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Photo: Tibetan Sky Burial

After the death of a Tibetan, the corpse is wrapped in white cloth and is placed in a corner of the house for three or five days. During these several days monks are asked to chant so that the souls can be released from purgatory. The corpse is sent to the burial site among mountains Scent of juniper invites clusters of vultures to hover above the site. Then a 'daodeng', the man who is in charge of the burial process, begins to slice the body.

Twitterature Downsizes Literary Classics

As if CliffNotes didn't already have Shakespeare and Steinbeck rolling in their graves, now there's "Twitterature," a new book that will set the literary world on its head. Written by 19-year-old University of Chicago students Alexander Aciman and Emmett L. Rensin, the book features more than 80 classics, summed up in 20 Tweets or less, according to As on the actual Twitter, each Tweet contains a maximum of 140 characters. The result of this microblogging-meets-masterpiece experiment? William Shakespeare's "Hamlet" is summed up as: "@Peopleof Denmark: Don't worry. Fortinbras will take care of thee. Peace." has found some other classic spoilers included in "Twitterature." For instance there's this from "Anna Karenina": "Alright, twenty rubles says that I can toss my bag in the air, run across the tracks, and catch it before the train arriv–" In defense of "Twitterature,"...