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Infografik: Sejumlah Penyadapan di Berbagai Negara

Kasus penyadapan memang sedang menarik saat ini, tidak saja antara Indonesia dan Australia, melainkan juga menghinggapi berbagai belahan dunia. Jauh, sebelum mengenai aksi penyadapan orang-orang nomor satu dan penting di Indonesia, salah satu sumber penyedia dan analisis dari Kasperky telah melansir sebuah infografik yang memuat sejumlah negara menjadi incaran mata-mata (cyber espionage).

Awas, Serangan Berkedok Iklan Buah Acai di Twitter!

Sebuah serangan cyber berkedok iklan untuk buah acai ‘menyerbu’ pengguna Twitter. Kabarnya, seribu akun Twitter telah menjadi korban dan berubah menjadi spammer. Mashable melaporkan, Sabtu (5/4/2011), serangan itu menyebar sangat cepat. Hanya dalam kurun satu menit, 10 ribu tweet terkait serangan itu muncul dalam situs mikroblog asal San Francisco. Tweet itu menyertakan link membahayakan yang mengandung berita tentang buah acai. Berdasarkan informasi terbaru yang dirangkum Mashable dari kreator TweetStats/TweeoSearch/RowFeeder Damon Cortesi, serangan itu berasal dari akun yang sudah diutak-atik dan bukannya dari kode berbahaya link seputar berita acai tersebut.

Seberapa Cepat Hacker Membobol Password Anda?

Image via Wikipedia Sebagian dari anda mungkin sudah menyadari betapa pentingnya   password   dalam sebuah akun pribadi. Namun bagi sebagian orang,   password  hanyalah sekedar kata kunci yang tidak boleh diketahui orang lain. Beberapa orang membuat   password   dengan menggunakan sebuah kata, nama, atau tanggal yang mudah diingat saja. Tahukah anda kalau   hacker   dapat dengan mudah membobol  password   dalam waktu yang sangat cepat jika anda membuat kata kunci yang sederhana? Anda yang menggunakan   password   yang terdiri dari 6 buah huruf kecil atau 6 buah angka, akan mudah dibobol oleh  hacker   dalam waktu hanya 10 menit. Berbeda jika anda mengkombinasikannya dengan huruf besar,   hacker  membutuhkan waktu sekitar 10 jam. Kombinasikan lagi antara huruf kecil dan besar, angka, serta simbol, maka   hacker   perlu 18 hari untuk menebak   password   anda. Intinya, semakin panjang...

13 Hal Terlarang di Facebook

Image by DonkeyHotey via Flickr Mark Zuckerberg , pendiri Facebook telah menyatakan bahwa misi utama dari situs jejaring sosial yang dibuat adalah untuk membuat ‘dunia lebih terbuka dan terhubung '. Tapi, mengakui tidak semua Facebook ‘buka ', ada beberapa hal yang tidak boleh dilakukan oleh user agar. Sejumlah orang, sering untuk membaca gerakan Anda di atas? seperti pacar, bos, anggota polisi, bahkan perusahaan asuransi dan penjahat cyber lainnya untuk memindai profil Facebook untuk informasi. HufftingtonPost, Selasa (02/10/2010) meluncurkan beberapa pembatasan yang tidak boleh ditampilkan oleh pengguna Facebook.

6 Target Utama Serangan Cyber 2011

Image via Wikipedia Tahun 2011 sudah di depan mata. Berbicara mengenai serangan cyber, apa kira-kira yang menjadi target para penjahat cyber di tahun 2011? Vendor keamanan McAfee merilis sasaran utama serangan cyber, mulai dari produk-produk Apple hingga sejumlah layanan gratis yang makin digandrungi. Simak lebih lanjut daftar tersebut agar Anda lebih berhati-hati. 1.  URL-shortening service Layanan penyingkat URL atau  URL-shortening service  makin banyak digunakan dengan situs seperti Twitter yang menjadi pendongkraknya. Layanan yang mampu meringkas alamat situs seperti dan TinyURL ini ternyata mengeluarkan 3.000 URL setiap menitnya, demikian menurut McAfee Lab. Maka tak mengherankan jika layanan ini menjadi sasaran empuk kriminal cyber. Diprediksi, mereka akan memanfaatkan layanan tersebut untuk menyuntikkan spam,  scam  (penipuan online) dan program jahat lainnya. 2. Layanan  Geolocation Bagi Anda yang gemar memakai Foursquare, sebaiknya berha...

