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Facebook Hires Google Data Center Exec

Facebook announced today that Ken Patchett will be the manager of the company’s new data center in Prineville, Oregon. Patchett previously worked at Google, where he supervised the data center campus in The Dalles, Oregon. Patchett previously worked at Compag and the network operations team at Microsoft. “The people of Prineville have been so welcoming to Facebook and I look forward to working with the community going forward,” said Patchett. “With my previous experience in The Dalles, I have seen what the presence of a data center can do for a community and we look to have similar results here in Prineville. We have a lot to do to bring our energy efficient data center online early next year, and continue to be committed to hiring as many local people as possible to build and operate the facility.”

Microsoft dan Facebook Dituduh Sebabkan Global Warming

Greenpeace telah menuduh Facebook, Apple, Microsoft, Google dan sejumlah perusahaan teknologi lainnya atas kontribusi meningkatnya pemanasan global (global warming). Menurut report dari Greenpeace, yang berjudul "Make IT Green: Cloud Computing and its Contribution to Climate Change", mengingatkan bahwa pusat data dari komputasi cloud, termasuk Google, Facebook, Microsoft, Yahoo, dan sebagainya dalam bagian yang besar dapat menghabiskan bahan bakar batubara sehingga menyebabkan global warming. Greenpeace menuduh bahwa perusahaan teknologi tersebut tidak membuat pusat data yang menggunakan energy alternative, atau membuat perubahan policy. Sebelumnya, Greenpeace juga mengkritik Facebook atas pembelian listrik untuk data center yang menggunakan lebih banyak bahan batubara daripada sebelumnya. Greenpeace kemudian membentuk grup di Facebook untuk menghentikan penggunaan batubara secara berlebihan. Pernyataan tersebut juga diakui oleh Facebook, namun Facebook mengatakan menggunak...

Facebook’s Insatiable Hunger for Hardware

Facebook these days is doing everything in its power to imitate Google, recruiting the search giant’s sales people, poaching its senior executives and — most importantly — using infrastructure as a competitive advantage. Like Google, Facebook has figured out that the right web infrastructure is the difference between user delight and dismay. And like Google, Facebook is finding out that it isn’t cheap. I’ve been trying to get a handle on Facebook’s infrastructure for some time, but so far have been unable to get the company to open up. The last time I reached out to them, back in January, I was hearing that they had between 1,200 and 1,500 servers, along with storage and switches from EMC Corp. and Force 10 Networks respectively. As it turns out, those server numbers weren’t even close to the total servers used by them. The company is running around 10,000 servers, according to Data Center Knowledge , citing comments made by Facebook VP of technology, Jeff Rothschild, at a re...

Facebook Server Infrastructure

Om Malik reported on : The company is running around 10,000 servers , according to Data Center Knowledge , citing comments made by Facebook VP of technology, Jeff Rothschild, at a recent MySQL user conference. ( See video of the panel .) Of the 10,000 servers, 1,800 are from MySQL and around 805 of them are memcached servers . In order to house its sprawling infrastructure, Facebook has leased data center space from DuPont Fabros in Ashburn, Va., and Digital Realty Trust in Santa Clara, Calif., DCK reports. How much is Facebook spending on its infrastructure? The company isn’t going to tell us, but there are clues. Server and storage company Rackable today reported first-quarter 2008 sales of around $69 million. Facebook is one of its largest customers, accounting for around 10 percent of Rackable’s sales (that number could be higher, but we’ll have to wait for Rackable’s 10-Q to get a clearer picture), so some quick, back-of-the-envelope math reveals $7 million in ...

Jumlah Server Facebook Menembus Angka 30.000 Server

Tahukah Anda berapa banyak jumlah server yang di miliki oleh jejaring sosial Facebook sekarang ini? beberapa ada yang berpendapat Facebook mempunyai 10.000 server pada April 2008 Dengan jumlah Server tersebut bisa menangani hampir 300 juta pengguna Facebook, namun akhir-akhir ini vice president Facebook Jeff Rothschild mengatakan bahwa Facebook sekarang ini menggunakan 30.000 server agar Facebook dapat berjalan normal. Rothschild mengatakan akan tetap terus menambah server facebook bilamana pengguna Facebook terus bertambah setiap harinya, ia juga mengatakan jumlah server Facebook masih jauh dibandingkan dengan Rackspace , 1&1 Internet dan OVH yang jumlah servernya mencapai 50.000 server.