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Facebook Myspace, Myspace Iѕ Partner Wіth Facebook ultimate headlines update

Image via Wikipedia Myspace hаѕ partnered wіth Facebook іn the understanding thаt wіll see thе former integrating closely wіth thе latter. Thе Mashup Wіth Facebook understanding allows users οn Myspace, whісh hаѕ not long ago undergone the vital renovate аnd refocus around amicable party discovery, tο record іntο Facebook around thеіr Myspace account. Thіѕ equates to thаt thе calm thеу аrе enchanting wіth οn Myspace wіll bе automatically ported over tο thеіr Facebook form page by Facebook Connect . Myspace CEO Mike Jones ѕауѕ, “Wе feel thіѕ іѕ the interrelated use tο Facebook […] Thіѕ nеw underline іѕ the fаntаѕtіс painting οf ουr plan around amicable party аnd enabling thе real-time stream.”

News Corp. On MySpace: "Current Losses Are Not Acceptable"

To be clear: we don't mean to spread rumors or alarm anyone.  But MySpace employees might want to consider setting aside some extra money and updating their LinkedIn profiles, as one News Corp. exec hinted during an earnings call that a drastic cost-cutting action of sorts may occur. A large round (or two) of layoffs is one possibility.  A sale or even shutdown of MySpace doesn't seem to be out of the question, either.  News Corp. COO Chase Carey made the situation sound quite serious. As reported by the AFP , News Corp. COO Chase Carey told investors late yesterday, "We've been clear that Myspace has been a problem." Then Carey continued, "The current losses are not acceptable or sustainable.  Our current management did not create these losses but they know we have to address them."

Aplikasi Social Networking

Pengguna ponsel saat ini banyak mencari handset-handset yang memudahkan mereka memaksimalkan layanan data dari operator. Tren tersebut dipicu melesatnya penggunaan jejaring sosial. Tak heran, pabrikan merilis ponsel yang memenuhi kebutuhan tersebut. Selain menyematkan situs social networking dalam handset, ada yang menambahkan aplikasi khusus untuk penggemar jejaring sosial. Misalnya, aplikasi Social Networking Sites (SNS) Manager yang bisa dipakai pengguna Facebook dan Twitter. Aplikasi tersebut hampir menyerupai aplikasi Facebook di BlackBerry dan Sony Ericsson. ''SNS Manager memudahkan pengguna yang gemar social networking,'' kata Filbert Hadijaya, product marketing mobile communication division PT LG Electronics Indonesia, di sela-sela pameran LG New Cookie di WTC, Surabaya, kemarin (29/7). Dia menguraikan, aplikasi tersebut bukan link menuju situs social networking terkait. Tetapi, aplikasi itu bisa membuka halaman situs secara langsung. Dalam aplikasi SNS, pen...

Separuh User Cemas Soal Privasi Facebook

Berdasarkan survei, separuh pekerja di Amerika Serikat yang memiliki profil di Facebook dan MySpace khawatir akan privasi mereka. Seperti dikutip dari Yahoo News, survei Marist menunjukkan bahwa user yang berusia di atas 60 tahun memiliki kekhawatiran masalah privasi lebih besar. Sementara , wanita memiliki kekhawatiran lebih besar dibandingkan laki-laki. “Kita berada di era informasi. Beberapa orang khawatir, enggan dan gelisah akan tingkat informasi online. Ada elemen privasi yang membuat orang merasa tersesat,” kata Dr Lee Miringoff, direktur dari The Marist College Institute for Public Opinion. Baru-baru ini Facebook mengubah kebijakannya untuk memberi lebih banyak control pada pengguna atas banyaknya informasi profil yang bisa dilihat oleh public. Tindakan ini menuai protes dari pemantau privasi dan konsumen tentang susahnya mengubah pengaturan.

Lindungi Anak, Facebook Luncurkan "Tombol Panik"

Facebook meluncurkan aplikasi "tombol panik" pada situs jejaring sosial itu untuk melindungi pengguna golongan anak dan remaja. Tombol ini bila diklik akan melaporkan setiap upaya pelecehan seksual ke Pusat Perlindungan Eksploitasi Anak (CEOP) dan tim Facebook. Aplikasi itu juga akan muncul pada laman anak dan para remaja itu dengan menginformasikan bahwa "mereka terlindungi secara online." Peluncuran dilakukan menyusul debat berbulan-bulan CEOP dan Facebook yang awalnya menolak ide tersebut. CEOP, lembaga penegakan hukum di bawah kewenangan pemerintah, ditugaskan melacak pelaku pelecehan seks online, menuntut "tombol panik" dipasang di semua jejaring sosial sejak November lalu. Bebo menjadi jejaring sosial pertama yang menginstal "tombol panik", diikuti Myspace, namun Facebook menolak penambahan itu, dengan alasan sistem pengendalian mereka sudah cukup memadai.

