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Mozilla Tunda Peluncuran Firefox 4 Beta 12

Image via Wikipedia Mozilla Firefox 4 Beta 12, sepertinya tidak akan dirilis sesuai jadwal sebelumnya. Mozilla mengatakan masih ada beberapa masalah yang harus diperbaiki pada web browser tersebut. Seperti dikutip dari   Macworld , Selasa (22/2/2011), seorang petinggi Mozilla, Christian Legnitto, mengatakan bahwa Beta 12 ini seharusnya merupakan versi Final Beta. Namun karena masih perlunya beberapa perbaikan, kemungkinan Beta 13 akan hadir. "Rencananya Beta 12 merupakan versi Beta terakhir, tetapi kami masih memerlukan Beta 13 jika kembali ditemukan masalah pada Beta 12," ujar Legnitto. Mozilla mendapat tekanan berat dari pesaing mereka, Microsoft , yang akan segera merilis Internet Explorer 9 . Microsoft menjanjikan akan merilis web browser terbaru mereka itu pada kuartal pertama 2011.

Google Chrome 8 ’s Secretive Launch

It is highly very likely that Google will ever release anything without any of the speculations. Google has released a much awaited update to Chrome without making any noise. This now brings us to the new version of Chrome as we know it or Chrome 8. The version is ready for download as you read the article. Google has been very secretive about the updates in recent times. But this time they sort of out did themselves in this regard , they did not even make a blog post. The update just appeared in the site. Google Chrome 7 was reviewed favorably unanimously. It had better graphics and was a significant update. What Google Chrome 8 does so well is to build on the foundation laid down by the predecessor. The focus is to polish the browser and to enhance the security features. Some of the worthwhile and notable feature of this release are. The in-built PDF reader. Over 800 bugs from the earlier version done away with. Many security fixes are built in. The browser now supports an app ...

Mengatasi Mozilla Firefox Crash Report

Kali ini saya kana berbagi tips ,yaitu mengatasi  Mozilla firefox crash report, yang tentunnya sangat menggangu kitas saat sedang asyik browsing...tiba-tiba muncul pesan error yang mengharuskan kita merestart atau keluar dari mozilla. Perintah tersebut dinamakan Mozilla firefox crash report.

Opera to Add Powerful Features in the Upcoming Version

Image via CrunchBase The Web Browser company Opera announced some of the interesting features before the release of the upcoming version, Opera 11 Alpha at its recently held conference in Oslo. The key feature of the new version is the the ability to customize the application. Opera 11 will support extensions, apart from the widgets that the current version already supports. Firefox and Chrome already allows users to add their extensions. Opera 11 will allow several extensions with its new browser. You may come across a new new terminology while browsing the web and then you can search the Wikipedia extension for that. If you like to know how many people read the article that you are currently reading, you can use Reddit extension. Similarly, there are other extensions for Facebook , YouTube etc.

Internet Explorer 9 Beta is Due in September

According to Microsoft Chief Operating Officer Kevin Turner, Microsoft is getting ready to roll out IE version 9 in September. As per some leaked report, Microsoft is expected to release the Beta version in August. The Beta is supposed to feature more user interfaces. The Web Developers are keenly waiting for the new browser. There is a significant improvement of Internet Explorer 9 in comparison with Internet Explorer 8, with considerably improved standards compliance and functionality. The new build that Microsoft released so far is mainly targeted for the Web Developers. It includes new Microsoft Java Script Engine and the new graphic subsystem, integrated with a home page full of test sites. There is no security or no Back button. The company released three platform previews to show the IE 9 engine. However, this is a very simple interface. Perhaps the company wants everybody to wait till the release. Microsoft didn't announce any Release date for the final version. But, th...

Apple Revealed HTML/Web Standard

Apple Store faced increasing criticism before for not being more open, Apple recently announced that there is a portion of its devices that is totally open:the Web. If developers do not like some of the restrictions of Apple store, they can build their new Web Apps. But, the critics think that this is the best interest of Apple so that people make native apps for their devices, not web apps that can be used anywhere. Apple's HTML 5 page on its site establishes the fact what you can do with the technology. There are seven unique things you can do using only HTML5: Video, Typography, Gallery, Transitions, Audio, 360, and VR. "Standards are not add-on to the web," says Apple. But, the odd is that you can only view those things using Apple's Safari Browser. You can not use other HTML5 compliant browser like Google Chrome. If you try to load the application in different browser, you will get error message "The demo was designed with the latest web standards sup...