Hacker Perusak Ribuan Situs Ditangkap

Pakistan telah melacak kelompok hacker besar dan memenjarakan 5 tersangka yang terlibat dalam merusak ribuan situs web domestik dan internasional dan penipuan online. “Hacker yang dikenal secara internasional telah ditangkap dalam operasi bersama negara-negara lain selama beberapa minggu ini,” kata staf senior Federal Investigation Agency (FIA) Mian Idrees. “Kami telah menggali hacker terkenal Grup Pakbugs dan menangkap 5 anggota grup ini,” katanya. Pihak berwenang menyita komputer dan perlengkapan lain yang terlibat dalam berbagai macam kriminal cyber, katanya. FIA mengatakan dalam sebuah pernyataan, grup ini terlibat dalam pembajakan atau perusakan ribuan situs web milik pemerintah, non-pemerintah dan organisasi internasional. “Mereka juga terlibat dalam penipuan kartu kredit dan penggunaan kartu kredit yang dicuri,” katanya. Pembuat Pakbugs, Jawad Ehsan alias Humza dipercaya berbasis di Arab Saudi, katanya. Tapi pendiri Hassan Khan telah ditangkap di barat laut Peshawa...

10 Tips to Protect Your Business from Cyber Criminals / Hackers

Several small and medium sized business have been victims of cyber crime at some point. According to the recent researches organised cyber gangs intent on cracking into corporate networks in the same way they might target a bank vault posing greater threat to business networks. The online scammers, hackers and identity thieves attempt to access your computer, personal information, finances and more. It's absolutely important to minimize your chances of becoming a victim of an internet-based crime. When online security measures are essential to protect your information, your computer and your money. We assembled a list of top 10 tips that protects your business from cyber criminals/hackers. 1. Keep Off Spammers Spammers love the unprotected computers. They constantly probe and set traps for unprotected computers that can control and use anonymously to send spam, turning them into a robot network such as "botnet" or "zombie army". The botnets are created by thous...

How Are Spam, Twitter and Protection Center Rogue Related?

Is there a possibility for Twitter to be related to rogue? It looks that the answer to this question is YES. Security experts from Websense have recently detected a new Twitter-related spam campaign spreading rogueware. Let's find out the whole truth about this threat together. First of all, it has to be noted that the attack starts with a spam message purportedly being sent by Twitter and coming with the subject line "Reset your Twitter password". Victimized users are asked to click on the provided link or paste it into the browser. Websense claims to have detected about 55,000 cases of this malicious Twitter spam campaign. So what happens if the recipient clicks on the provided link? As it may be expected, that is where the real malicious attack begins. The link asks the victimized user to download an executable called password.exe. This is a malicious file and drops on the infected system rogue anti-virus application called Protection Center. An interesting thi...

Is USA Loosing Data in Cyber War?

As per US defense official, US is loosing enough data to fill Library of Congress  and authorities have failed to anticipate the threat before. The Library of Congress is the largest library in the world and it archives millions of books, photographs, maps and recordings. James Miller, principal deputy under secretary of defense for policy said that more than 100 foreign spy agencies and criminal group are trying to access the US Computer. He continued that US system have been investigated 1000 times and scanned million times a day. 'The evolving cyber threat had outpaced our ability to defend against it. We are experiencing damaging penetrations - damaging in the sense of loss of information. And we don't fully understand our vulnerabilities,' Mr Miller said. Miller's comments came when the Obama administration develops a national strategy to secure U.S. digital networks and the Pentagon is building a new military command for cyber warfare which is capable of both of...

