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60% Enterprise may Reject Windows for Chrome OS: Google

Image by FreeCliDent via Flickr It is become pretty clear by now that Google will not be able to launch stable version of Chrome OS this year. The company is only expected to release the stable edition of Chrome OS early next year. Rumors are flying around at Google that Google Chrome OS will be delayed till 2011 or Crome and Android OS are going to merge to form a common platform. The Chrome OS is aimed for the computers that will be used as web browser and don’t store any of their data locally but keep it in the cloud. According to the latest New York Times report, Google recently deployed new systems that come with Chrome OS to internal Google employees including Sergey Brin . The interesting part of the Times story: “Mr. Upson says that 60 percent of businesses could immediately replace their Windows machines with computers running Chrome OS. He also says he hopes it will put corporate systems administrators out of work because software updates will be made automatically o...

Adobe AIR Released for Android Platform

Image via Wikipedia We heard about the Adobe AIR earlier this year. The cross-platform application was slated to release in Q4. But having done with a series of demos it has finally got released on the Android platform. If you are still confused about the function of Adobe AIR, let me shed some light over it. Adobe AIR enables developers to use HTML, JavaScript , Adobe Flash software and ActionScript to build web applications that run as standalone client without help of a browser. It opens up new ways for designers and developers by providing them a flexible development environment through which they can deliver applications across platforms and devices. The Adobe AIR unfurls an altogether new way for apps to be ported to Android. No needs of coding, provided the application is built on the AIR platform. Moreover, the AIR apps run on Mac, Windows, Linux, Android and iOS of both iPod Touch and iPad .

Google akan tambah fitur jejaring sosial

Image via CrunchBase Google Inc akan menambah fitur jejaring sosial sebagai produk utamanya selama ini, guna meningkatkan persaingan dengan Facebook Inc. Facebook sebagai situs jejaring sosial, menempati posisi pertama sebagai situs yang sering diakses masyarakat Indonesia, sedangkan Google berada pada posisi ketiga. Posisi kedua ditempati, posisi keempat Yahoo , sedangkan menempati posisi kelima. Namun, secara global, Google masih menjadi situs yang paling sering diakses, sedangkan Facebook menempati posisi kedua diikuti Youtube, yahoo dan windows live.

3 Situs Andalan untuk Mencari Teks Film

Koleksi film dalam bentuk digital yang disimpan di hardisk kadang tak selalu dilengkapi dengan subtitle yang diinginkan. Padahal, subtitle bisa berguna untuk menikmati film lebih lanjut, mulai dari memahami alur cerita hingga menangkap kata-kata sulit yang mungkin diucapkan pemainnya. Untungnya, ada situs-situs internet yang menyediakan subtitle untuk di-download kolektor film. Berikut adalah tiga di antaranya: AnySubs menyediakan file teks untuk film dengan format DivX secara gratis. Di situs ini pengguna bisa melihat-lihat koleksi subtitle yang ada berdasarkan urut abjad maupun melihat Top 100 judul yang paling banyak di-download. Kebanyakan file di AnySubs menggunakan format SRT. Situs itu menyediakan pencarian subtitle berbagai bahasa, termasuk Bahasa Indonesia. Namun koleksinya akan tergantung dari keaktifan komunitas karena kebanyakan subtitle yang ada disumbangkan oleh komunitas.

Hacker Serang Sistem Dukungan Windows XP

Penjahat teknologi tinggi meningkatkan serangan terhadap sebuah bug unpatched (celah error yang belum diatasi) pada Help & Support System Windows XP (sistem bantuan dan dukungan Windows XP). Pihak Microsoft mengatakan telah melihat lebih dari 10 ribu mesin terkena serangan itu, sejauh ini, belum ditemukan untuk memperbaiki. PC Windows yang menjadi korban serangan itu akan bisa dikendalikan oleh penyerang. Microsoft mengatakan serangan itu baik secara teori maupun nyata bisa menghilang dengan sangat cepat dan mendorong pengguna untuk mengambil langkah-langkah melindungi diri sendiri.

