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G Ticket: Google’s Alternative to Ticketmaster

We all know Ticketmaster where we can buy most of the tickets for live concerts, movie tickets and many other big events. Now there are rumors that Google is launching an alternative to Ticketmaster named G-Ticket. Ticketmaster is a Tickets sales and distribution company that was founded in 1976 and later merged with Live Nation and was renamed Live Nation Entertainment. There is still no official announcement from Google and this news can be classified as a rumor. But as the prophets say, there may be some truth in the rumor. There are some incidents of projects being rumored to be going on at Google when information is leaked beforehand. Sometimes a public release of that project happens and sometimes the project does not see the light of the day, or more appropriately the light of the web. Google generally shun those projects which are unlikely to go popular. Anyone experienced in the software development industry knows that any project may bring you a fortune and some may not cli...

Google to Roll Out Android 2.2 for Nexus One

Apparently, Google is starting to roll out the Android 2.2 Froyo update to Nexus One devices. According to Vice President for Google engineering Vic Gundotra at the Google IO conference, Android 2.2, codenamed Froyo, is going to be five times faster at running apps and three times faster at browsing. You will be able to use the camera and voice recognition in the browser with Froyo. Web page and games run faster because the Android browser has the same V8 JavaScript engine as Chrome. "We think we can claim Froyo has the fastest mobile browser," said Gundotra. The Froyo browser incorporates HTML 5 features; Gundotra mentioned  the ones that let the browser access hardware features like the accelerometer for rotating the screen, the camera for taking photos in web apps like Buzz, and the microphone. Using webapps with Google's voice recognition and translation services, you will be able to search the web, tell your phone what to do or get a translation of another languag...

Ponsel Android Terbaru Dilengakapi Satelit Navigasi

Google Maps pada ponsel Android terbaru kini memiliki fitur satelit navigasi. Raksasa mesin pencarian tersebut merilis update layanan mapping untuk ponsel Android sehingga memudahkan penggunanya menemukan sebuah lokasi. Layanan yang masih dalam versi beta tersebut, untuk saat ini bisa didapatkan secara gratis. Versi terbaru Google Maps ini kompatibel dengan semua ponsel yang dijalankan dengan OS Android versi 1.6 ke atas seperti Motorola Milestone, HTC Desire atau Nexus One. Menurut Telegraph, ketika pengguna mencari arah yang ditujunya, opsi 'Navigate' kini muncul pada layar ponsel. Jika diterima, ponsel kemudian mengunduh semua rute jalan. Ini berarti penerima data atau sinyal tidak penting untuk keseluruhan durasi. Double-tap pada layar juga memperbesar gambar Street View Google jika sinyal data tersedia.

Kalau Suka Porno, Silakan Pakai Android

CEO Apple Steve Jobs saat memperkenalkan iPhoen OS 4. - AFP PHOTO/JUSTIN SULLIVAN CEO Apple Steve Jobs terkenal sering melontarkan kalimat pedas buat para pesaing bisnisnya. Kali ini Google yang kena sasarannya dengan mengomentari soal Android. Saat ditanya soal kebijakan Apple dalam menentukan aplikasi apa saja yang bisa muncul di App Store, Steve Jobs menyebut adanya tanggung jawab moral yang diterapkan Apple. Jobs menegaskan bahwa Apple tidak akan membolehkan konten porno di layanannya itu. "Orang yang kepengin pornografi silakan beli ponsel Android saja," ujar Steve Jobs dalam e-mail yang dilansir situs Tech Crunch , Senin (19/4/2010).

Differences of Google Nexus One and Apple iPhone

Which should I buy Google Nexus One or Apple iPhone ? This is a common question to the readers. Below I share some of my experiences on Nexus One vs. iPhone after using both of them for the past few days. I feels iPhone's back swipe much more intuitive than pressing the back icon of Nexus One Do you want to know the biggest difference of Nexus One vs. iPhone ? I need a manual to use Nexus One but with iPhone I never did and I am a hardcore techie. My personal experience is that with UI & usability improvements Nexus One can challenge iPhone, however it is not there yet. Sometimes small things make the biggest difference. Nexus One should focus more resources on making it more intuitive. Even the way to slide to unlock is not clear unlike iPhone.

