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Twitter Hack Lets You Force People To Follow You

Gizmodo stumbled onto an amazing hole in Twitter that allowed you to have anyone you want following you. It looks like Twitter has shut this down after word of the hole spread across...Twitter. Here's how it worked. Log in to Twitter. Type "accept 'username'" Hit "Tweet" In "username" put in who you want. We went with Conan O'Brien because he said over the weekend, " If it ever says I’m following more than one person, I’ve been hacked. I’m a completely monogamous Twitterer—I only follow Sarah Killen." And Boom! It worked for us. Apparently it also worked for 379 other people! Conan is following 380 people now. While we were writing this post it seems Twitter closed the hole. As a result of what Twitter is doing, it knocked the number of followers and following to 0 for all users. You still get the Tweets from people that are following you though.

Chavez rockets to No. 1 on Twitter Venezuela

President Hugo Chavez is tops on Twitter in Venezuela less than 2 weeks after launching his account, surpassing Internet-savvy foes who dominate the social networking site and use it to oppose him. Chavez's account, "chavezcandanga," had racked up more than 237,000 followers as of Saturday morning — besting the 234,000 who receive tweets from Globovision, the only TV channel that remains critical of the socialist leader. In recent televised appearances, Chavez has trumpeted the meteoric rise of his Twitter popularity while downplaying the critical, often disparaging messages he receives. "Some criticize me, others insult me. I don't care," he said. "It's a form of contact with the world." The president joined Twitter on April 27 in an attempt to counter adversaries who have actively used the site to make accusations of human rights violations, organize protests and — above all — ridicule Chavez. He urged supporters to join as well, ca...

Facebook location feature to track your whereabouts

Facebook is to roll out its location based features later this month, according to the Advertising Age. It's a move that could have serious repercussions for businesses as well as end users. Firstly, in terms of the general public, users will be given the option to check in at locations such as bars, restaurants and shopping centres. Sound a bit like what Foursquare and Gowalla do now? That's because it is. The trouble for those fairly new start-ups is that Facebook already has a huge user base. Foursquare has about a million users, Facebook has over 400 million. There will, of course, be concerns with privacy and security. Facebook won't just go ahead and start posting geo-data, users will presumably have to opt in or out. The issue is, not all users will understand what they may be agreeing to.

How To Recognize Valid URL from Text

Twitter and host of Twitter clients as well as tons of other programs have to recognize valid URL's (protocol defined in RFC 1738) from plain text and hyperlink them. Unfortunately dues tyo lazyness (or lack of knowledge) of the programmers such URL detection schemes are often hare-brained and fails torecognize valid URL's properly. URL can use a wide variety of characters and you need to recognize all of them to properly identify and isolate an URL from surrounding text. Here is a simple guide for programmers (based on RFC 1738 obviously): In general, URLs are written as follows: : A URL contains the name of the scheme being used ( ) followed by a colon and then a string (the ) whose interpretation depends on the scheme. Scheme names consist of a sequence of characters. The lower case letters "a"--"z", digits, and the characters plus ("+"), period ("."), and hyphen ("-") are allowed. For resiliency...

Amankah Berkicau di Twitter?

Kicauan Twitter makin riuh saja dan menjadi populer saat ini. Saking riuhnya, Indonesia menduduki peringkat kedua negara dengan pemakai Twitter terbanyak di Asia. Jika tahun lalu hanya sekitar 500 ribuan, kini telah mencapai 5 jutaan. Menurut data Google yang dikeluarkan pada 20 Februari 2010 menunjukkan peringkat sepuluh besar negara di Asia dengan jumlah pemakai Twitter terbanyak adalah: 1. Jepang: 9.9 juta 2. Indonesia: 5,1 juta 3. India: 4,2 juta 4. Korea Selatan: 1,5 juta 5. Filipina: 1,3 juta 6. Thailand: 910 ribu 7. Malaysia: 910 ribu 8. Cina: 680 ribu 9. Singapura: 240 ribu Meningkatnya pengguna Twitter berarti peluang dan berbagai potensi lain juga meningkat, tak terkecuali cyber crime. Apalagi system microblogging burung hijau itu amat terbuka dan sangat rentan disusupi peretas. Bagi pengguna Twitter perlu untuk membentengi diri. Hal tersebut akan melindungi diri kita saat asyik berkicau dengan burung biru yang lagi populer.