Serious Java Flaws Unearthed

All current versions of Windows are prone to external attack due to a flaw within the Java Web Start Framework. Two security researchers made this announcement yesterday about the flaw. The flaw could lead into very simple Web attacks, to fatal attack on the system. Researchers Tavis Ormandy and Ruben Santamartamade separate statements on this. You can find Travis's one over here and Santamarta's one over here. If you send the information from the command line, Java Web Start doesn't validate it. That enables the attackers to send especially HTML tags from a Web page. All versions of Java SE 6 update 10 for Microsoft Windows are vulnerable to this attack. If you disable the plugin, it doesn't necessarily mean that you will be able to avoid the attack because the toolkit can be installed independently.

Out Of Band Internet Explorer Security Update

Microsoft’s Security Response team just announced that they will be publishing an out of band cumulative update for Internet Explorer due to a publicly disclosed security vulnerability that is affecting Internet Explorer 6 and Internet Explorer 7. The team notes that Internet Explorer 8 installations are not affected by the security vulnerability and that the security update will be released on March 30 at approximately 10:00 a.m. PDT. The update for Internet Explorer will be provided through Windows Updates or from the usual Microsoft sites where updates can be downloaded manually. The reason for the out of band update is Microsoft’s monitoring of the vulnerability which seemed to have uncovered an increased exploitation of the security vulnerability. The update for Internet Explorer is cumulative as it contains nine additional vulnerability fixes that all were supposed to be released on Microsoft’s monthly patch Tuesday on April 13.

Account Mikroblogging Kosong Raih Ribuan Follower

Sebuah account layanan mikroblogging ala Twitter membuat heboh. Pasalnya, account yang masih kosong melompong itu sudah mendapatkan 10.000 lebih follower. Ada apa di balik account tersebut? Ternyata pemilik account itu adalah Presiden China, Hu Jintao. Hu Jintao diketahui terdaftar di situs mikroblogging berbahasa China yang dimiliki oleh Pepople's Daily. Belum diketahui kapan account itu dibesut, namun dipastikan account tersebut asli.

Shutdown Windows With a Text Message, Thunderbird Edition

We've already shown you how to shutdown Windows via SMS with Outlook and how to do the same on a Mac using , but a user on the Hak5 forums demonstrates how to setup a similar SMS shutdown using the venerable Thunderbird email client. The method requires the Mailbox Alert extension and a little configuration, but once you're done you can save some power with a quick text message next time you forget to shutdown your computer. The tutorial is Windows-specific, but I'm guessing you could mesh the method with this one and accomplish the same thing for OS X.

Google Rilis Chrome 5

Google telah meng-update browser Chrome versi 5 untuk system Windows dan Mac. Google akan merlis Chrome versi 5 sebelum bulan Februari 2010. Tidak seperti versi 4.x, developer Google membangun Chrom 5.x memiliki penampilan yang berbeda. Beberapa theme tidak tampil secara full, dan terdapat fitur berbeda di samping tombol toolbar, sebuah tab halaman baru, dan icon menu halaman telah digantikan dengan icon menu Tools. Tampaknya user akan melihat problem lain dalam browser tersebut hingga Google membuat penyempurnaannya. Browser Chrome 5.x ini juga dilengkapi perbaikan bug dan beberapa fitur. Jendela Content Settings di menu Options memiliki banyak aturan cookies, images, JavaScript, plug-ins, dan pop-ups. Fitur tersebut memudahkan user untuk memblokir situs. Selain itu, juga terdapat link non-functional yang digunakan untuk mengkustomisasi Adobe Flash Player.

Five Best Email Clients

Email as a technology has been around for decades, and thanks to wide spread adoption and popularity, it isn't in danger of disappearing. Check out the five most popular email clients to help you wrangle your email. Earlier this week we asked your to share your favorite email client .

Microsoft Confirms 17-year-old Windows Bug

Microsoft late yesterday issued its second advisory of the last week, warning users that a 17-year-old bug in the kernel of all 32-bit versions of Windows could be used by hackers to hijack PCs.

Benarkah Keyboard QWERTY Standar Internasional?

Pernahkah agan bertanya, mengapa susunan huruf dalam keyboard mesin ketik, komputer, hingga PDA kita berupa “QWERTYUIOP” dan seterusnya? Mengapa tidak dibuat saja berurutan seperti “ABCDEFGH” dan seterusnya? Mungkin sebagian dari agan sudah tahu ceritanya, tetapi kalau-kalau agan belum tahu ane copas di sini.

