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Lagi-lagi, Netizen Indonesia Ketular Berita Hoax Ular Piton Makan Orang

Entah apa jadinya, jika media seperti internet ini masih tetap mengelabui pengguna alias netizen. Bukan kedua atau ketiga kali, penyebaran foto serta berita yang tak bersumber dan punya alasan kuat kerap mengidap netizen labil . Beberapa kali di blog ini juga sering saya ulas tentang foto-foto hoax yang tidak bersumber jelas, baik itu ada sentuhan olah digital (oldig) atau pun memang foto asli yang memang isi dan foto tidak nyambung dengan berita yang sebenarnya.

Waspada Serangan Tak Terduga di #SocMed

Ada-ada saja celah untuk menyusupi ke media sosial (social media), hal ini pula yang saya rasakan dua hari belakangan ini. Pertama imbah ke kicauan Twitter dan kedua ke akun penyedia email dari Google, yakni GMail. 29 November, linimassa Twitter saya pun tidak karuan muncul tweet yang keluar dengan sendirinya (tanpa saya operasikan) baik lewat perangkat mobile atau pun PC. Padahal secara waktu itu, 28 November saya tidak online di Twitter, hanya berselang sehari di tanggal 27 November berkicau dengan status terakhir seputar Auto RT yang saat ini kerap terjadi.

Geliat Akun Twitter @s_2017_s Imbas 'Jin' Palsu

Arusnya informasi di jejaring sosial atau yang sering disebut social media ternyata bisa juga menarik minat pihak luar. Ya, pihak luar selain manusia. Konon kabar si ‘jin’ (@s_2017_s) yang memiliki akun di kicauan alias Twitter menjadi begitu heboh tanpa perlu klarifikasi. Sekali lagi, kita sedang mengaitkan dunia maya, dunia nyata, dan dunia gaib. Saya pun senang melakukan penelusuran terkait akun-akun seperti ini, karena mengedukasi kebenaran itu lebih baik dibandingkan mengembar-gemborkan kehebohan tanpa dasar atau dalih yang lengkap.

Wabah Bunuh Diri di Era Komunikasi Social Media

Ini bukan tulisan panjang tentang bunuh diri, tapi ini hanya tweet beberapa hari lalu di bulan Mei saat saya membaca sekilas tentang wabah bunuh diri yang semakin hari tanpa kita sadari muncul begitu saja. Inilah beberapa tweet yang saya arsip, dan barangkali berguna untuk Anda pahami.

Review: Ada Apa Dengan Akun Twitter Denny Januar Ali?

Buka-buka Facebook dapat undangan ke situs dan beberapa kata pengantarnya pun memang sangat mengena sekali. Gerah sering menerima mention dari follower @DennyJA_WORLD yang meminta kita mem-follow-nya? Iya, @DennyJA_WORLD mengiming-imingi hadiah pulsa dan iPad untuk yang paling banyak meng-RT dan mention ke akun twitter lain untuk memfollownya. Tapi tahukah? Kabarnya hadiah iPad itu jatuh ke tangan lingkarannya sendiri juga (ini saya sendiri belum membuktikan kebenarannya, tapi ada yang udah melacak). Jadi percuma lah kamu ribuan kali mention orang lain dan mendapatkan caci maki karena dianggap spammer tapi kamu ngga dapet apa-apa. Mari kita bikin akun Twitter @DennyJA_WORLD menjadi suspended karena telah membuat followernya yang sudah 1 juta lebih jadi spammer. Kasihan mereka dibodohi. Ada cara yang lebih kreatif untuk bikin kompetisi berhadiah iPad dll tanpa mengganggu orang lain kok. Mari ramai-ramai report as spam @DennyJA_WORLD dan akun-akun twitter biang spammer...

Tips: 5 Ways to Protect Your Twitter Account

Last week we discussed some  safety tips on Gmail  and how you can completely secure your email account from getting hacked. Twitter is not an exception and you should be very careful with your Twitter activity.  There are a lot of “phishing scams” spreading on Twitter and other social networking sites everyday. People use insane methods, scripts and fake login pages to gain access to your social profiles, thus causing identity theft which may cause severe outcomes. Imagine someone gets access to your Twitter account and then changes the account password and the email address associated with it. You lose the Twitter account and in the worst case, the scammer may gain personal information from your tweets, connections or Direct messages.   He/she may even hurt your online reputation by tweeting spam links, abusive language or vulgar images. Here is a list of techniques you should keep in mind to completely protect your Twitter account from unauthorized acti...