The 7 Universal Laws of Social Marketing Success & Profit

Do you know how to use Social Media & Social Marketing for success in your business? You will when you read and use these 7 Universal Laws. There are lots of differing opinions about how to be successful with Social Media and Social Marketing, and whether it is worth it at all. To that end, here are the 7 Universal Laws for Social Marketing Success & Profit. The Law of Relationship – This Social Media thing is all based on relationship. Gone are the days when you could just throw up a website, get some traffic and make sales, all while hiding behind your computer. If those days were ever really here at all…Social marketing is based on the relationship you have with your followers, prospects and customers.

Complete List of 43 Twitter-derived APIs Unleased

Voila! For all Twitter mashups building unique apps for Twitter, the Twitter APIs are key. We got a across a directory of 43 Twitter derived APIs. Of course, there are scores of Twitter API open source examples to look into, but here's a collection to glance through. Developers have been using open source Twitter API for making applications, websites, widgets, and other projects that interact with Twitter. The Twitter API in some part is responsible for the hiking demand for APIs. Evidently, it's a new trend popular with Internet operating systems that will allow "one platform build on another, and another builds on that one an so on. Here's the collection of Twitter based APIs. Programmableweb offers the lists the 43 Twitter-derived APIs

10 Guidelines of Using Google Buzz for Business

Since Google Buzz was enabled on Gmail accounts last month, I’ve observed quite a bit, and experimented a little on my own, and have been seeking feedback about what Marketers think about Google Buzz .  Thanks to those of you who took time to either comment here, or respond on Twitter or Buzz.  Thinking further last week I did my best to create an illustration of where Google Buzz fits in (graphic designers be forewarned with my web communications, I ran across an interesting Buzz Stream exposing a plagiarist and this week looked at an SEO Consideration of Google Buzz vs. Twitter . This post will round out Buzz talk for a while here as I share a 10 Guidelines of using Google’s latest social service. I think there is potential with Buzz, and it needs to be a part of your social marketing plan, finding the balance can be tricky.  Here are some things I’m considering to make the most of Buzz for marketing purposes.

Toby Young Feels The Bite As Twitter Users Attack

The attack dogs of Twitter are on the rampage once again, and this time they have Daily Telegraph columnist Toby Young in their sights. He has been savaged by users of the social networking site for a third time in two weeks for having the temerity to write an article in the Spectator in which he takes umbrage at his previous 'flamings' (orchestrated attacks by users). Young's initial crime was to write a piece for the Telegraph after the death of Alexander McQueen in which he questioned the fashion designer's "genius", given how flippantly the word is used in fashion circles, and talked about the "cult of personality" that had grown up around McQueen.

Avoid 'Phishing' Scams

Over the past few days, Twitter has been helping folks victimized by a phishing attack. Phishing is a deceitful process by which an attempt is made to acquire sensitive information such as Twitter usernames and passwords. The bad guys masquerade as someone you trust and may send you a Direct Message (DM) with a link. This DM may say something along the lines of, "LOL that you??" followed by a link to a fake Twitter login page. If you enter your credentials on that fraudulent page, the phishers can sign in as you and trick more people. Anatomy of A Phishing Scam Generally a phishing attack against Twitter users breaks down to a three-part process. First, accounts compromised in the manner described above send out messages to all accounts following them. Second, accounts that are newly compromised send out more messages. Third, the scammers behind the phishing attack make an attempt at monetization by sending out spam links instead of links to a fake login page. We fight phi...

