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Wikipedia Down: Affects Millions Worldwide

Today millions of people need to access the World Wide Web on a daily basis and the email and search related services are required by them every now and then. That explains why the breakdown of such services can put a stop to their workflow and activities. Yesterday, the wiki users got a taste of the service breakdown and the Wikipedia site problem took the users by surprise. The Wiki site is accessed by millions of users for various purposes and they saw red when the site could not be accessed. It took them a while to understand what was going on. Later, the confusion was clear and the users got to know that the breakdown was triggered by a server overheating problem. The Wikipedia European Data center got overheated and a number of Wiki servers closed down the service to stop damage to the data bank. This problem resulted in a DNS resolution failure which thwarted the attempts of the Wiki team that was trying to divert the traffic to other running servers. The users who got a '...

Tips Ampuh Menjaga Account Facebook Dari Tangan Jahil

Saat ini pencurian pasword facebook sudah sangat gencar dilakukan baik dengan memasang software tertentu atau dengan cara cara lain sehingga sudah banyak  sekali korban berjatuhan akibat aksi nyeleneh bandit alam maya ini. tujuan pencuriannya sangat sederhana hanya untuk mencuri chip pocker para pengguna lain. Untuk sedikit mengantisipasi aksi bandit maya ini, berikut tips yang mungkin akan sangat berguna untuk menghindari hacking account facebook, baik itu dilakukan oleh virus atau tangan jahil lainnya.

Hacking Rapidshare Account

Jika Anda mempunyai account premium rapidshare tidaklah menjadi masalah untuk mendownload berbagai macam file yang Anda inginkan. Namun jika Anda tidak memiliki account premium atau  Anda mendownload sebagai  free user , maka Anda akan mengalami berbagai macam limit dalam mendownload file dari rapidshare antara lain  : Anda hanya diperbolehkan mendownload satu file dalam jangka waktu tertentu, Anda harus menunggu beberapa detik ( waiting time ) sebelum download button ditampilkan serta batasan kecepatan download. Namun batasan rapidshare tersebut ternyata bisa kita hindari jika kita mengerti bagaimana trik download dan trik mengakali rapidshare. Untuk mempermudah dan menambah kenyamanan bagi Anda yang ingin mendownload file  dari rapidshare, maka berikut ini saya tunjukkan trik download dan mengakali rapidshare  agar proses download  menjadi cepat dan nyaman :

A Hacker You Should Do Business With

Evaluating your company's security vulnerabilities is the first step toward preventing costly data losses that could compromise both information and your company's reputation. A so-called ethical hacker could help. It’s just a USB drive, casually dropped by an employee entrance, in the cafeteria or next to a cubicle. But what happens to that drive can tell worlds about your company’s IT security. An employee wanders by, picks up the drive and, out of curiosity, sticks it in the computer at his or her workstation. The drive contains infected code that compromises your system. Evaluating your company's security vulnerabilities is the first step toward plugging those gaps and preventing costly data losses and security breaches that could compromise both information and your company's reputation. For some small to mid-size businesses, evaluating security is a requirement of doing business with government agencies, credit card companies or health-related companies.

Hacking and Social Networks

When people talk about hacking and social networks, they're not referring to the com­mon definition of hacking, which is using malicious code or backdoors in computer networks to damage systems or steal proprietary information. Hacking into social networks requires very little technical skill. It's much more of a psychological game -- using information on personal profiles to win a complete stranger's trust. This second type of hacking is called social engineering. Social engineering uses persuasive psychological techniques to exploit the weakest link in the information security system: people [source: ]. Examples of social engineering scams could be: Calling a systems administrator posing as an angry executive who forgot his password and needs to access his computer immediately. Posing as a bank employee and calling a customer to ask for his credit card number. Pretending to lose your key card and kindly asking an employee to let you into the office...

Ning's Infinite Ambition

It isn't just a site where users can build their own social networks -- Ning is a model of how to create a perpetual growth machine. Here's something you probably don't know about the Internet: Simply by designing your product the right way, you can build a billion-dollar business from scratch. No advertising or marketing budget, no need for a sales force, and venture capitalists will kill for the chance to throw money at you.

Top 10 Blogger Hacks and Tips

I thought I would share with you what I have learned about Blogger’s Blogspot blogging platform over the last 8 months or so. I jumped into the new Blogger almost immediately after its beta launch and then I wanted to customize it – You know, make it my own.

Twitter Kena Hack

Situs microblogging , Twitter menjadi korban hacker lagi. Kali ini hacker membuat link ke halaman palsu. Kisah ini terungkap setelah pada akhir pekan dua minggu lalu terdapat arahan menuju halaman Twitter palsu. Dilansir dari CNN, halaman situs tersebut memuat sebuah gambar berbendera hijau dengan tulisan yang berbunyi "This site has been by Iranian Cyber Army". Namun demikian, tidak terdapat bukti keterkaitan negara Iran terhadap situs tersebut.

Twitter Hacked by 'Iranian Cyber Army'

Microblogging site Twitter has been hacked by a group of protesters calling themselves the Iranian Cyber Army. The attack forced Twitter offline for more than an hour overnight, leaving Twitter users unable to log on to the service or send tweets. Visitors to were automatically redirected to another web page, which displayed a green flag and English and Arabic writing.

Gmail Hacks

You already know that Gmail beats all other email providers with its endless customization capabilities, Google product integration and fantastic spam filter. Take it to the next level with these Gmail power user tips and Greasemonkey extensions for Firefox. We haven’t forgotten the Mac users, either. For more great resources, check out the official Gmail blog and the Gmail Power Users group on Google Groups. If you'd like to learn more about other email programs, check out the email category at the web directory. 1. Master the Gmail keyboard shortcuts If you haven’t already, master the shortcut keys. Compose, mark as read, archive and much more with the press of a button. Sure, you know c for compose and ! for report spam, but do you know g + t for the sent mail folder? You can find a complete list at the official Gmail shortcut page.

Hacking with Google, Is it Possible

Every hacker needs to develop his abilities if he wants to maintain up to date. That's why he will use every tool he can find. From all of these possible options, Google hacks have become a new instrument for hackers. Although Google hacking isn't widespread knowledge, it should be understood by any hacker and even for the everyday computer user. But, if you want to become a hacker, Google is the way to go. Learn how to hack Google and you will acquire a powerful tool for your everyday work. What Is Google Hacking? Basically, it's the ability to use Google for finding hidden bits of data or information that the hacker can use for his advantage. Or in other words, hacking Google search appliance. How so? Let's say that you are a black hacker (someone who uses his hacking abilities for selfish purposes) and want to access the email account of a chosen victim. The first thing that hacker's do is to find out what is the secret question in the email account of their...