Guide: 8 Tips for Making Twitter Work for You

Social media is a powerful tool, but it’s not automatically going to help your small business. If you do it right, Twitter can help you turn curious googlers into loyal customers, but if you’re not going about it the right way, it’s simply a waste of time—or worse, turn potential customers away. Here are 8 tips for making Twitter work for you. 1. Do be easy to find Choose a Twitter name close to your business name, and write a clear profile that explains what you do and where to find you. Use key words that people might be searching for: your neighborhood, your primary focus, and a link to your full website. 2. Don’t shout Using all caps is considered impolite. Consider grammar and spelling, too—even if it’s casual, it’s still important to be professional on Twitter.

Mungkin Anda Hacker yang Kami Cari!

Tepat sekali, dalam dua hari ini saya sedang bersosialisai dengan orang-orang pintar dalam mengolah dan pengambilan hak. Semoga ini bukan hak asasi manusia, ada hak-hak dimana orang lain tidak berhak atas kita dan ada hak-hak dimana orang lain mempunyai hak sama kita #duh :D Beberapa kasus yang saat ini sedang saya tangani adalah pengambil alihan akun di jejaring sosial, berhubung akun tersebut telah disabotase oleh pihak yang tidak berwenang, maka dari itu membutuhkan hacker socmed (social media), entah ada pun tidak itu istilah :lol:

Chrome Extension Adds Facebook, Twitter Sharing To Google+

I’ve also been  playing around  with  Google+  (and the neat  mobile Web app ) this morning and so far, I think it has some potential ( not everyone agrees ). But people like me tend to use more than one social networking service, so I was happy to see someone has already built a  Chrome extension  that lets Google+ users push posts to Facebook and Twitter. It’s a little buggy from time to time, but overall, it works as advertised.

Facebook: All Your Data are Belong to Us

Image via CrunchBase If you’re using social media , or basically anything on the Internet these days, you are really kidding yourself if you think you have true privacy.  That said, Facebook ’s latest change to their terms of service states that they own all of your data, even if you delete your account. We’ve run into things like this before. Google Chrome had a simlilarly suspicious TOS that was made more reasonable after a similar public outcry . Question is: will Facebook listen? It isn’t the first time they have come under fire.  Beacon and the  new facebook  were both a communication faux pas .  Can you blame Facebook though? They need to make money.  Nobody is twisting your arm to be on Facebook in the first place.   I respect that  CEO Mark Zuckerberg put out  a post  to respond to the situation at hand.  Mind you it would have been nice to see before all the public outcry, though at least they are addressing the ...

The End of Facebook

Perhaps a little premature, this idea that the end of Facebook is nigh, but certainly the end of  the beginning . The bad news for Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook’s 27-year-old billionaire creator, is that many people are doing just that. They’re using Facebook less, or leaving it altogether – which is known, would you believe it, as “Facebook suicide”. Figures show that 100,000 British users deactivated their accounts during May, reducing the total number to 29.8 million. And six million logged off for good in the United States. What started off as an exclusive online social club at Harvard University has saturated Western society. Now it could be on the way down. The thing with being rated as a hot growth stock is that when the growth starts to slow you’re rated as an ex-hot growth stock.

How We Use Twitter for Journalism

How useful can communication limited to 140 characters be for serious journalism? It turns out that the short messages you find on  Twitter  have proven wildly useful for some writers penning larger pieces. Here at  ReadWriteWeb  we've been leveraging Twitter heavily for some of our most important news writing. While cynics dismiss twitter as frivolous, we've got stories to share that should make anyone reconsider their doubts about the microblogging medium. Josh Catone wrote here in January about  the rise of Twitter as a platform for serious discourse  and discussed the way that a handful of mainstream journalists are using the tool. Charles Cooper did  an informal survey earlier this month  that found a definite majority of journalists old and new to be absent from Twitter.

33 Ways to Use LinkedIn for Business

Is your  LinkedIn  account mostly sitting idle? You can do so much more with it than simply look up contacts: find gigs, sell products, expand your networks, grow your business and gain free publicity. Here are 33 ways to use LinkedIn more effectively. Fill out your profile completely to earn trust. Use  widgets  to integrate other tools, such as importing your blog entries or Twitter stream into your profile. Do market research and gain knowledge with Polls. Share survey and poll results with your contacts. Answer questions in  Questions and Answers : show expertise without a hint of self-promotion.

