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Mozilla Tunda Peluncuran Firefox 4 Beta 12

Image via Wikipedia Mozilla Firefox 4 Beta 12, sepertinya tidak akan dirilis sesuai jadwal sebelumnya. Mozilla mengatakan masih ada beberapa masalah yang harus diperbaiki pada web browser tersebut. Seperti dikutip dari   Macworld , Selasa (22/2/2011), seorang petinggi Mozilla, Christian Legnitto, mengatakan bahwa Beta 12 ini seharusnya merupakan versi Final Beta. Namun karena masih perlunya beberapa perbaikan, kemungkinan Beta 13 akan hadir. "Rencananya Beta 12 merupakan versi Beta terakhir, tetapi kami masih memerlukan Beta 13 jika kembali ditemukan masalah pada Beta 12," ujar Legnitto. Mozilla mendapat tekanan berat dari pesaing mereka, Microsoft , yang akan segera merilis Internet Explorer 9 . Microsoft menjanjikan akan merilis web browser terbaru mereka itu pada kuartal pertama 2011.

YCAB Gandeng Microsoft Buka Rumah Belajar

Image via CrunchBase Microsoft menjalin kerjasama dengan Yayasan Cinta Anak Bangsa (YCAB) untuk membuka Rumah Belajar Microsoft yang ditujukan untuk memberikan pendidikan komputer bagi pelajar dari keluarga prasejahtera dan remaja putus sekolah. Materi pendidikan komputer yang diberikan berbasis program Microsoft (Word, Excel, Powerpoint, dan lain-lain). Kelas komputer ini berlangsung selama tiga bulan dengan model penentuan kelas berdasarkan hasil tes yang dilakukan di awal pelatihan. Tingkatan kelas mulai dari kelas Pre Basic, Basic, dan Intermediate. Tenaga pengajar, ujian kenaikan tingkat, dan penerbitan sertifikat kelulusan dikeluarkan oleh Universitas Bina Nusantara (Binus) melalui Binus Center.

Sumber "Bug" Windows Phone 7 Sudah Ditemukan

Microsoft menyebut Yahoo sebagai penyebab kebocoran paket data, yang disebut ' phantom data ', pada telepon selular yang menggunakan Windows Phone 7 sebagai sistem operasi. Permasalahan yang mulai teridentifikasi sejak awal tahun 2011 itu menyebabkan ponsel menerima dan mengirim paket data tanpa sepengetahuan pengguna. Sederhananya ponsel menggunakan paket data internet tanpa sepengetahuan pemilik ponsel. Sebagian pengguna mengeluhkan bahwa " bug " itu menelan paket data bulanan mereka. Microsoft masih mencari solusi masalah tersebut. Microsoft selama ini menolak untuk menyebutkan nama penyebab masalah.

Can Microsoft Compete with the iPad?

Reports indicate that Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer is expected to unveil some new slates from Samsung and Dell at CES next month that are designed to compete with Apple's incredibly popular iPad.  The company has not confirmed, and the sources of the info are unnamed, but evidently trusted by the New York Times , which reports :  The Samsung device is described as "similar in size and shape to the Apple iPad, although it is not as thin. It also includes a unique and slick keyboard that slides out from below for easy typing." The people familiar with this device said it would run the Windows 7 operating system when in landscape mode, but will also have a layered interface that will appear when the keyboard is hidden and the device is held in a portrait mode.

Microsoft Comes Up with Meek Warning for Windows Phone Hackers

Microsoft set forth with an announcement that people who jailbreak their Windows Phone may well be banned from enjoying certain facilities provided by the company. Well take a look at what they had to say after the Hack was unleashed and spread like fire over the web. We anticipated that people would attempt to unlock the phones and explore the underlying operating system. We encourage people to use their Windows Phone as supplied by the manufacturer to ensure the best possible user experience . Attempting to unlock a device could void the warranty, disable phone functionality, interrupt access to Windows Phone 7 services or render the phone permanently unusable. Well, their tone seems to be more kind of a request, isn’t it? C’mon now, who cares. Take a look around. I guess this instead is what is making news.

