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Do you use the same password for every website?

Despite high-profile security breaches such as  Jack Straw's Hotmail account being compromised , and cybercriminals gaining access to celebrity Twitter accounts after  cracking an administrator password , a third of computer users are still using the same password for every website they access according to newly revealed stats* from Sophos. Very few computer users seem to have woken up to the risks of using weak passwords and the same ones for every site they visit. With social networking and other internet accounts now even more popular, there's plenty on offer for hackers and by using the same password to access Facebook, Amazon and your online bank account, you're making it much easier for them.

Awas, Serangan Berkedok Iklan Buah Acai di Twitter!

Sebuah serangan cyber berkedok iklan untuk buah acai ‘menyerbu’ pengguna Twitter. Kabarnya, seribu akun Twitter telah menjadi korban dan berubah menjadi spammer. Mashable melaporkan, Sabtu (5/4/2011), serangan itu menyebar sangat cepat. Hanya dalam kurun satu menit, 10 ribu tweet terkait serangan itu muncul dalam situs mikroblog asal San Francisco. Tweet itu menyertakan link membahayakan yang mengandung berita tentang buah acai. Berdasarkan informasi terbaru yang dirangkum Mashable dari kreator TweetStats/TweeoSearch/RowFeeder Damon Cortesi, serangan itu berasal dari akun yang sudah diutak-atik dan bukannya dari kode berbahaya link seputar berita acai tersebut.

Seberapa Cepat Hacker Membobol Password Anda?

Image via Wikipedia Sebagian dari anda mungkin sudah menyadari betapa pentingnya   password   dalam sebuah akun pribadi. Namun bagi sebagian orang,   password  hanyalah sekedar kata kunci yang tidak boleh diketahui orang lain. Beberapa orang membuat   password   dengan menggunakan sebuah kata, nama, atau tanggal yang mudah diingat saja. Tahukah anda kalau   hacker   dapat dengan mudah membobol  password   dalam waktu yang sangat cepat jika anda membuat kata kunci yang sederhana? Anda yang menggunakan   password   yang terdiri dari 6 buah huruf kecil atau 6 buah angka, akan mudah dibobol oleh  hacker   dalam waktu hanya 10 menit. Berbeda jika anda mengkombinasikannya dengan huruf besar,   hacker  membutuhkan waktu sekitar 10 jam. Kombinasikan lagi antara huruf kecil dan besar, angka, serta simbol, maka   hacker   perlu 18 hari untuk menebak   password   anda. Intinya, semakin panjang...

Enhance Your Security This Weekend

While this week introduced security concerns, it also brought forward several great ways to help get your own digital life secure and under control. Looking to past and present, here are our best guides to help you enhance your security. Get Your Password , Online Account, and Gadget Security Under Control We've written a lot on security. Here's a large selection of our guides, tips, and tricks to help keep you safe. How to Stay Secure Online  - If you want an all-around comprehensive guide to your personal online security, this is it. While you can never protect yourself 100%, these are our best recommendations to keep you as protected as possible while also, conveniently, requiring minimal effort. How I'd Hack Your Weak Passwords  - To really understand password security, you need to approach it from the standpoint of how a hacker would try and crack your password. Here's a look at how one security expert would try to crack  your  passwords if he were invit...

New password from Facebook? Beware widely spread malware attack

Malicious hackers have spammed out an attack that pretends to be an email from Facebook support saying that your password has been changed. The messages, which have a variety of subject lines including "Facebook Service. A new password is sent you", "Facebook Support. Your password has been changed" and "Facebook Service. Your account is blocked", have a ZIP file attached which carries a Trojan horse.

