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Google unveils Chrome OS for notebooks - but puts it off to mid-2011

Image by FreeCliDent via Flickr Google has shown off its Chrome OS , the operating system that will power a new range of notebooks - but says its launch will be delayed until "mid-2011" with no indication of price or performance characteristics of machines that will run it. The idea behind the Chromium OS is that it will coordinate with cloud services, especially Google's , to minimise the amount of local storage required and to allow people to use any Chromium device to access the same cloud-saved data and synchronise locally-stored data to the cloud. The launch has been delayed because Chrome OS still has too many bugs - 2,227 according to the official page , including "sync is not working" which was the top one at the time of writing.

Google Chrome 8 ’s Secretive Launch

It is highly very likely that Google will ever release anything without any of the speculations. Google has released a much awaited update to Chrome without making any noise. This now brings us to the new version of Chrome as we know it or Chrome 8. The version is ready for download as you read the article. Google has been very secretive about the updates in recent times. But this time they sort of out did themselves in this regard , they did not even make a blog post. The update just appeared in the site. Google Chrome 7 was reviewed favorably unanimously. It had better graphics and was a significant update. What Google Chrome 8 does so well is to build on the foundation laid down by the predecessor. The focus is to polish the browser and to enhance the security features. Some of the worthwhile and notable feature of this release are. The in-built PDF reader. Over 800 bugs from the earlier version done away with. Many security fixes are built in. The browser now supports an app ...

Google Makin Cerdas

Internet memang merupakan sumber informasi yang tak ada habisnya. Ketik saja kata-kata di kotak pencarian, maka mesin telusur akan segera mengurutkan limpahan informasi kepada kita di indeks hasil pencarian. Selama ini Google telah mengindeks miliaran laman internet dengan menggunakan software Googlebot. Googlebotlah yang melakukan indeks konten-konten di web secara otomatis, agar para peselancar internet bisa mendapatkan informasi yang relevan dengan kebutuhannya. Tanpa disuruh, Googlebot diprogram untuk mengumpulkan link-link dan dokumen dari berbagai laman internet dan memudahkan laman tersebut agar bisa dicari oleh seluruh pengguna Google Search. Dikutip dari Mashable, sebelumnya, software Googlebot hanya akan membaca link-link, atau menguraikan beberapa kode program saja. Namun, menurut laporan dari Forbes, Google kini telah menambah kemampuan Googlebot. Googlebot kini bisa berinteraksi lebih dalam dengan kode-kode JavaScript. Bahkan, Googlebot bisa 'memahami' bebe...

Google Chrome, live on Linux and Mac.

Google to Roll Out Android 2.2 for Nexus One

Apparently, Google is starting to roll out the Android 2.2 Froyo update to Nexus One devices. According to Vice President for Google engineering Vic Gundotra at the Google IO conference, Android 2.2, codenamed Froyo, is going to be five times faster at running apps and three times faster at browsing. You will be able to use the camera and voice recognition in the browser with Froyo. Web page and games run faster because the Android browser has the same V8 JavaScript engine as Chrome. "We think we can claim Froyo has the fastest mobile browser," said Gundotra. The Froyo browser incorporates HTML 5 features; Gundotra mentioned  the ones that let the browser access hardware features like the accelerometer for rotating the screen, the camera for taking photos in web apps like Buzz, and the microphone. Using webapps with Google's voice recognition and translation services, you will be able to search the web, tell your phone what to do or get a translation of another languag...

Google Tak Lagi Dukung Internet Explorer 6

Google menyatakan diri menghentikan dukungan terhadap Internet Explorer 6 atau IE6 dan browser-browser web tua. Mulai 1 Maret 2010, situs Google dan sejumlah layanannya tidak lagi bisa tampil dengan browser-browser tersebut. "Banyak perusahaan lain yang sudah menghentikan dukungan terhadap browser lama seperti Internet Explorer 6.0, termasuk browser yang sudah tidak didukung perusahaan pembuatnya. Kami juga mulai meninggalkan dukungan kami, dimulai dari Google Docs dan Google Sites," ujar Rajen Sheth, Google Apps Senior Product Manager dalam blog enterprise Google.

Firefox 4 Slips to 2011

Mozilla has admitted the next point release of its Firefox browser, slated for release this month, won't appear until some time in Q1 2010 and the next major release, originally targeted for the middle of next year, is likely to slip into 2011. The news comes as some embarrassment for Mozilla, coming just a few days after it boasted Firefox 3.5 was the 'most popular browser' though some creative market share analysis.

Track Santa Online With Google Earth

It's that time of year again: the Northern  American Aerospace Defense Command  (NORAD) is partnering with  Google  to track Santa, so all the world's good boys and girls can follow along online. This is not just an opportunity for you and your kids to see how close Santa is to your house, but it's also a chance to teach your children a little something about the world. Use the  Google Earth  Browser Plug-in Santa began his annual journey at 2 a.m. ET on Thursday, and Google and NORAD have developed many different ways to keep tabs on the jolly old elf this season. One of the best ways to do so is through the  Google Earth Web browser plug-in  available for Windows and  Mac OS X  users. On Windows, the plug-in works with Google Chrome,  Internet Explorer 6  or higher, Firefox 2.0 or higher, and Flock. Mac users can use the plug-in with Safari and Firefox 3.0 or higher and some Chromium builds. Google Chrome for Mac does not...