The Top 7 Ways You can Detect Malware in Your System

Cybercriminals are making every effort to inject Malware in your system so that it is going to be difficult to detect. Many computers are loaded with this stuff but the users have no idea its there or how to get rid of it. It is very crucial to know what is running in your computer . This article highlights some of the useful anti malware utilities that can detect, remove and block malware from your system. Microsoft Process Explorer : Process Explorer shows you information about what processes are running on your system. It also describes each process. When your PC is running okay, you can runProcess Explorer to save a baseline. If anything goes wrong in your PC, you can see the differences between the list of processes beforehand and afterward. That may give you some clue about possibleMalware attack. Kaspersky's GetSystemInfo : GetSystemInfo is a free system program that gives you useful information about your system in order to troubleshoot technical issues. It can be us...

Your Google Password Might have been Compromised

In cyberattack December last year Google had intruders stealing vital information from its computer. However, the Mountain View company didn't reveal the exact nature and extent of the theft that involved closely guarded company secret. According to the latest reports in NYT, one of the Google's password system that controls access by millions of users worldwide to almost all of the company's web services including the email and business applications. Google's program code named Gaia was attacked in a lightning raid taking less than two days last December. Actually, Gaia allows users to sign in using their password for a range of services compromises during a two-day attack last December. However, it's a relief for Gmail users that their passwords have not been stolen.Google initiated the security changes to its networks. The intrusion began when Google employee in China clicked on a link sent in an instant message, which took the visitor to a corrupted website....

Chinese ‘Cyber Lover’ Cheats Internet Girlfriend of Two Million Yuan

he Chinese Police has detained an 18-year-old man suspected of defrauding his Internet girlfriend of more than two million yuan (307,064 dollars) in Qianan city of Northeast China's Hebei province. The jobless young man surnamed Qiu got to know the girl surnamed Bi through QQ, the most popular Chinese instant messenger, in July 2009. He called himself Guo Xingchen and told the girl that he was a pilot and that his family ran an iron and steel company, the China Daily reports. Bi, who was impressed by Qiu's seemingly rich lifestyle, kept sending money in the following months to Qiu when he lied repeatedly, such as telling her about a car accident and organ transplant.

Yahoo’s Email Account in China Was Hacked

According to a Beijing-based press association, the email accounts of foreign journalists in China and Taiwan got hacked. Recently, Google got into a row with Chinese authorities because Gmail accounts based China have been hacked. The Foreign Correspondents' Club of China (FCCC) reported eight cases of hacking of Yahoo Email accounts in China. The company condemned this Cyber attack. A reporter of Irish Times complained that he got an error message while he tried to log into Yahoo. FCCC charged Yahoo for not giving the user about the information of possible cyberattack. Yahoo has not answered the FCCC's questions about the attacks, nor has it told individual mail users how the accounts were accessed," a spokesman told the news agency.

Your Next Facebook Friend may be An FBI Agent

  According to the revelation by Electronic Frontier Foundation last week, an FBI or Federal Agent can make friendship with you at Twitter or Facebook to gather more information about crime investigations. The report further described that fed agents pose as "friends" and get connected with ordinary citizens on Facebook and other sites in order to gather background information for crime investigation. This will help them find out suspects on the run. Now, the question arises about the legality of this type of activities. As per AP news stories, the middle aged lady Lori Drew posed as a teen boy on MySpace and harassed a 13-year-old neighborhood girl who later committed suicide. She was arrested for violating MySpace's terms of service to pose as someone that she is not and convicted in L.A. before a higher-court judge overturned the ruling. Fed prosecutors are making similar type of violation. Facebook has terms and conditions that makes it illegal if the user gives f...