How to Crack a Wi-Fi Network’s WEP Password with BackTrack

Unless you’re a computer security and networking ninja, chances are you don’t have all the tools on hand to get this job done. Here’s what you’ll need: A compatible wireless adapter :This is the biggest requirement. You’ll need a wireless adapter that’s capable of packet injection, and chances are the one in your computer is not. A BackTrack 3 Live CD : We already took you on a full screenshot tour of how to install and use BackTrack 3, the Linux Live CD that lets you do all sorts of security testing and tasks. Download yourself a copy of the CD and burn it, or load it up in VMware to get started. (I tried the BackTrack 4 pre-release, and it didn’t work as well as BT3. Do yourself a favor and stick with BackTrack 3 for now.) A nearby WEP-enabled Wi-Fi network : The signal should be strong and ideally people are using it, connecting and disconnecting their devices from it. The more use it gets while you collect the data you need to run your crack, the better your chances of succ...

Facebook increases security options

Image via CrunchBase Facebook , ever the victim of criticism when it comes to users' security, has announced a number of new features to help keep its social network more secure. The most significant addition is " one-time passwords " that are designed for you to use when you're out and about - handy if you're at an internet cafe or using a library-based computer. Or you're at your buddy's house and you know that they'll frape you if they get into your account. The password is sent to you via text, after you text a request (simply write "otp") to 32665. You'll get a unique password that will last for 20-minutes. You will need to log your mobile phone number with Facebook to do this - otherwise anyone would be able to get in, although no doubt people will now moan about Facebook collecting phone numbers.

10 Ways to Protect Your Facebook Account from Facebook Hackers

Facebook suffers from a number of security issues. Users can run into serious risk in case they are not careful. What's more important is that users should be able to protect his/her own profile form these viruses than that for Facebook developers itself has some of the viruses or an attempt to hack your profile. The number of facebook account hacking seems to be on the increase and this page is in response to a friend who asked what to do after her account is hacked. Any online account is in danger of being hacked. With its unique features the risk of hacking aggravates. To help you out in protecting your Facebook account we have assembled a list of top 10 Facebook accounts from Facebook Hackers. 1. Proper Facebook login Avoid clicking on any URL in email or other documentation to open Facebook Login page. Go to the Facebook page and enter login details to access the account. Try to redirect clicks in most common way to hack Facebook account and it might be easily a...

IM2 NetSAFE Miliki 2 Juta Database untuk Blokir Situs-situs Porno

PT Indosat Mega Media (IM2) meresmikan netSAFE, fitur untuk mencegah pengguna internet mengakses situs-situs pornografi, kekerasan, perjudian, dan lain-lain. Maraknya pengguna internet mengakses situs-situs pornografi, kekerasan, dan perjudian, PT Indosat Mega Media (IM2) kini meresmikan netSAFE. Dengan adanya blokir situs yang dilakukan melalui fitur netSAFE ini, dinilai lebih efektif dan aman, sebab fiturnya secara otomatis dapat menghalau pengguna internet untuk mengakses situs-situs yang telah diberi tanda untuk diblokir. Blokir situs yang dilakukan melalui fitur netSAFE lebih efektif dan aman karena setelah diaktifkan, fitur akan secara otomatis menghalau pengguna internet untuk mengakses situs-situs yang telah diberi tanda untuk diblokir. Lebih aman karena hanya orang dengan user ID dan password saja yang dapat membatalkan/meng-inaktivasi fitur netSAFE ini. “Karena blokir dilakukan berbasis akses jaringan, maka apabila dibandingkan dengan blokir menggunakan ...

