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Google Akan Membuka Toko Buku Digital

Mulai pertengahan tahun ini Google dikabarkan akan mulai menjual buku-buku digital melalui toko buku online yang akan dibukanya. Demikian laporan terbaru CNN mengutip juru bicara perusahaan itu. Hal tersebut akan menempatkan Google dalam persaingan pasar e-book yang kini mulai populer. Toko buku online Kindle milik melompat lebih dulu memimpin pasar, tapi Barnes & Noble juga menyusul dengan merilis e-reader Nook, dan Apple baru-baru ini meluncurkan iBookstore untuk iPad.

Ponsel Android Terbaru Dilengakapi Satelit Navigasi

Google Maps pada ponsel Android terbaru kini memiliki fitur satelit navigasi. Raksasa mesin pencarian tersebut merilis update layanan mapping untuk ponsel Android sehingga memudahkan penggunanya menemukan sebuah lokasi. Layanan yang masih dalam versi beta tersebut, untuk saat ini bisa didapatkan secara gratis. Versi terbaru Google Maps ini kompatibel dengan semua ponsel yang dijalankan dengan OS Android versi 1.6 ke atas seperti Motorola Milestone, HTC Desire atau Nexus One. Menurut Telegraph, ketika pengguna mencari arah yang ditujunya, opsi 'Navigate' kini muncul pada layar ponsel. Jika diterima, ponsel kemudian mengunduh semua rute jalan. Ini berarti penerima data atau sinyal tidak penting untuk keseluruhan durasi. Double-tap pada layar juga memperbesar gambar Street View Google jika sinyal data tersedia.

Samsung Galaxy: Another Android Blasts Off

  IT'S getting harder and harder to keep up with all the latest Android mobile phone launches. They are like buses. You wait ages for one, and then about six come along at once. Hot on the heels of the Sony Ericsson X10, LG's first in the GW620, HTC and its Legend and Desire plus Samsung's own Galaxy Portal now comes this beauty. Again it's a Samsung. Again it's a Galaxy but this is codenamed the S and we've no idea why. It's hardly catchy.

Google and HTC Working On a Chrome OS Tablet

Everyone is clamoring about tablets these days— ourselves included —so it's not too surprising that Google and HTC are set to join the fray. They are reportedly working together on a Chrome OS Google Tablet. Smarthouse, an Australian publication, reports that HTC and Google have been collaborating "for the past 18 months" and have produced "several working models of a touch tablet," including one outfitted with Google's  Chrome OS.  We wrote why a  Google Tablet would be a good idea  last month, and with the Apple Tablet discussion reaching a fever pitch, it's harder and harder to get excited about a  Chrome OS netbook  from Google. Having collaborated on the  Nexus One , a smart phone that  impressed us  with its design as well as its hardware, HTC and Google partnering on a tablet seems like a promising prospect. But will it "compete head on" with Apple's tablet as Smarthouse claims? Probably not.

HTC Snap Saingan BB-kah?

Inner Circle = Quick Connections Life seems to be speeding up. And with more to organize and less time to do it, your phone should help prioritize the people who matter most to you. HTC Inner Circle keeps you connected to your exclusive few. With the touch of a button, e-mails from your “inner circle” rise to the top for quick access and streamlined communication. In Sync. In Step. In Tune. The HTC Snap offers a simple set of features, designed to keep your life running smoothly. Update your calendar, manage your contacts and emails and stay totally organized with the familiar experience of Windows Mobile. Even texting is faster than ever with the friendly QWERTY keyboard.