Facebook Urged to Act After Memorial Sites Defaced

Cyber attacks on Facebook pages set up to pay tribute to two murdered Australian children has prompted calls for the social networking site to be more accountable for its users. Social media experts say it is natural that people who use sites such as Facebook or MySpace as a major form of communication should turn to these sites with personal tragedies. These memorial sites often attract thousands of friends and well-wishers, as in the case of the pages set up after the deaths this month of Elliott Fletcher, 12, and Trinity Bates, 8.

How Hackers Work?

Thanks to the media, the word “hacker” has gotten a bad reputation. The word summons up thoughts of malicious computer users finding new ways to harass people, defraud corporations, steal information and maybe even destroy the economy or start a war by infiltrating military computer systems. While there’s no denying that there are hackers out there with bad intentions, they make up only a small percentage of the hacker community. The term computer hacker first showed up in the mid-1960s. A hacker was a programmer — someone who hacked out computer code. Hackers were visionaries who could see new ways to use computers, creating programs that no one else could conceive. They were the pioneers of the computer industry, building everything from small applications to operating systems. In this sense, people like Bill Gates, Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak were allhackers — they saw the potential of what computers could do and created ways to achieve that potential.

Sekolah China Bantah Tuduhan Serang Google

China diduga mendalangi serangan cyber yang menghantam Google beberapa waktu lalu. Penelusuran yang dilakukan tim investigasi menunjukkan sumber serangan adalah dua sekolah di China yang didukung militer serta ahli komputer. Dua institusi pendidikan dimaksud yakni Shanghai Jiaotong University and Lanxiang Vocational. Namun seperti dilansir Afterdawn dan dikutip detikINET, Minggu (21/2/2010), keduanya langsung membantah tudingan tersebut. Para pengurus universitas dan sekolah bersangkutan menyatakan tidak menemukan bukti apapun bahwa serangan berasal dari mereka. "Investigasi yang dilakukan oleh staff tidak menemukan jejak bahwa serangan ke Google berasal dari sekolah kami," tukas Li Zixiang, staff di Lanxiang Vocational School.

Malicious Software Infects Corporate Computers

A malicious software program has infected the computers of more than 2,500 corporations around the world, according to NetWitness, a computer network security firm. The malicious program, or Botnet, can commandeer the operating systems of both residential and corporate computing systems via the Internet. Such botnets are used by computer criminals for a range of illicit activities, including sending e-mail spam, and stealing digital documents and passwords from infected computers. In many cases they install so-called “keystroke loggers” to capture personal information.

Calon Hacker Dilatih

Perkembangan di bidang Information Technology (IT), terus mengalami dinamika. Tantangan di bidang IT, semakin hari semakin kompleks, sementara di sisi lain, IT semakin dibutuhkan untuk mempermudah segala pekerjaan. Salah satu ancaman adalah, keberadaan para hacker (penyadap data). Keberadaan para hacker, menurut Rendra Tjitpo Towidjojo ST CCNA CCAI, ibarat dua sisi mata uang dengan IT saat ini. Para hacker tersebut, tak mungkin dihindari, karena mereka merupakan bagian yang tak terpisahkan dari perkembangan IT. “Yang patut dilakukan dalam menghadapi hacker, adalah mengetahui cara kerjanya, lalu kemudian membuat langkah-langkah antisipatif dalam menangkal serangan para hacker,”kata Rendra, saat membuka workshop yang bertajuk “Hacking Party” yang dilaksanakan di Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen Informatika Komputer (STMIK) Adhi Guna Minggu kemarin (14/2).

Chinese Government Denies Involvement in Google Cyberattacks

The Chinese government has officially denied any involvement in the sophisticated cyberattacks that breached Google’s security. The statements come 11 days after Google threatened to pull out of China unless it’s allowed to run its search engine uncensored. The statement, aired during two interviews on the Chinese state’s news agency, came out strong against accusations that China itself had involvement in the attacks against Google and the Gmail accounts of Chinese human rights activists.