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Google unveils Chrome OS for notebooks - but puts it off to mid-2011

Image by FreeCliDent via Flickr Google has shown off its Chrome OS , the operating system that will power a new range of notebooks - but says its launch will be delayed until "mid-2011" with no indication of price or performance characteristics of machines that will run it. The idea behind the Chromium OS is that it will coordinate with cloud services, especially Google's , to minimise the amount of local storage required and to allow people to use any Chromium device to access the same cloud-saved data and synchronise locally-stored data to the cloud. The launch has been delayed because Chrome OS still has too many bugs - 2,227 according to the official page , including "sync is not working" which was the top one at the time of writing.

60% Enterprise may Reject Windows for Chrome OS: Google

Image by FreeCliDent via Flickr It is become pretty clear by now that Google will not be able to launch stable version of Chrome OS this year. The company is only expected to release the stable edition of Chrome OS early next year. Rumors are flying around at Google that Google Chrome OS will be delayed till 2011 or Crome and Android OS are going to merge to form a common platform. The Chrome OS is aimed for the computers that will be used as web browser and don’t store any of their data locally but keep it in the cloud. According to the latest New York Times report, Google recently deployed new systems that come with Chrome OS to internal Google employees including Sergey Brin . The interesting part of the Times story: “Mr. Upson says that 60 percent of businesses could immediately replace their Windows machines with computers running Chrome OS. He also says he hopes it will put corporate systems administrators out of work because software updates will be made automatically o...

Gmail Account Being Upgraded?

It seems that Google is on its way to revamp its Gmail account services. Although the company has not announced anything in this matter officially, a leaked screenshot of the internal version of the Gmail services used by its employees have pointed out a lot of differences from the current Gmail services of Google. The screenshot that was taken from Chromium OS bug tracker and was originally intended to point at a bug that exists within Google Chromium Operating service, has turned the attention of geeks towards the latest version of Gmail that is being used by the company's employees. As per sources, the Google employees are the first to use any version of the company's services which it wants to introduce in the market. It is based on the feedback of its employees that the services are improved or modified to suit the best interest of the users. The changes that have been marked in the new Gmail account version are mostly design and navigational changes. However, all these...

Google Chrome, live on Linux and Mac.

Google Is Now Apple’s Greatest Enemy: Here’s Why

Let’s take a trip back in time. The year is 1994, and two tech giants are going to war over copyright. They are Microsoft and Apple, and they are fighting over a copyright claim by Apple over Microsoft and HP’s use of graphical user interface elements from the Macintosh OS. The resulting court case, Apple Computer, Inc. v. Microsoft Corporation , ended with a ruling in Microsoft’s favor, mostly due to a contractual license agreement between the two.

Google and HTC Working On a Chrome OS Tablet

Everyone is clamoring about tablets these days— ourselves included —so it's not too surprising that Google and HTC are set to join the fray. They are reportedly working together on a Chrome OS Google Tablet. Smarthouse, an Australian publication, reports that HTC and Google have been collaborating "for the past 18 months" and have produced "several working models of a touch tablet," including one outfitted with Google's  Chrome OS.  We wrote why a  Google Tablet would be a good idea  last month, and with the Apple Tablet discussion reaching a fever pitch, it's harder and harder to get excited about a  Chrome OS netbook  from Google. Having collaborated on the  Nexus One , a smart phone that  impressed us  with its design as well as its hardware, HTC and Google partnering on a tablet seems like a promising prospect. But will it "compete head on" with Apple's tablet as Smarthouse claims? Probably not.

Can Google's Chrome Banner Change the Course of the Browser Wars?

Google has an ad banner in their search home page for their Chrome browser. Can it eventually change the course of the browser wars? And what can happen if it does?