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Charlie Sheen Sets New Guinness World Record for Twitter

Image via Wikipedia Charlie Sheen may or may not be “winning,” in life, but he has won a rare honor: the “Fastest Time to Reach 1 Million Followers” Guinness World Record . Guinness community manager Dan Barrett says the agency “just researched and approved” the record this morning. According to Barrett, Sheen reached that milestone in 25 hours and 17 minutes. As of this writing, Sheen’s Twitter account,  @CharlieSheen , has close to 1.2 million followers. Guinness did not have a previous record for that category, Barrett says. Sheen also set a Guinness record for “Highest Paid TV Actor Per Episode — Current” at $1.25 million. Sheen  joined Twitter March 1 . In a matter of minutes, Sheen acquired more than 60,000 followers and a Klout score of 57 — without even tweeting. According to  a report in  Advertising Age , Sheen was able to get his account verified so quickly because Internet startup brokered his account with Twitter.

15 Teen Idols: Then and Now

There are certain stars who burst into the limelight at a young age, become excessively famous, worshiped and paid more than most of could dream to make in a lifetime. They usually wind up as idols for teens and pre-teens across the globe, who likely grow up along with them, watching intently along the way. Some of these stars fade into the background of Hollywood noise, and some manage to last through it all, well into adulthood. Some even manage a comeback — though whether it’s a good thing or not is always up in the air. For many, it’s just plain bad , while others pull it off with style. These are 15 of America’s teen idols of the past, and where they are now. Mario Lopez Images: Source , Source Mario Lopez has plagued television since 1989, when he played his only fitting role as AC Slater in Saved By the Bell . After the show finally ended sometime in the mid-nineties, he floundered around Hollywood while trying to somewhat successfully play the stud card his character was known...

Photo: Rare Collection of Famous People

Rare Collcetion of Famouse Celebrities This is a stunning collection of rare photos of famous people.I’m sure many of you have never seen most of these pics before.A must-see.

I wish I was Johnny Depp

There are very few men I wish I could be. The list is extremely short and includes Jesus, Zeus, Poseidon and Johnny Depp. Nobody hates him, every woman wants him and he gets to show up to awards show in torn up jeans and a jacket and people say he is classy. Amazing. I could wear a tux and people would wonder if I am a homeless person.

Johnny Depp Meninggal Hanya Hoax

Aktor Johnny Depp jadi trending topic di situs jejaring sosial, Twitter. Penyebabnya karena Depp disebut-sebut telah meninggal dunia. Benarkah? Ternyata tidak. Bahan perbincangan para pengguna Twitter didasarkan dari screenshot situs berita CNN yang disebutkan dimuat tahun 2004 silam. Screenshot berita itu pun sebenarnya telah dinyatakan sebagai kesalahan teknis oleh CNN. CNN ketika itu mengaku telah lalai dalam memuat nama korban kecelakaan lalu lintas menjadi Johnny Depp. Padahal yang menjadi korban saat itu bukan aktor top Johnny Depp. Sejumlah situs berita asing yang selama ini dikenal memiliki keakuratan dan kecepatan berita pun tidak memuat mengenai meninggalnya Depp. Situs BBC, Reuters, Contact Music, Female First, Daily Mail, The Sun hingga CNN tidak melansir berita meninggalnya pemain film 'Donnie Brasco' tersebut pada Minggu (24/1/2010).

Why We Kiss: The Science of Sex

Pecking, smooching, Frenching, and playing tonsil-hockey—there are as many names for kissing as there are ways to do it. Whether we use it as an informal greeting or an intensely romantic gesture, kissing is one of those ingrained human behaviors that seems to defy explanation. Its many purposes—a blow and peck for good luck on dice, lips to ground after a rocky boat ride, kisses in the air to an acquaintance, and the long slow smooches of Hollywood—have different meanings yet are similar in nature. So why is it that we love to pucker up?

Pixar Picture vs The Rest

The Saddest IMDb Profiles Ever

Not every actor can have the filmography of Samuel L. Jackson or a Meryl Streep. Some folks only have one or two roles under their belts and those roles walk that fine line between sad and amazing. These are those IMDB pages.

10 Film Paling Dinanti Pada 2010

Tahun berganti, puluhan film box office telah dinikmati pada 2009. Namun, sebaiknya Anda mempersiapkan kalender untuk menandai beberapa film yang layak untuk dinanti pada 2010. Pertama,  The Wolfman (12 Februari).  Film horor ini akan menemani akhir pekan momen Valentine Anda. Dibintangi oleh Benicio Del Toro sebagai Lawrence Talbot terbang ke Inggris pada 1800an, di mana ayahnya yang diperankan oleh Anthony Hopkins menurunkannya “kutukan keluarga” sesaat ketika Larry mulai tumbuh rambut ketika diserang werewolf. Mengapa film ini perlu ditonton saat Valentine, karena akan sangat tidak adil jika vampire mendominasi pasar film berdarah-romantis.

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