CEO Google Bocorkan 'gPad', Calon Penantang iPad

Google tampaknya makin serius memproduksi berbagai gadget andalan. Setelah menelurkan ponsel Nexus One, raksasa mesin cari ini dilaporkan sedang mempersiapkan komputer tablet berjuluk 'gPad' yang ditujukan untuk menghantam Apple iPad. Menurut laporan media New York Times, Chief Executive Google Eric Schmidt selip lidah sehingga dalam sebuah pesta internal, ia membocorkan tentang adanya pengembangan tablet tersebut. Schmidt mendeskripsikan tablet Google sebagai tablet reader yang punya fungsi komputasi. Dilansir V3 dan dikutip detikINET, Selasa (13/4/2010), tablet itu hampir bisa dipastikan mengandalkan sistem operasi Android berikut layanan konten di Marketplace. Sedangkan untuk menyediakan ebook, kemungkinan akan memakai layanan Google Books.

Samsung Galaxy: Another Android Blasts Off

  IT'S getting harder and harder to keep up with all the latest Android mobile phone launches. They are like buses. You wait ages for one, and then about six come along at once. Hot on the heels of the Sony Ericsson X10, LG's first in the GW620, HTC and its Legend and Desire plus Samsung's own Galaxy Portal now comes this beauty. Again it's a Samsung. Again it's a Galaxy but this is codenamed the S and we've no idea why. It's hardly catchy.

A Bad Week for Google?

By some accounts, this week hasn't been so great for Google. The first bit of bad news concerns sales of Google's Nexus One phone. On Tuesday, the market analytics firm Flurry released a report saying initial sales of Google's Nexus One phone have been slim compared to the Droid and the iPhone. The firm compared sales of those those phones over the first 74 days they were on the market. In a blog post , Flurry says it chose that time period because that's how long it took the original iPhone to sell 1 million handsets when it was released in 2007.

Is Voice Becoming The New Text (again)?

On a recent episode of the TV show "Modern Family," a character named Mitchell gets in his car and does something that's frustratingly familiar for early adopters of technology:

Google Terjun ke Bisnis Listrik

Google makin menggurita saja. Sejak Desember mereka mulai terjun ke bisnis energi. Desember lalu mereka mendirikan anak perusahaan untuk membeli dan menjual listrik untuk partai besar. Januari ini, mereka telah memohon izin kepada Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) untuk masuk pasar. Langkah itu, menurut pejabat Google, untuk menekan biaya listrik yang selama ini memakan ongkos besar. Mereka juga ingin mengurani pencemaran karbon. "Kami ingin membeli energi kualitas tinggi dan sebisa mungkin ramah lingkungan, kata seorang pejabat Google. Google dikabarkan ingin menggunakan listrik dari tenaga matahari.

Google’s ‘Don’t Be Evil’ Mantra is ‘Bullshit’

After a big public announcement of the sort Apple had this week for the iPad CEO Steve Jobs often takes time in the day or two afterwards to have a Town Hall at One Infinite Loop, making himself available for questions from employees bold enough to stand up and take one right between the eyes.

Google Is Now Apple’s Greatest Enemy: Here’s Why

Let’s take a trip back in time. The year is 1994, and two tech giants are going to war over copyright. They are Microsoft and Apple, and they are fighting over a copyright claim by Apple over Microsoft and HP’s use of graphical user interface elements from the Macintosh OS. The resulting court case, Apple Computer, Inc. v. Microsoft Corporation , ended with a ruling in Microsoft’s favor, mostly due to a contractual license agreement between the two.

Google and HTC Working On a Chrome OS Tablet

Everyone is clamoring about tablets these days— ourselves included —so it's not too surprising that Google and HTC are set to join the fray. They are reportedly working together on a Chrome OS Google Tablet. Smarthouse, an Australian publication, reports that HTC and Google have been collaborating "for the past 18 months" and have produced "several working models of a touch tablet," including one outfitted with Google's  Chrome OS.  We wrote why a  Google Tablet would be a good idea  last month, and with the Apple Tablet discussion reaching a fever pitch, it's harder and harder to get excited about a  Chrome OS netbook  from Google. Having collaborated on the  Nexus One , a smart phone that  impressed us  with its design as well as its hardware, HTC and Google partnering on a tablet seems like a promising prospect. But will it "compete head on" with Apple's tablet as Smarthouse claims? Probably not.

Google Nexus One Hands On [Nexus One]

Thanks to a clandestine meeting with a source, I got a chance to play with and try out the Nexus One. It's basically, from my time with it, Google's Droid killer. It's thin, it's fast, it's better in every way. My source was very firm about no photography, and I didn't want to jeopardize anything on my source's end, so there are no photos, hence these photos are ones we've already shown you. But, based on all the leaked shots this week, plus the very pretty and very clear one last week from Boy Genius, everyone knows what the phone looks like already. Hell, there's even a complete UI walkthrough today that's on YouTube. So I'm going to focus on the experience, and how it compares to the Droid and the iPhone 3GS.