32 Ways to Use Facebook for Business

Facebook’s not just for keeping tabs on friends and filling out quizzes — it can also be used as a highly effective business tool. It’s great for marketing your products, landing gigs and connecting with your customers. Here are 32 ways to use Facebook in your business. Manage Your Profile Fill out your profile completely to earn trust. Establish a  business account  if you don’t already have one. Stay out of trouble by reading the  Facebook rules  regarding business accounts. Install appropriate  applications  to integrate feeds from your blog and other social media accounts into your Facebook profile. (Although you should be careful before integrating your Twitter feed into your Faceboook profile, as a stream of tweets can seem overwhelming to your contacts.) Keep any personal parts of your profile private through  Settings .

17 Fakta Terbaru Facebook

Image via CrunchBase Siapa yang tak mengenal Facebook ? Jejaring sosial populer ini bahkan telah memiliki lebih dari setengah miliar anggota di seluruh dunia. Seperti apa menariknya? Situ jejaring sosial Facebook memang sangat fenomenal. Situs yang diprakarsai pria muda bernama Mark Zuckerbeg itu pada Januari 2011 telah memiliki lebih dari 600 juta pengguna aktif. Facebook didirikan Mark Zuckerberg bersama teman sekamarnya dan sesama mahasiswa ilmu komputer Eduardo Saverin, Dustin Moskovitz dan Chris Hughes . Awalnya, keanggotaan situs itu hanya terbatas untuk mahasiswa Harvard saja. Setelah Harvard, perguruan lain seperti Boston, Ivy League dan Universitas Stanford pun dapat menikmatinya. Secara perlahan, situs itu pun dibuka untuk siswa sekolah menengah dan akhirnya tiap orang berusia minimal 13 tahun boleh memiliki akun di situs itu.

The Social Media Resume and Keywords

Image by Yann Ropars via Flickr Keywords and Optimizing Are King Researching and placing select keywords is vital in ensuring that your paper resume rises to the surface.  Media resumes are no different.  Here again, it’s about creating exposure for you and your background. Part of this depends on how you structure your social media resume.  You might make it a standalone single page like your traditional resume, or you could break it into specific sections (skills, certifications, references, achievements, markets worked in, products sold). Breaking it into different sections can allow you to target and optimize specific keywords around related content for each page.  Conceptually, this is very similar to optimizing individual websites and pages in order to drive traffic and rank high in search engines.

Tunisia, Social Media And Change

How To Get Travel Tips From Facebook Friends on TripAdvisor

Image via CrunchBase FaceBook the Social Media titan has announced its collaboration with travel website TripAdvisor to enable users to get timely advice from friends as he logs into his Facebook account. The new easy TripAdvisor’s interface will allow you to select any location from the map and the read the user experience of your friends who have been using the “Where Have You Been?” FaceBook app. The news is not really surprising as TripAdvisor had bought the app way back in 2007 for $3 million. According to industry estimates it is already the world’s largest travel site. Hene the pair should make a great combo. We are sure many people will discover things like where to eat, stay and have fun via the experience of the people on the friend list.

What if Facebook Goes Search While Google Struggles to Go Social?

Facebook and Google don't much acknowledge that they're direct competitors, though there's no question that in many ways they are. Eric Schmidt recently said Bing was it's main competitor , and Mark Zuckerberg said its new messaging system isn't an email killer and that "Gmail is a really good product." It's true that Bing poses a significant threat to Google's search market share if Microsoft's stars align the right way (Windows Phone is a huge success, people search from within Facebook more, etc.), but it is Facebook that is practically omnipresent throughout the majority of the web. You'd be hard pressed to find many authoritative sites that don't have some kind of Facebook integration, even if it's just "like" buttons. It is all of these many, many integrations together that make Facebook a very dangerous opponent to Google.  More to Google Than Search First off, it's worth noting that Google has its tenta...

Google & Bing Are Looking at Links on Twitter & Facebook for Organic Ranking

Image via CrunchBase Search and social go well together, and the search engines are finding more and more ways to use them together. In fact, the right combinations of these two elements could eventually dictate who has the most useful tools for users. It's become more and more clear over time that having a strong social presence is helpful in building a strong search presence for a variety of reasons, but it's not been so clear, just how the search engines have looked at things like Twitter and Facebook profiles when it comes to organic search ranking.  Should social media be considered in search ranking? Tell us what you think .   Search Engine Land Chief Danny Sullivan posted an important article  about this very topic, with some rare and surprisingly direct answers from both Google and Bing . While, neither exactly gave away their respective secret sauces, it would appear that they have set some things straight.