10 Tips to Secure Your Twitter Account

Twitter much like Facebook is popular social networking site and these sites users are targeted with phishing scams luring them to reveal their username and passwords.Here are some security tips for twitter users for safe tweeting. Tips to secure twitter account.. 1.Use strong and Unique password : Use the password for your twitter account as a combination of characters, symbols and numbers. Never use same password for different websites and email accounts, use unique password for every website. 2. Be aware of fake twitter websites, try to type in your browser and enter your account credentials. 3. Always use extensions for browsers like Chrome and Firefox which shows preview for shortened links on twitter. Because you may be lured to click on a malicious link to steal your twitter username and password.

Account Mikroblogging Kosong Raih Ribuan Follower

Sebuah account layanan mikroblogging ala Twitter membuat heboh. Pasalnya, account yang masih kosong melompong itu sudah mendapatkan 10.000 lebih follower. Ada apa di balik account tersebut? Ternyata pemilik account itu adalah Presiden China, Hu Jintao. Hu Jintao diketahui terdaftar di situs mikroblogging berbahasa China yang dimiliki oleh Pepople's Daily. Belum diketahui kapan account itu dibesut, namun dipastikan account tersebut asli.

A Beginners Guide: 7 Smart Ways of Getting Followers at Twitter

Gathering followers at Twitter is essential, because if you’re using Twitter for business (or would like to do so in the future), you have to have a great deal of followers who’ll account for your traffic, sales and general popularity. In this article, we’ll try to have a look on how to gather a great deal of followers on Twitter, how to keep them, and introspect the new trends of Twitter following. I’ve collected seven quick and smart ways to boost the number of your followers and would like to share them with you. 1. Work on your profile. It’s the only thing that your potential followers can see. Customize it; make it beautiful, it’ll work and attract followers. At least if your profile is beautiful. 2. Participate in Twitter games/trends. My profile recently got quite of an attention (read: followers) because I submitted some entries to #twitterfilms. Put yourself on the line with stuff like this. Once you have a load of followers, you may also start games yourself. It’ll get...

How To Use Twitter Correctly

Well, that’s quite easy. Since Twitter is free to use and available in every country in the world, you can just register and post tweets, engage in superficial internet relationships which require little or no investment. However, there’s more than that in Twitter. In this article, we’ll try to have some insight on how to use the famous 140-character micro blogging service correctly, as well as introduce you to basic vocabulary every Twitter should know. Before you start Tweeting, here’s the basic vocabulary of Twitter: To ‘follow’ someone means to subscribe to another users’ tweets, or follow to subscribe from them. You may want to follow only followorthy users as they give you more valuable content than the others. To Retweet or RT means to re-tweet tweets tweeted by other twitters, this can help you a lot, as it shows that you don’t care to put yourself in front of others. You can also send Direct Messages (DM) to other users; they can only be seen by the users you send them to....

Inilah Twit Kontroversial Marsha Saphira

Nama Marsha Saphira tiba-tiba saja popular di dunia Twittesphere atawa di ranah situs jejaring sosial Twitter. Berdasarkan catatan kata "marsha" menjadi perbincangan hangat atau trending topic nomor dua di Indonesia. Hanya, kata "Milan" yang mengalahkannya. Di Twitter dia dikenal dengan akun @marshaaaw. Popularitas anak yang mengaku bersekolah di SMA Bakti Mulya 400, Jakarta Selatan itu melesat setelah baku ejek dengan pengguna Twitter lainnya, @worldloveforus. Gara-garanya, Marsha mengkritik status yang ditulis dalam bahasa Inggris. Lalu, setelah itu Marsha pun diserang dan juga membalas serangan dari pengguna Twitter lainnya. (Baca juga : ABG Heboh, Marsha Jadi Ngetop di Twitter ). Inilah beberapa Twit kontroversialnya:

Kok bisa ya Rana dan Marsha jadi Trending Topics Twitter?