Empat Info 'Haram' Dibagi di Facebook

Perkembangan teknologi memudahkan manusia melakukan komunikasi dengan banyak orang di seluruh dunia. Melalui sejumlah situs jejaring sosial seperti Facebook, Twitter, atau MySpace, kita dengan mudah saling bertukar informasi dan berhubungan dengan kawan baru. Namun, merebaknya kejahatan di dunia maya, ada baiknya selalu mawas diri. Jangan sembarangan mengumbar informasi pribadi lewat jejaring sosial. Jangan sampai informasi yang kita bagi justru mengundang aktivitas penjahat. Seperti dikutip dari laman Shine , berikut empat informasi pribadi yang sebaiknya tidak dipublikasikan lewat akun jejaring sosial. Tempat dan Tanggal Lahir Informasi yang lengkap tentang tempat dan tanggal lahir bisa saja dicuri oleh orang tak bertanggung jawab. Sebuah studi yang dilakukan oleh Carnegie Mellon menunjukkan bahwa tanggal dan tempat kelahiran dapat digunakan untuk memprediksi angka rahasia untuk menarik uang dalam sejumlah rekening. “Bahkan bisa digunakan pencuri identitas untuk menguras keu...

10 Ways to Protect Your Facebook Account from Facebook Hackers

Facebook suffers from a number of security issues. Users can run into serious risk in case they are not careful. What's more important is that users should be able to protect his/her own profile form these viruses than that for Facebook developers itself has some of the viruses or an attempt to hack your profile. The number of facebook account hacking seems to be on the increase and this page is in response to a friend who asked what to do after her account is hacked. Any online account is in danger of being hacked. With its unique features the risk of hacking aggravates. To help you out in protecting your Facebook account we have assembled a list of top 10 Facebook accounts from Facebook Hackers. 1. Proper Facebook login Avoid clicking on any URL in email or other documentation to open Facebook Login page. Go to the Facebook page and enter login details to access the account. Try to redirect clicks in most common way to hack Facebook account and it might be easily avoided. 2. V...

Cara Mendapatkan Password Facebook Yang di Retas

Bagaimana cara mendapatkan kembali akun Facebook kamu yang di hack?. Nah, bagi orang yang punya akun Facebook dibobol password dan email-nya alias kena hack, bisa menggunakan halaman Facebook help center security . Dari situ kamu akan dituntun cara mendapatkan kembali akun FB yang di hack sama orang lain. Ada 3 jenis form yang diberikan sebagai cara mengembalikan Facebook yang di hack: 1. My Account Has Been Hacked And I Have Access To My Login Email Form ini digunakan jika akun FB kamu dibobol tapi email yang digunakan untuk login Facebook masih bisa befungsi, dan emailitu masih bisa diakses untuk menerima dan mengirim pesan.

How Are Spam, Twitter and Protection Center Rogue Related?

Is there a possibility for Twitter to be related to rogue? It looks that the answer to this question is YES. Security experts from Websense have recently detected a new Twitter-related spam campaign spreading rogueware. Let's find out the whole truth about this threat together. First of all, it has to be noted that the attack starts with a spam message purportedly being sent by Twitter and coming with the subject line "Reset your Twitter password". Victimized users are asked to click on the provided link or paste it into the browser. Websense claims to have detected about 55,000 cases of this malicious Twitter spam campaign. So what happens if the recipient clicks on the provided link? As it may be expected, that is where the real malicious attack begins. The link asks the victimized user to download an executable called password.exe. This is a malicious file and drops on the infected system rogue anti-virus application called Protection Center. An interesting thi...

Five hidden dangers of Facebook (Q&A)

Facebook claims that it has 400 million users. But are they well-protected from prying eyes, scammers, and unwanted marketers? Not according to Joan Goodchild, senior editor of CSO (Chief Security Officer) Online . She says your privacy may be at far greater risk of being violated than you know, when you log onto the social-networking site, due to security gaffes or marketing efforts by the company. Facebook came under fire this past week, when 15 privacy and consumer protection organizations filed a complaint with the Federal Trade Commission , charging that the site, among other things, manipulates privacy settings to make users' personal information available for commercial use. Also, some Facebook users found their private chats accessible to everyone on their contact list--a major security breach that's left a lot of people wondering just how secure the site is. In two words, asserts Goodchild: not very. On "The Early Show on Saturday Morning," Go...

Amankah Berkicau di Twitter?