6 Peristiwa Terbesar Dalam Dunia IT

1. Yahoo Melewatkan Facebook Tahukah Anda kalau Mark Zuckerberg pernah nyaris menjual hak kepemilikan Facebook kepada Yahoo? Tahun 2006, Yahoo melihat potensi Facebook cukup besar untuk dijadikan lawan MySpace. Mereka sempat menawarkan uang sebesar US$ 1 miliar kepada Mark. Namun saat akuisisi nyaris terjadi, tiba-tiba Yahoo mengalami penurunan saham sampai 22 persen. Reaksi Yahoo? Bernegosiasi menurunkan tawaran harga kepada Mark menjadi US$ 800 juta saja. Jelas dirinya menolak dan akhirnya memutuskan untuk membesarkan Facebook sendirian.

Security in Windows 7: User Account Control (UAC)

People who bought computers with Vista preinstalled tend to be a lot happier than those who upgraded from XP, especially those who failed to run the upgrade advisor. The same is true of Windows 7. Even after following all advice from the Windows 7 Upgrade Advisor, I still had to jump through hoops to re-enable my connection to PCMag's Virtual Private Network after upgrading from Vista. Even the biggest Vista fans, the ones who've never experienced any upgrade tribulations, have to admit that User Account Control (UAC) can be a pain in the neck. Fortunately Microsoft made some significant improvements in it for Windows 7.

Mozilla Firefox 3.6 Beta 5 Released

Mozilla has released Beta 5 of its upcoming web browser Firefox 3.6. This beta version is built on the Gecko 1.9.2 web rendering engine, containing many improvements for web developers, Add-on developers, and users. This 5th revision of the Beta of Firefox 3.6 / Gecko 1.9.2 introduces several new features: [NEW] Made some changes to how Mozilla allows third party software to integrate with Firefox in order to prevent crashes. [NEW] This beta is available in more than 70 languages - get your local version. More than 100 bug fixes from the last beta to improve performance, stability, security and features. The ability to run scripts asynchronously to speed up page load times. Users can now change their browser's appearance with a single click, with built in support for Personas. Firefox 3.6 will alert users about out of date plugins to keep them safe. Open, native video can now be displayed full screen, and supports poster frames. Support for the WOFF font format. Improve...

Mozilla Firefox 3.7

Here is an excellent news for Mozilla Firefox users. Almost all Firefox users complain about its look which is not good compared to other browsers like Google Chrome, IE8, etc. IE8 provides Aero Glass under Windows Vista and 7 but Mozilla Firefox doesn't.

HTC Snap Saingan BB-kah?

Inner Circle = Quick Connections Life seems to be speeding up. And with more to organize and less time to do it, your phone should help prioritize the people who matter most to you. HTC Inner Circle keeps you connected to your exclusive few. With the touch of a button, e-mails from your “inner circle” rise to the top for quick access and streamlined communication. In Sync. In Step. In Tune. The HTC Snap offers a simple set of features, designed to keep your life running smoothly. Update your calendar, manage your contacts and emails and stay totally organized with the familiar experience of Windows Mobile. Even texting is faster than ever with the friendly QWERTY keyboard.

Kalah Sidang, Microsoft Akan Ubah Word

Microsoft dikabarkan akan melakukan perubahan pada aplikasi Word milik mereka. Hal ini dilakukan setelah Microsoft kalah dalam sengketa paten dengan sebuah perusahaan asal Kanada. Perubahan itu akan dilakukan Microsoft agar tetap bisa berjualan Microsoft Office, salah satu aplikasi andalan mereka. Seperti dikutip detikINET dari Wired, Rabu (23/12/2009), Microsoft telah mengumumkan akan melakukan perubahan itu tak lama setelah putusan sidang.

Hape Esia Online, Khusus Buat Selancar

Esia, Bakrie Telecom kembali meluncurkan produk inovatifnya. Kali ini Esia meluncurkan produk Hape Esia Online. Wakil Direktur Utama PT. Bakrie Telecom, Erik Meijer menyatakan hape terbaru Esia seri C6100 ini untuk menjawab sepenuhnya demam mobile web 2.0 di kalangan masyarakat, khususnya anak-anak muda. ''Hape Esia Online ini memiliki kelebihan dari segi aplikasi yang lengkap,'' kata Erik di sela-sela acara peluncuran Hape Esia Online di Jakarta, Rabu (16/12).Wi