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Perhatian CIMB Pelanggan,   Ini adalah untuk memberitahukan Anda bahwa account Anda akan diblokir setelah 24 jam karena otentikasi buruk dan hal ini untuk mencegah account Anda dari pencurian online karena sistem keamanan baru kami belum aktif pada account Anda. Di lain untuk mencegah account Anda dari diblokir dan server keamanan harus diaktifkan pada account Anda, klik pada link account saya di bawah ini aman dan memberikan kami informasi yang diminta.   AMAN REKENING SAYA. Salam rekening Departemen CIMB Clicks

WARNING: ‘Facebook Now Has A Dislike Button’ Scam Spreading Through Facebook

For users who have been awaiting the arrival of a  Facebook  “Dislike” button , don’t believe the wall posts you see claiming to be just that–it’s a scam. This fast spreading scam appears as a Facebook status update in your News Feed that says “Facebook now has a dislike button! Click ‘Enable Dislike Button’ to turn on the new feature!” Next to the Like and Comment links at the bottom of the post it also says “Enable Dislike Button,” but please don’t click on it! Once you click the link, the message will be posted as your status (exposing all of your friends to the scam) and a JavaScript code will run on your computer. These kinds of codes are very dangerous because they bypass security settings on your computer’s browser and leave your computer exposed to malware.

Facebook Responds to Massive Phishing Scheme

Facebook has responded to a an apparently massive attempt to steal passwords from its users. "There's another spoofed email going around that claims to be from Facebook and asks you to open an attachment to receive a new password," read a post on the Facebook Security page. "This email is fake. Delete it from your inbox, and warn your friends." Facebook will never send users a new password in an attachment, the post says.

How to Alert Connections of a Social Network Hack

Twitter has rapidly become one of the most popular social media and microblogging services on the internet. Unfortunately, in the Web world, popularity often leads to increased security concerns. Twitter has also become a popular tool with cyber criminals, who are increasingly using it as a vessel to spread malware. This past weekend, Twitter users were hit with a phishing scam that caught many off guard. (Attacks on social networks tripled in 2009, read more here)The innocuous sounding message included a link that, if clicked, led to a spoofed Twitter login page. Anyone who logged in via that page would have had their Twitter account credentials stolen. Those victims then had the same message tweeted out to their contacts, thus causing exponential spread of the phishing attack. The messages sent were similar to the following: Lol , this is funny Lol. this is me?? Lol. this you??

Avoid 'Phishing' Scams

Over the past few days, Twitter has been helping folks victimized by a phishing attack. Phishing is a deceitful process by which an attempt is made to acquire sensitive information such as Twitter usernames and passwords. The bad guys masquerade as someone you trust and may send you a Direct Message (DM) with a link. This DM may say something along the lines of, "LOL that you??" followed by a link to a fake Twitter login page. If you enter your credentials on that fraudulent page, the phishers can sign in as you and trick more people. Anatomy of A Phishing Scam Generally a phishing attack against Twitter users breaks down to a three-part process. First, accounts compromised in the manner described above send out messages to all accounts following them. Second, accounts that are newly compromised send out more messages. Third, the scammers behind the phishing attack make an attempt at monetization by sending out spam links instead of links to a fake login page. We fight phi...

10 Tips to Secure Your Twitter Account

Twitter much like Facebook is popular social networking site and these sites users are targeted with phishing scams luring them to reveal their username and passwords.Here are some security tips for twitter users for safe tweeting. Tips to secure twitter account.. 1.Use strong and Unique password : Use the password for your twitter account as a combination of characters, symbols and numbers. Never use same password for different websites and email accounts, use unique password for every website. 2. Be aware of fake twitter websites, try to type in your browser and enter your account credentials. 3. Always use extensions for browsers like Chrome and Firefox which shows preview for shortened links on twitter. Because you may be lured to click on a malicious link to steal your twitter username and password.