Google to Roll Out Android 2.2 for Nexus One

Apparently, Google is starting to roll out the Android 2.2 Froyo update to Nexus One devices. According to Vice President for Google engineering Vic Gundotra at the Google IO conference, Android 2.2, codenamed Froyo, is going to be five times faster at running apps and three times faster at browsing. You will be able to use the camera and voice recognition in the browser with Froyo. Web page and games run faster because the Android browser has the same V8 JavaScript engine as Chrome. "We think we can claim Froyo has the fastest mobile browser," said Gundotra. The Froyo browser incorporates HTML 5 features; Gundotra mentioned  the ones that let the browser access hardware features like the accelerometer for rotating the screen, the camera for taking photos in web apps like Buzz, and the microphone. Using webapps with Google's voice recognition and translation services, you will be able to search the web, tell your phone what to do or get a translation of another languag...

Mozilla CEO, John Lilly to Quit

T he CEO of Mozilla, Mr. John Lilly is ready to step down from his post at open source software non-profit organization. Lily confirmed this via an email message to Mozilla employees. He is going to move to Greylock Partners as  a venture partner. Lilly took over from Mitchell Baker as company CEO in 2008. Initially, he served as company COO. Lilly will continue to serve as board of director of the company. Mozilla makes differentsoftware products and the landmark one is the Firefox Browser . According to the survey, the Firefox share went up to 24.6% in the browser market from 11 percent in 2006. Microsoft Internet Explorer is still the leading browser in the browser market. Although, its share dropped below 60%. Chrome browser stands at distant third place. Mozilla is expected to ship a beta of Firefox 4 next month and the final version will be released in November. The new version is supposed to improve in terms of interface and speed. By removing Internet Explorer from ...

Avoid “Man-in-the-Middle” Attacks With Perspectives

The Perspectives Firefox Extension is a useful free add-on for Firefox that improves the usability of the browser and provides an additional layer of security when connecting to sites using SSL. When you use a protocol like SSL to connect to a secure web site, your communication with that site is vulnerable to a “ man-in-the-middle ” attack unless you’re able to identify the remote server in a secure manner. Most sites can be securely identified because they buy a certificate from a Certificate Authority like VeriSign. Unfortunately, as certificates can be expensive and tricky to administer, some sites prefer to self-certify, and some have expired certificates. Attempting to connect to one of these sites will lead to Firefox issuing the “Website Certified by Unknown Authority” warning that you’ve probably seen many times: Have you ever just clicked “OK” to accept a certificate without checking it out? Most of the time, it’s probably fine, but you could be leaving yo...

Out Of Band Internet Explorer Security Update

Microsoft’s Security Response team just announced that they will be publishing an out of band cumulative update for Internet Explorer due to a publicly disclosed security vulnerability that is affecting Internet Explorer 6 and Internet Explorer 7. The team notes that Internet Explorer 8 installations are not affected by the security vulnerability and that the security update will be released on March 30 at approximately 10:00 a.m. PDT. The update for Internet Explorer will be provided through Windows Updates or from the usual Microsoft sites where updates can be downloaded manually. The reason for the out of band update is Microsoft’s monitoring of the vulnerability which seemed to have uncovered an increased exploitation of the security vulnerability. The update for Internet Explorer is cumulative as it contains nine additional vulnerability fixes that all were supposed to be released on Microsoft’s monthly patch Tuesday on April 13.

Microsoft is Back in the Browser Race with Internet Explorer 9

Waspadalah Pengguna Facebook, Server Koobface Melonjak

Bila anda aktif mengakses situs-situs jejaring sosial seperti Facebook dan Twitter waspadalah terhadap worm bernama Koobface. Perusahaan antivirus Kaspersky memperingatkan kebangkitan Koobface dalam dua pekan terakhir. Dalam dua pekan terakhir tim peneliti dari Kaspersky Lab terus memantau Koobface. Mereka menemukan angka penurunan jumlah server Koobface dari 107 pada 25 Februari ke 71 pada 8 Maret. Tapi dalam 48 jam kemudian, angkanya malah melonjak menjadi 142. Menurut analis dari Kaspersky, hasil pengamatan tersebut membuktikan bahwa pemilik Koobface terus menangani infrastrukturnya. "Mereka tak ingin jumlah server turun terlalu banyak karena itu berarti kehilangan kendali atas botnet," ujar Stefan Tanase, Senior Regional Researcher Kaspersky Lab EEMEA.