Top Ten Ways to Monitor Your Kids on Social Networking

Social networking sites are no more a hub to keep up with friends, chat and share music, photos or videos, but a place for cyber crimes. Sites like MySpace, Facebook and Twitter have become the fastest growing social networking sites for teens and even kids to socialize with known and unknown faces. You must have read about teens posting explicit photos, sharing tales of drunken exploits and other negative behaviors. What's more, you might have also read stories of teens becoming victims of the sexual predators through the social networking sites. Let's have an insight of the most popular social networking site - Facebook.  As is evident, Facebook privacy controls are committed to protect the minors using Facebook - "Until their eighteenth birthday, minors don't have public search listings created for them, and the visibility of their information is limited to friends of friends and networks, even if they've chosen to make it available to everyone....

Empat Info 'Haram' Dibagi di Facebook

Perkembangan teknologi memudahkan manusia melakukan komunikasi dengan banyak orang di seluruh dunia. Melalui sejumlah situs jejaring sosial seperti Facebook, Twitter, atau MySpace, kita dengan mudah saling bertukar informasi dan berhubungan dengan kawan baru. Namun, merebaknya kejahatan di dunia maya, ada baiknya selalu mawas diri. Jangan sembarangan mengumbar informasi pribadi lewat jejaring sosial. Jangan sampai informasi yang kita bagi justru mengundang aktivitas penjahat. Seperti dikutip dari laman Shine , berikut empat informasi pribadi yang sebaiknya tidak dipublikasikan lewat akun jejaring sosial. Tempat dan Tanggal Lahir Informasi yang lengkap tentang tempat dan tanggal lahir bisa saja dicuri oleh orang tak bertanggung jawab. Sebuah studi yang dilakukan oleh Carnegie Mellon menunjukkan bahwa tanggal dan tempat kelahiran dapat digunakan untuk memprediksi angka rahasia untuk menarik uang dalam sejumlah rekening. “Bahkan bisa digunakan pencuri identitas untuk menguras keu...

A Close Look at, the URL Shortening Service

The rise of Twitter and instant messaging has made more popular. The URL-shortening free service has become very useful tool for users across the web. According to company official blog, is getting nearly 5 billion clicks per month. Additionally, as per Google double click ranking, the website has become 76 th most-visited destination which is ahead of sites like eBay, MapQuest and the New York Times. It got a huge popularity last year when Twitter, the microblogging site where users shrink long URLs to fit tweets within the 140-character limit, replaced TinyURL with as the default link shortener. URL shorteners help people share links to webpages they like without having to copy a long URL onto the place that may contain letters, numbers and symbols. The service was launched in 2008. has some additional features compared to other URL shorteners such as TinyURL like letting users track statistics on how many people clicked their links and how many other p...

Facebook Software Sexual Predators

Facebook believes 'under the radar' checks developed by its engineers are more important for keeping its site safe than public deterrents such as a Ceops 'panic button'. Photograph: Linda Nylind Facebook has developed sophisticated algorithms to monitor its users and detect inappropriate and predatory behaviour, bolstering its latest raft of initiatives to improve the safety of its users. Having launched an education campaign, an improved reporting procedure and a 24/7 police hotline on Monday, Facebook told the Guardian that it has introduced a number of algorithms that track the behaviour of its users and flag up suspicious activity, including members with a significant number of declined friend requests and those with a high proportion of contacts of one gender. Another filter, common on web publishing sites, scans photo uploads for skin tones and blocks problem images – the "no nipples" filter that caused pictures of b...

MySpace Users To Link Social Networks

MySpace hopes its move to allow users to share online content from other social networks will drive people back to their site. The social networking site said more similar features would soon be introduced Once the world's most popular social networking site, MySpace has fallen behind the likes of Facebook and Twitter. But a new MySpace service lets people connect all their web accounts, rather than having to choose between using one or the other.

Social Networks That Have Failed Under New Owners

AOL’s struggle to make Bebo profitable is not the first time that a social network has brought trouble to its new owners. Both the purchase of MySpace by News Corporation and of Friends Reunited by ITV has coincided with those networks losing huge amounts of value: Rupert Murdoch paid £364 million for MySpace, while ITV paid £175 million for Friends Reunited. MySpace is now valued for “next to nothing” according to former Merrill Lynch analyst Henry Blodget, and ITV sold Friends Reunited for £25 million last year.

Your Next Facebook Friend may be An FBI Agent

  According to the revelation by Electronic Frontier Foundation last week, an FBI or Federal Agent can make friendship with you at Twitter or Facebook to gather more information about crime investigations. The report further described that fed agents pose as "friends" and get connected with ordinary citizens on Facebook and other sites in order to gather background information for crime investigation. This will help them find out suspects on the run. Now, the question arises about the legality of this type of activities. As per AP news stories, the middle aged lady Lori Drew posed as a teen boy on MySpace and harassed a 13-year-old neighborhood girl who later committed suicide. She was arrested for violating MySpace's terms of service to pose as someone that she is not and convicted in L.A. before a higher-court judge overturned the ruling. Fed prosecutors are making similar type of violation. Facebook has terms and conditions that makes it illegal if the user gives f...