Kicauan Twitter makin riuh saja dan menjadi populer saat ini. Saking riuhnya, Indonesia menduduki peringkat kedua negara dengan pemakai Twitter terbanyak di Asia. Jika tahun lalu hanya sekitar 500 ribuan, kini telah mencapai 5 jutaan. Menurut data Google yang dikeluarkan pada 20 Februari 2010 menunjukkan peringkat sepuluh besar negara di Asia dengan jumlah pemakai Twitter terbanyak adalah: 1. Jepang: 9.9 juta 2. Indonesia: 5,1 juta 3. India: 4,2 juta 4. Korea Selatan: 1,5 juta 5. Filipina: 1,3 juta 6. Thailand: 910 ribu 7. Malaysia: 910 ribu 8. Cina: 680 ribu 9. Singapura: 240 ribu Meningkatnya pengguna Twitter berarti peluang dan berbagai potensi lain juga meningkat, tak terkecuali cyber crime. Apalagi system microblogging burung hijau itu amat terbuka dan sangat rentan disusupi peretas. Bagi pengguna Twitter perlu untuk membentengi diri. Hal tersebut akan melindungi diri kita saat asyik berkicau dengan burung biru yang lagi populer.

Your Google Password Might have been Compromised

In cyberattack December last year Google had intruders stealing vital information from its computer. However, the Mountain View company didn't reveal the exact nature and extent of the theft that involved closely guarded company secret. According to the latest reports in NYT, one of the Google's password system that controls access by millions of users worldwide to almost all of the company's web services including the email and business applications. Google's program code named Gaia was attacked in a lightning raid taking less than two days last December. Actually, Gaia allows users to sign in using their password for a range of services compromises during a two-day attack last December. However, it's a relief for Gmail users that their passwords have not been stolen.Google initiated the security changes to its networks. The intrusion began when Google employee in China clicked on a link sent in an instant message, which took the visitor to a corrupted website....

Jika Twitter Sudah Terjangkit Phishing Attack

Today there's a phishing run underway in Twitter, using Direct Messages ("DMs"). These are private one-to-one Tweets inside Twitter. The messages look like these:

Tips Ampuh Menjaga Account Facebook Dari Tangan Jahil

Saat ini pencurian pasword facebook sudah sangat gencar dilakukan baik dengan memasang software tertentu atau dengan cara cara lain sehingga sudah banyak  sekali korban berjatuhan akibat aksi nyeleneh bandit alam maya ini. tujuan pencuriannya sangat sederhana hanya untuk mencuri chip pocker para pengguna lain. Untuk sedikit mengantisipasi aksi bandit maya ini, berikut tips yang mungkin akan sangat berguna untuk menghindari hacking account facebook, baik itu dilakukan oleh virus atau tangan jahil lainnya.

Facebook Responds to Massive Phishing Scheme

Facebook has responded to a an apparently massive attempt to steal passwords from its users. "There's another spoofed email going around that claims to be from Facebook and asks you to open an attachment to receive a new password," read a post on the Facebook Security page. "This email is fake. Delete it from your inbox, and warn your friends." Facebook will never send users a new password in an attachment, the post says.

Securing Your Social Networking Brand

Social networking sites as innocent as LinkedIn and as provocative as Twitter (have you seen my stream?) have now become a personal branding vehicle many professionals. Some of us have had the unfortunate experience of losing a job we barely had thanks to social networking. Others have seen it as the boost to their career they have been wanting for years. Let’s talk about security in the context of the latter. When I moved my blog to a setup I administered, I made two commitments to myself. The first is that I would make frequent backups because there has yet to be a flawless content management system introduced to the market and I could only assume I would have some kind of security problem along the way. The second was that I would pay money to wrap my entire blog inside an SSL stream. My primary goal with forcing all of the traffic through and SSL tunnel was to seamlessly provide a way for me to connect and administer the content from anywhere (like a coffee shop I frequent) wit...