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Google China Redirects to, Impact and Consequences

Yesterday I have informed you about the Chinese government's stand point regarding Google. Google was asked either to maintain Chinese laws and regulations, or retreat. Some Chinese media even went on accusing Google of being linked to US intelligence agencies. Today Google has taken a massive step towards closing its business in China. It has shut down it's Chinese search site at and redirecting visitors to (Google Hong Kong) It is still unknown whether Google will still be operating in China with its R&D office and sales office. Loads of complains are reported from both the Chinese and American users, unhappy with the change being made. There are people in China, who want to access Google, but are also redirected to Users in Hong Kong will continue to receive their existing access to

Tiga Alasan Facebook Salip Google

Perusahaan jejaring sosial yang awalnya hanya untuk melayani mahasiswa kampus Havard AS, itu telah menjadi perusahaan web terbesar ketiga di dunia, demikian The Atlantic edisi Februari 2010. Mengutip laporan TechCrunch, The Atlantic menyebutkan perkembangan Facebook mencapai tingkat yang mencengangkan. Facebook diprediksi bakal menyalip Yahoo tahun depan, dalam hal "pengunjung unik" bulanan. (unique visitors). Itu akan menempatkan situs tersebut di antara Google dan Microsoft. Lebih dari itu, model iklan Facebook yang terus berkembang dan perannya sebagai platform distribusi berita (news-sharing), sungguh menjanjikan.