Pengguna Facebook Mobile Capai 25,1 Juta

Akses terhadap situs-situs jejaring sosial melalui browser mobile terus mencatat pertumbuhan signifikan. Lembaga riset ComScore melaporkan, pertumbuhan akses ke Facebook melalui perangkat bergerak sekitar 112 persen, sementara Twitter meroket hingga 347 persen. Melalui laporan yang sama, per Januari 2010, tercatat sekitar 25,1 juta akun mengakses Facebook via browser mobile-nya, meningkat 112 persen dibandingkan tahun lalu. Sementara itu, pada periode yang sama, MySpace masih cukup kuat dengan 11,4 juta pengguna, meskipun kurang dari setengah pengguna Facebook mobile. Menarik untuk diketahui, akses pengguna Facebook telah melampaui MySpace pada Mei 2009 di ranah Internet berbasis PC. Namun, sebetulnya, situs asuhan Mark Zuckerberg itu telah mengangkangi akses MySpace di ranah Internet mobile tiga bulan sebelumnya, tepatnya pada Februari 2009.

FBI Using Phony Profiles on Social Networks to Track Criminals Online

The FBI and other federal agencies are going undercover on Facebook, LinkedIn, MySpace and other social networks with phony profiles to gather information and communicate with suspects, according to an internal Justice Department document. FBI agents, for example, have used Facebook to determine the whereabouts of a fugitive. Other investigators can check alibis by comparing stories a suspect tells police with their tweets sent at the same time . A civil liberties group, The Electronic Frontier Foundation, obtained the 33-page document after suing the Justice Department. It makes the document public today on its website. Specifically, the 33-page confidential document says undercover operations are helpful for communicating with suspects and targets of crime, gaining access to private information, and mapping social networks. However, the presentation expresses concern that undercover use may be complicated by the court’s decision in the trial of Lori Drew, who was acquitted o...

Facebook Fed Friends Go Undercover to Keep America Safe

From Wired.Com The next time someone tries to “friend” you on Facebook, it may turn out to be an undercover fed looking to examine your private messages and photos, or surveil your friends and family. The Electronic Frontier Foundation has obtained an internal Justice Department document that describes what law enforcement is doing on social networking sites.

Hi5 Social Network Gets Game

Hi5 is getting in touch with its inner gamer. After a multiyear struggle to keep users from defecting to rivals, the social network is reinventing itself as a social gaming and entertainment site. Founded in 2003, hi5 will keep letting users interact with friends and family. It will also place greater emphasis on such games as pool, bingo, and Demolition City, which involves blowing up buildings around the world. Many of the pastimes include purchasing so-called virtual goods, in-game products that help a player accomplish tasks and graduate to higher levels.

Facebook Urged to Act After Memorial Sites Defaced

Cyber attacks on Facebook pages set up to pay tribute to two murdered Australian children has prompted calls for the social networking site to be more accountable for its users. Social media experts say it is natural that people who use sites such as Facebook or MySpace as a major form of communication should turn to these sites with personal tragedies. These memorial sites often attract thousands of friends and well-wishers, as in the case of the pages set up after the deaths this month of Elliott Fletcher, 12, and Trinity Bates, 8.

Yahoo! Akhirnya Gandeng Twitter

Setahun dipimpin Chief Executive Officer, Yahoo! Inc. banyak berubah. Salah satu yang tampak nyata adalah Yahoo! kini semakin agresif bekerja sama dengan situs-situs lain yang dulu dianggap kompetitor. Rabu ini, Yahoo! kembali mengumumkan langkah baru mereka: menggandeng Twitter. Dengan kerjasama baru ini, maka pengguna Yahoo! bisa mengintegrasikan fitur-fitur Twitter saat membaca surat elektronik atau fasilitas Yahoo lainnya. Mereka bisa membaca status teman atau membalasnya. Dalam siaran persnya, Yahoo! mengatakan, "fitur-fitur Yahoo! seperti Berita, Keuangan, Hiburan, dan Olahraga bisa menjadi 'real time Twitter update'." Dengan cara itu berita Yahoo! akan mudah disebarkan melalui Twitter.

The Reign Of Facebook: Will It Ever End?

Facebook can be called an internet phenomenon. Its rapid growth since it was introduced as a service made exclusively for Harvard students in 2004 is a spectacular example of a successful social media project. While its closest competitor, MySpace, is stagnating and struggling to sustain its user base, Facebook continues to attract new users. In this article, we’ll try to look to the reasons behind the tremendous success of Facebook. Brief history: Facebook was founded in February 2004, by Mark Zuckerberg and his roommates – Dustin Moskovitz and Chris Hughes. It received its first large investments 2005, while Facebook was still not available for the whole public. Facebook was opened to anyone aged 13 and above only in late 2006. It is currently valued somewhere between $1.3 and $10 billion and is the leading social network in the world with more than 200 million registered users.

Facebook Drives 44 Percent Of Social Sharing On The Web