook login credentials, install malware on your computer, and even get your home address. The attack is spread via a “hilarious video” posted to Facebook walls, reports WebSense — when clicked, a form appears requesting your Facebook login. The attack then returns you to Facebook, installs an app called “Media Player HD”, and asks you to download the “FLV player” — doing so installs malware on your machine. It gets worse: Depending on your location, you may also be presented with a contest to win an iPad … if you just enter your home address. To avoid getting caught, simply remove the “hilarious video” if you find it on your Facebook wall. If you see it elsewhere on Facebook, don’t click it … and of course remember the obvious rule: Don’t enter your Facebook login anywhere other than If you already fell fo...

Five hidden dangers of Facebook (Q&A)

Facebook claims that it has 400 million users. But are they well-protected from prying eyes, scammers, and unwanted marketers? Not according to Joan Goodchild, senior editor of CSO (Chief Security Officer) Online . She says your privacy may be at far greater risk of being violated than you know, when you log onto the social-networking site, due to security gaffes or marketing efforts by the company. Facebook came under fire this past week, when 15 privacy and consumer protection organizations filed a complaint with the Federal Trade Commission , charging that the site, among other things, manipulates privacy settings to make users' personal information available for commercial use. Also, some Facebook users found their private chats accessible to everyone on their contact list--a major security breach that's left a lot of people wondering just how secure the site is. In two words, asserts Goodchild: not very. On "The Early Show on Saturday Morning," Go...

The Top 7 Ways You can Detect Malware in Your System

Cybercriminals are making every effort to inject Malware in your system so that it is going to be difficult to detect. Many computers are loaded with this stuff but the users have no idea its there or how to get rid of it. It is very crucial to know what is running in your computer . This article highlights some of the useful anti malware utilities that can detect, remove and block malware from your system. Microsoft Process Explorer : Process Explorer shows you information about what processes are running on your system. It also describes each process. When your PC is running okay, you can runProcess Explorer to save a baseline. If anything goes wrong in your PC, you can see the differences between the list of processes beforehand and afterward. That may give you some clue about possibleMalware attack. Kaspersky's GetSystemInfo : GetSystemInfo is a free system program that gives you useful information about your system in order to troubleshoot technical issues. It can be us...

Facebook Responds to Massive Phishing Scheme

Facebook has responded to a an apparently massive attempt to steal passwords from its users. "There's another spoofed email going around that claims to be from Facebook and asks you to open an attachment to receive a new password," read a post on the Facebook Security page. "This email is fake. Delete it from your inbox, and warn your friends." Facebook will never send users a new password in an attachment, the post says.

Bredolab Incar Pengguna Facebook

Hati-hati jika menerima email dari admin Facebook. Perhatikan subject email New Login System, Facebook Account Update, Facebook Update Tools atau Facebook Password Reset Confirmation. Pesan berukuran sekitar 105 kb tersebut berisi arahan agar pengguna melalukan update terhadap akun Facebooknya. Namun, ketika tombol updateusernamepassword yang akan menjadi sasaran. diklik, secara otomatis pengguna akan digiring ke website Facebook yang palsu.

Awas, Jebakan Facebook dan Twitter

Enam puluh persen pebisnis mengaku bahwa Facebook merupakan situs jejaring sosial yang beresiko, demikian diungkap oleh vendor keamanan, Sophos. Sementara itu, pendapat serupa juga disampaikan Kaspersky Labs dengan menuding Twitter—situs microblogging yang tengah naik daun—menjadi situs jejaring nomor dua yang berisiko setelah Facebook. Sophos melakukan survai terhadap 502 profesional IT. Hasilnya, para pelaku bisnis itu memang melihat banyak malware dan spam yang berkeliaran di ranah maya.

Facebook Ideal Alami Serangan Dunia Maya

McAfee melaporkan jejaring sosial akan menghadapi eskalasi serangan peretas pada 2010. Penegakan hukum diharapkan membuat gebrakan memerangi kejahatan dunia maya itu. “Ledakan aplikasi Facebook dan layanan lainnya akan menjadi ranah ideal bagi kejahatan dunia maya yang akan mengambil keuntungan sesama teman yang saling percaya untuk mengklik link yang potensial mengandung ancaman berbahaya,” ujar McAfee.

Facebook Sempat Diusili Clickjacking

Pengelola Facebook mengumumkan kalau dalam beberapa hari yang lalu mereka telah berhasil menghalau cybercrime melalui clickjacking. Kendati sudah diatasi, sang pengelola mengingatkan akan ada serangan baru. Seperti diketahui, metode clickjacking yang dilakukan perusak ini menyusupkan sebuah link kepada anggota situs jejaring sosial tersebut. Korban yang terjebak, bukannya mendapatkan situs yang diinginkan malah terjerumus ke halaman yang telah disisipi malware yang berbahaya.

Microsoft Security Essentials Ranks as Best-Performing Free Antivirus

Anti-malware testing group not only gave Microsoft Security Essentials a top rating for malware removal, but now they've given it their best ranking in their performance test as well. ran a series of real-world tests running through common scenarios like downloading, extracting, copying, and encoding files, installing and launching applications, and they also ran through an automated testing suite as well. Once the dust had settled, it became clear that not only is MSE one of only three products that both blocks and removes malware well, but it's also very light on system resources.