Bing launches search loyalty programme

Image via CrunchBase Microsoft has launched Bing Rewards, a loyalty programme allowing Bing users to earn redeemable credits the more they search. Bing Rewards lets people build up points by taking a number of actions, including searches or trying out new features, which can be redeemed for products including DVDs, games, gift cards or charitable donations. It’s currently available only in the US to those who install a Bing toolbar within Internet Explorer on a Windows-based PC .

GM Uji Fitur Pembaruan Facebook dengan Suara

Produsen mobil di Amerika Serikat, General Motors Co, sedang menguji sebuah piranti lunak yang terkait dengan Facebook. Dengan piranti lunak itu pengemudi bisa memperbarui statusnya di Facebook dan jejaring sosial lain dengan berbicara kepada mobilnya. Pengemudi juga bisa mendengarkan pesan Facebook yang disampaikan secara lisan. Pembaruan status secara verbal itu dilakukan melalui jaringan keamanan OnStar milik GM. Ini adalah salah satu upaya perusahaan ini untuk mempopulerkan OnStar dalam melawan pesaing terdekatnya, Ford Motor, dalam urusan informasi dan hiburan. OnStar akan digunakan untuk menghubungkan radio berteknologi tinggi, sistem navigasi, dan perangkat elektronik lain di dashboard. Sedangkan Ford meluncurkan teknologi bernama Sync yang digarap bersama Microsoft. GM juga sedang menguji sebuah fitur yang memungkinkan pengemudi membaca pesan pendek seluler dan membalasnya dengan memilih satu dari empat tombol balasan otomatis di roda kemudi. Juru bicara Jocelyn Allen men...

Internet Explorer 9 Beta is Due in September

According to Microsoft Chief Operating Officer Kevin Turner, Microsoft is getting ready to roll out IE version 9 in September. As per some leaked report, Microsoft is expected to release the Beta version in August. The Beta is supposed to feature more user interfaces. The Web Developers are keenly waiting for the new browser. There is a significant improvement of Internet Explorer 9 in comparison with Internet Explorer 8, with considerably improved standards compliance and functionality. The new build that Microsoft released so far is mainly targeted for the Web Developers. It includes new Microsoft Java Script Engine and the new graphic subsystem, integrated with a home page full of test sites. There is no security or no Back button. The company released three platform previews to show the IE 9 engine. However, this is a very simple interface. Perhaps the company wants everybody to wait till the release. Microsoft didn't announce any Release date for the final version. But, th...

Hacker Serang Sistem Dukungan Windows XP

Penjahat teknologi tinggi meningkatkan serangan terhadap sebuah bug unpatched (celah error yang belum diatasi) pada Help & Support System Windows XP (sistem bantuan dan dukungan Windows XP). Pihak Microsoft mengatakan telah melihat lebih dari 10 ribu mesin terkena serangan itu, sejauh ini, belum ditemukan untuk memperbaiki. PC Windows yang menjadi korban serangan itu akan bisa dikendalikan oleh penyerang. Microsoft mengatakan serangan itu baik secara teori maupun nyata bisa menghilang dengan sangat cepat dan mendorong pengguna untuk mengambil langkah-langkah melindungi diri sendiri.

Google to buy travel software company for $700M

Google Inc. plans to buy travel technology company ITA Software Inc. in a $700 million deal that would enable the Internet search leader to steer more of the airline reservations booked on the Web. The all-cash deal announced Thursday signals Google's intention to challenge flight-comparison services that are ITA customers, including Kayak, FareCompare, Hotwire and Microsoft Corp.'s Bing Travel. The deal is likely to face a rigorous review by federal antitrust regulators. "There is clearly more room for competition and innovation" in online travel, Google CEO Eric Schmidt said in a conference call. "We will improve the way flight information is organized." ITA Software, a 500-employee company created in 1996 by computer scientists at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, sells technology that helps run the reservation systems of many airlines, including American, Southwest, Alaska and Continental. Its software also powers the tools that other trav...

