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Ardi, Temuan Paling Fenomenal di 2009

Penemuan kerangka manusia pura tertua bernama Ardi dianggap sebagai temuan paling penting tahun ini. Penemuan ini membuktikan bahwa manusia dan simpanse berevolusi secara terpisah. Dilansir melalui Berkeley Education, Kamis (31/12/2009), penemuan ini tidak hanya mencengangkan para ilmuwan tapi juga manusia. Secara tidak langsung temuan ini mematahkan teori Darwin yang menganggap manusia berevolusi dari kera. Sebelum menerbitkan temuannya, seluruh tim yang diketuai Tim White dari University of California, membutuhkan waktu 17 tahun untuk mencari dan menganalisa tengkorak Ardi dan ribuan fosil lainnya yang ditemukan bersamaan. Ardi dianggap sebagai nenek moyang manusia sebenarnya, bukan kera.

Darwin’s Deathbed Conversion—a Legend?

It has been widely held among many sincere and well-meaning Christians that Charles Darwin on his deathbed not only renounced evolution, but also accepted Jesus Christ as his savior. The tale of this deathbed conversion has been passed down over the years as fact. This “event” has even been used as “evidence” that evolution is false. The overzealous have, at times, boldly proclaimed, “See—even Darwin knew that this theory was not true!” Early Report What is the basis for this story? As often as it is repeated, there must be credible evidence that these events actually took place, right? Surely, the tale would not have continued though the years if it were a lie? Sadly, when evidence is sought, there is little to support this story.