Rabu (17/2) kemarin, dua orang pelajar Indonesia, Rana dan Marsha, jadi bintang dadakan Twitter. Semua orang membicarakan mereka berdua di update status sehingga kedua nama ini sempat bertengger di Trending Topics atau Topik Teratas (TT) Twitter se dunia. Topik hangat lain seperti iPad dan Google Buzz bahkan sempat dikalahkan oleh dua ‘jagoan Twitter’ ini. Yang membuat Rana dan Marsha tenar bukan prestasi gemilang di sekolah, tapi komentar pedas dan status berisi cacian yang mengundang reaksi dari tweeple (pengguna twitter) lainnya. Rana, siswi SMP di Jakarta, mulai dihujat sejak menulis komentar berisi hinaan kepada para pengguna BlackBerry. Dia menyebut pengguna gadget yang sedang naik daun ini sebagai alay alias anak layangan (sebutan untuk orang yang dianggap kampungan). Sedangkan Marsha, siswi SMA swasta di Jakarta, sempat menghina dan menjelekkan-jelekkan sekolah negeri dan internasional yang dibalas dengan hujatan bertubi-tubi. Saking banyaknya orang yang mengetik nama “Rana...

Google Changes Buzz Privacy Settings--again

Perhaps you, like me, have a friend who is always fond of the obvious. Perhaps that friend doesn't work at Google. Having launched its new Buzz service last week, melding some mimicry of Twitter and Facebook, Google seemed to take a page straight from the latter's Beacon of customer service by creating start-up settings that were anything other than comfortable, anything other than private. This seemed obvious to many. Now, having been buzzed by feedback from annoyed users and commentators, Google announced on its blog Saturday that it will make radical changes to the Buzz start-up experience over the next few days. In a post by Gmail and Google Buzz Product Manager Todd Jackson, Google says that it has been listening "loud and clear."

Google Buzz Is Brilliant

Yesterday, we published Jason Calacanis's first reaction to Google Buzz, which was that Facebook is toast .  Below, in a note to his email list, Jason puts some meat on that thesis.  You can sign up for Jason's excellent email here >   My 30 second review of Google Buzz: 1. Google Buzz 1.0 is better than Facebook after six or seven years. 2. Facebook's history is one filled with stealing other people's innovations and doing them better (i.e. Zuckerberg has stolen every idea Evan Williams and the Twitter team have released). How ironic now that Google has out "Facebooked" Facebook. 3. Google has an excellent privacy record and Facebook is a disaster. Most folks do not trust Zuckerberg and Facebook any more because of their privacy record (filled with lawsuits) and because they steal every good idea they see (i.e. Twitter's innovations and FourSquare's checking in).

Warning: Google Buzz Has A Huge Privacy Flaw

There is a huge privacy flaw in Google's new Twitter/Facebook competitor, Google Buzz. When you first go into Google Buzz, it automatically sets you up with followers and people to follow. A Google spokesperson tells us these people are chosen based on whom the users emails and chats with most using Gmail. That's fine. The problem is that -- by default -- the people you follow and the people that follow you are made public to anyone who looks at your profile. In other words, before you change any settings in Google Buzz, someone could go into your profile and see the people you email and chat with most. A Google spokesperson asked us to phrase this claim differently. Like this: "In other words, after you create your profile in Buzz, if you don't edit any of the default settings, someone could visit your profile and see the people you email and chat with most (provided you didn't edit this list during profile creation)." (Freaking out already? Here...

Setelah Phising, Twitter Reset Password

Twitter melakukan reset password bagi sejumlah pengguna yang mengalami serangan phising. "Sebagai keberlanjutan dari upaya Twitter dalam melindungi para penggunanya, kami melakukan reset password untuk sejumlah akun yang kami yakini telah terkena serangan," ujar juru bicara Twitter Del Harvey, seperti dikutip dari Cnet, Rabu (3/2/2010). "Beberapa pengguna Twitter nampaknya menggunakan username dan password mereka untuk mendaftar pada aplikasi pengembang pihak ketiga yang kemudian memposting tweet ke akun mereka," tambahnya. Sementara mereka terus melakukan investigasi, Twitter berusaha meyakinkan para pengguna bahwa langkah yang mereka ambil menjamin keamanan mereka. Twitter pun terus menginformasikan update terbaru soal investigasi yang dapat dilihat pada @safety dan @spam.