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Facebook's Privacy Fixes Can't Cure Stupid

Facebook deserves plenty of blame for messing too much with its privacy settings, but no amount of fixing will stop people from embarrassing themselves on the Internet. An interesting thing happened in the time since Facebook's privacy fiasco began: The debate moved away from the most recent changes to Facebook's privacy -- allowing select Web sites to automatically tell your Facebook friends what you've been doing on those sites -- and now focuses on changes that are almost six months old . Suddenly, it seems, users are upset that Facebook wants status updates and friends lists shared with the world. By default, new Facebook users' profiles are set to "everyone," making life on the Internet an open book. Enter, well, Openbook , the site that exposes just how much people expose on Facebook. PCWorld has covered this site before , making note of the too-much-information that (I hope) users think was kept private. NPR played a different trick...