Google Diawasi karena Konten Anti-Islam

Pakistan mulai mengawasi beberapa website terkenal dalam upayaa untuk memblokir konten yang dianggap anti-Islam, salah satunya adalah Google. Tujuh website utama, yaitu Google, YouTube, Amazon, MSN, Hotmail dan Bing dari Microsoft akan dimonitor dan 17 website lain yang kurang diketahui telah diblokir di bawah perintah pengadilan karena tuduhan adanya material yang berbau penghinaan agama, menurut juru bicara Otoritas Telekomunikasi Pakistan. Gerakan ini mengikuti pemblokiran sementara yang dikenakan Pakistan pada Facebook pada bulan Mei. Dia menambahkan: “Jika tautan (link) tertentu yang mengandung konten ofensif muncul di website ini, tautan tersebut akan diblokir sesegera mungkin tanpa mengganggu website utamanya. Scott Robin, juru bicara Google, merespon balik bahwa perusahaan itu bermaksud memonitor bagaimana kebijakan baru tersebut akan mempengaruhi layanan Google.

Google Lebih Dipercaya Ketimbang Facebook

Para peneliti di Amerika menemukan sebuah fakta baru yang menyebutkan, saat ini orang lebih percaya kepada perusahaan teknologi atas seperti Google, Microsoft, dan Apple ketimbang situs jejaring sosial seperti Facebook atau Twitter. Survei yang dilakukan oleh Zogby Internasional menyebutkan 49 persen dari 2.100 orang dewasa yang diwawancara sangat meyakini tiga perusahaan teknologi papan atas tersebut. Sedangkan Facebook hanya dipercayai oleh 13 persen orang, dan Twitter sebanyak 8 persen. Dilansir melalui Telegraph, Rabu (23/6/2010), menurut Chief Executive Zogby International, John Zogby, Google, Apple dan Microsoft jauh lebih berpengalaman dalam mengemas nama merek, ketimbang Facebook dan Twitter yang belum memiliki identitas perusahaan. Kendati demikian, kedua perusahaan ini diberi nilai lebih tinggi dari media tradisional, penelitian ini menyimpulkan satu dari lima orang dewasa muda, yang berusia antara 18 dan 29, memiliki tingkat kepercayaan yang lebih tinggi kepada Faceboo...

Yahoo's site mirrors Facebook in latest facelift

Yahoo Inc.'s latest facelift will include a Facebook touchup. As part of changes rolling out this week, Yahoo will import personal updates from Facebook's social network for users who want a bridge between two of the world's most popular websites. The Facebook link will need to be turned on by each Yahoo user. The personal updates, known as a "news feed" in Facebook's parlance, will be available throughout Yahoo's website, including its front page and e-mail service. Other tools will empower people to automatically let their Facebook friends know what they are doing and saying on Yahoo services such as its photo-sharing site, Flickr. The additional tie-ins follow through on a makeover that Yahoo announced late last year in an effort to make its website more compelling.

Teen Bill Gates was problem child for mum, says dad

A teenage Bill Gates was such a problem child that he and his parents had to go through family therapy for two years, the Microsoft founder's dad has revealed. "Things obviously worked themselves out," the New York Daily News quoted Gates Sr., 84, as telling the crowd in the auditorium of the storied 92nd Street Y. He went on: "Our family was pretty typical as families go, with conflicts arising between parents and children at a certain age. "There's fighting against discipline, and that's the situation we had. In this particular case it was mostly between Bill and his mother." Gates Jr., nicknamed Trey at home, said: "Mom was on the front line. "But Dad was in reserve."

"Penyihir" Muda dari Keluarga Yahudi

Di tengah gempuran soal tuntutan perbaikan privasi pengguna, Facebook siap menggelar pesta besar-besaran beberapa pekan mendatang. Jika tak ada aral melintang, kemungkinan 25 Juni 2010, Facebook akan mengumumkan berita besar: "Jumlah pengguna tembus 500 juta orang." Itu berarti populasi Facebook lebih besar dari penduduk Indonesia sebanyak 230 juta orang atau penduduk Amerika Serikat 300 juta orang. Bahkan, pengguna Facebook adalah terbesar ketiga di dunia, setelah penduduk China yang berjumlah 1,6 miliar orang dan India 1,1 miliar orang. "Kami seringkali menahan pengumuman pertumbuhan Facebook dan menyatukannya dengan pengumuman penting lain seperti misalnya peluncuran produk," demikian pernyataan Facebook Kepada situs Search Engine Land, 19 Mei 2010. "Jadi, jumlah pengguna Facebook sebenarnya, seringkali lebih besar daripada yang kami umumkan saat itu." Sungguh luar biasa. Hanya dalam tempo enam tahun sejak didirikan, Facebook telah masuk jajaran w...

