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Differences of Google Nexus One and Apple iPhone

Which should I buy Google Nexus One or Apple iPhone ?
This is a common question to the readers. Below I share some of my experiences on Nexus One vs. iPhone after using both of them for the past few days.
  • I feels iPhone's back swipe much more intuitive than pressing the back icon of Nexus One
  • Do you want to know the biggest difference of Nexus One vs. iPhone ?
    I need a manual to use Nexus One but with iPhone I never did and I am a hardcore techie.
  • My personal experience is that with UI & usability improvements Nexus One can challenge iPhone, however it is not there yet.
  • Sometimes small things make the biggest difference.
    Nexus One should focus more resources on making it more intuitive. Even the way to slide to unlock is not clear unlike iPhone.
  • The issue can be with the Nexus One hardware also. iPhone feels more responsive than Nexus One.
  • The Apple iPhone keyboard is easier to operate than Nexus One virtual keyboard. In terms of speed I can not type even close to the speed that I can on the iPhone.
  • Also touchscreen quality of iPhone is better than Nexus One.
These are my experience with iPhone vs Nexus One. However, let us know about your experience and thoughts in the comment section below.

source :

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