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Google China Redirects to, Impact and Consequences

Yesterday I have informed you about the Chinese government's stand point regarding Google. Google was asked either to maintain Chinese laws and regulations, or retreat. Some Chinese media even went on accusing Google of being linked to US intelligence agencies. Today Google has taken a massive step towards closing its business in China. It has shut down it's Chinese search site at and redirecting visitors to (Google Hong Kong) It is still unknown whether Google will still be operating in China with its R&D office and sales office. Loads of complains are reported from both the Chinese and American users, unhappy with the change being made. There are people in China, who want to access Google, but are also redirected to Users in Hong Kong will continue to receive their existing access to

The New Twitter Office

As you all know, I made a  slight mistake  on the location of the  Twitter  office during my SF visit, which moved to a new location a couple months ago. While I wasn’t able to drop by and snap picture on my own, I was able to acquire a few from the awesome people at Twitter (Thanks  Biz  and  Caroline !). This office space is literally around the corner and down the street from the old office, but really has an entire different feel to it. First off, instead of being long and multi-level, the new space is much more spacious, light, and open, with an amazing view of the city. I think my favorite feature is James the green buck, whose commanding stature and magical smile fill the office with an aura of joy.

The New Facebook Office

In the past, we’ve  posted several times  about Facebook’s office space, but nothing quite like today’s post. Facebook recently moved their offices out of several smaller locations spread throughout Palo Alto, CA and into one central, 150,000-square-foot building that used to house Agilent Technologies. Many of the building’s original features either remain or have been repurposed for Facebook’s use. The space was designed by  studio o+a  who took time to interview employees to see what they wanted and what would make their work experience better and more productive. Employees collaborated with designers throughout the entire process to ensure the best product possible. Because of the differing departmental needs, small neighborhoods within the building were created giving each department its own unique flavor and vibe.