3D Web Browsing

SpaceTime the 3D web browser let’s you surf the internet in 3D environment. A total internet revolution is here. That’s according to ExitReality founder Danny Stefanic, who launched his 3D web browser software at Melbourne’s Federation Square today. ExitReality purports to be for 3D internet what Google was for web searches, what You Tube was for video and what MySpace and Facebook were for social networking. Available for free at as a four megabyte download, ExitReality operates as a plug-in for existing web browsers. The developers say it was designed with the average computer in mind.

Foto: Server Opera Mini

Tak ayal lagi, opera mini merupakan mobile browser terbanyak yang dipakai para surfer mobile di Indonesia (didunia mungkin). Tapi taukah anda bahwa semua yang anda browsing berasal dari sini? Ya, server opera mini tentunya. Sebenarnya banyak server opera mini yang tersebar ke segala penjuru dunia, namun yang server utama cuma satu. Server ini letaknya di oslo (tempat lahir opera mini sendiri..... :D) makanya setiap pengunjung yang browsing lewat opera mini selalu diidentifikasi berasal dari oslo, norwegia. Berikut beberapa cuplikan foto-foto server opera mini beserta fakta-faktanya:

10 Tips to Secure Your Twitter Account

Twitter much like Facebook is popular social networking site and these sites users are targeted with phishing scams luring them to reveal their username and passwords.Here are some security tips for twitter users for safe tweeting. Tips to secure twitter account.. 1.Use strong and Unique password : Use the password for your twitter account as a combination of characters, symbols and numbers. Never use same password for different websites and email accounts, use unique password for every website. 2. Be aware of fake twitter websites, try to type in your browser and enter your account credentials. 3. Always use extensions for browsers like Chrome and Firefox which shows preview for shortened links on twitter. Because you may be lured to click on a malicious link to steal your twitter username and password.

Facebook Beats Twitter and Google Buzz in Reader Poll

  It’s been yet another exciting matchup here in our Web Faceoff series , with the newcomer Google Buzz going head to head with Facebook and Twitter for the heady title of Mashable readers’ favorite social network. Last week we saw free beat out premium in our online dating services head-to-head, and this week we wanted to check in on how you good readers were ranking Buzz in its still early days against popular contenders Facebook and Twitter. The results are now in…

RIM Bikin Aplikasi Twitter untuk BlackBerry

Pengguna Twitter kini bebas mengakses layanan mikrobloging tersebut melalui smartphone dengan sejumlah aplikasi pihak ketiga semacam UberTwitter, Viigo, atau Snaptu. Namun, khusus buat pengguna BlackBerry, Research In Motion (RIM) akan merilis aplikasi Twitter untuk BlackBerry. Aplikasi yang masih dalam tahap beta tersebut sudah bisa digunakan saat ini. Namun, untuk sementara baru bisa diunduh dan digunakan pengguna tertentu yang mendapat undangan khusus untuk menjajalnya. "Twitter untuk smartphone BlackBerry akan segera tersedia untuk diunduh, sehingga Anda dapat melakukan semua kesukaan Anda di Twitter," demikian pernyataan RIM dalam situsnya.

Tangkal Pornografi Online, Opera Punya Senjata Khusus

Selain masyarakat bersama dengan pemerintah, browser pun turut menjadi bagian rantai yang bertanggung jawab dalam menangkal prostitusi online. Opera Software sebagai salah browser dunia punya senjata khusus. Dijelaskan Web Evangelist Opera Zi Bin Cheah, browsernya juga mengembangkan sebuah fitur yang tidak hanya menangkal pornografi tetapi lebih dari itu. "Khususnya di Opera Desktop, kita punya aplikasi untuk mencegah hal yang berbau pornografi, sampai dengan situs yang mengandung virus berbahaya," tukas Zi Bin saat berbincang dengan okezone, di Hotel Atlit Century, Jakarta, Rabu (10/2/2010).

10 Popular Themes That Are Firefox 3.5 Ready

One of the negative side effects of a new version of Firefox rolling out is the fact that some Firefox theme creators neglect to update their themes to the newest versions.  So, when updating our browser, that leaves some of us in the dark, when it comes to using the themes we know and love.  However, this time around many more popular themes have been updated to support Firefox 3.5 and here are my favorite ten for you to choose from. Silvermel