Serious Windows 7 Flaws Unearthed

Microsoft announced on Tuesday that its newest operating system Windows 7 can be vulnerable to users in terms of code execution and denial-of-service attacks. The vulnerability of Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2 has been discussed before Microsoft issued the advisory. Although, the company claims that no attack due to this Windows flaws has been reported so far. The flaw was found in the Canonical Display Driver (cdd.dll), which is used by desktop composition to mix the Windows Graphics Device Interface (GDI) and DirectX drawing. Microsoft also thinks that chances are high if an attacker can successfully exploit this vulnerability, it can result the affected system to stop responding and automatically restart. The company assured that they are going to fix the problem once the investigation is complete. By this time, affected Windows 7 or Windows 2008 R2 users should disable the Windows Aero Theme to prevent the issue from being exploited.

Why it is too late to regulate Facebook

I’ve seen a lot of angst over the past week about Facebook’s moves to open up your data to other applications. To really understand how huge these changes are I had to get away from Silicon Valley and come and hang out with the geeks in Kinneret, Israel where famous VC Yossi Vardi is throwing an exclusive camp for geeks and successful business innovators. To be sure, there is some fear and even a bit of hatred here of Facebook. Let’s detail that fear and hate: 1. Facebook has broken an invisible privacy contract with its users. Most of the geeks here say they expected Facebook to be about sharing photos, videos, and thoughts with friends and family. But now their previously private data is showing up on Yelp, Pandora, and Spotify. That wasn’t expected by the users, so has generated quite a bit of discussion here.

Facebook Privacy Complaint: A Complete Breakdown

The Electronic Privacy Information Center and 14 other consumer protection groups lodged a formal complaint against Facebook with the Federal Trade Commission on Wednesday. The groups take issue with Facebook's privacy policies and accuse the site of unfair and deceptive trade practices that " violate user expectations, diminish user privacy, and contradict Facebook's own representations ." At issue are Facebook's Instant Personalization feature; the inability of Facebook users to make the 'Likes and Interests' section of their profile private; and the fact that Facebook discloses user profile information in certain ways even if a user has elected to keep that information private. The complaint asks the FTC to order Facebook to "restore privacy settings that were previously available...give users meaningful control over personal information, and seek other appropriate injunctive and compensatory relief." Here's a quick lo...

Google Merek Teknologi Terbaik Dunia

Firma riset Millward Brown BrandZ menempatkan Google sebagai merek terbaik di bidang teknologi dalam daftar 100 merek paling berharga 2010 mereka. Apple, IBM, dan Microsoft juga berada dalam lima besar daftar itu, melampaui Coca Cola, McDonald, dan Marlboro. "Merek-merek dari sektor teknologi terus menunjukkan kekuatannya dalam kehidupan sehari-hari, jejaring sosial meningkatkan peluang untuk mencapai kesuksesan merek," demikian disampaikan Millward Brown seperti dikutip laman harian Sydney Morning Herald. Millward Brown menilai merek Google bernilai lebih dari US$ 114 miliar. Jumlah ini 14 persen lebih besar dari nilai pada 2009. Sedang nilai IBM meningkat 30 persen menjadi US$ 86 miliar, dan Apple 32 persen (US$ 83 miliar).

Facebook Ties With Microsoft

Popular social networking site Facebook which has several millions of users all over the world has recently tied up with Redmond based software Behemoth Microsoft. The move may benefit both the companies. Facebook will be able to attract more users who are interested in using online applications. Similarly, Microsoft will be able to lock horns with arch rival Google whose Google docs are becoming increasingly popular with the web users with time. As per the deal, the users of Facebook will be able to make online documents using the online edition of Microsoft's latest office productivity suite, Office 2010. Mark Zuckerberg, the founder of Facebook revealed the Facebook for Docs application in San Francisco at F8 developer's conference. The application still is in its beta version. Meanwhile, Microsoft has announced that is what the users will have to access for using online versions of latest office suite. The Facebook Microsoft tie up is clearly aimed to counter Goo...