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6 mysteries about Stuxnet

Image via Wikipedia By now, you've probably heard of Stuxnet, the mysterious computer worm that infects Windows computers running software designed by Siemens, the German industrial giant. The software, Simatic WinCC, is what's known as a SCADA system -- "supervisory control and data acquisition" -- and it's used to help run everything from traffic systems and pipelines to nuclear plants. Siemens has known about Stuxnet for some time, and has been tracing the worm's spread on its website. In July 2010, the company knew of only one industrial facility affected. By September 7, it was reporting that 15 systems had been hit worldwide. (The worm was first discovered in June by VirusBlokAda, a little-known Belarussian security firm.) For months, the discussion about the virus stayed within the cybersecurity community, but once speculation began to mount that it was aimed at Iran's nuclear facilities, the news went, er, viral. Amid the uproar last week, Ira...

Stuxnet menjadi senjata super pertama dari perang Cyber

Image via Wikipedia Melihat kembali pada bulan Juni lalu, perusahaan keamanan menemukan worm Stuxnet di beberapa computer dari Iran. Stuxnet dipercaya telah menginfeksi sekitar 100 ribu computer di seluruh dunia, dan ingin menganggu program nuklir Iran. Setidaknya 60% computer yang berhubungan dengan program nuklir tersebut sudah terinfeksi Stuxnet. Laporan dari Wired, worm Stuxnet  dirancang untuk menyerang sistem PLC atau otomatis kontrol pabrik buatan Siemen. Alat Simatic WinCC Scada menjadi target virus ini, dimana alat tersebut berfungsi mengatur semua perlatan pabrik bekerja secara otomatis. Seorang analisis teknologi dari GSMK mengatakan kepada Bloomber. Membuat worm Stuxnet setidaknya butuh dana 3 juta dollar dan membutuhkan 10 programer dalam waktu 6 bulan.

Bom Sabado Worm infected in Orkut

Image via Wikipedia According to the latest reports, Orkut has been attacked by Bom Sabado Worm. The worm is reported to be posting scraps to with the text Bom Sabado which means Good Saturday in Portuguese . Portuguese is official language of Brazil which is the last bastion of the Google owned Social networking Website . India is next to Brazil in terms of members using their services. The Bom Sabado infected profiles are automatically posting scraps on the scrapbooks of their friends. The worm is supposed to be hitting your cookies and automatically sending messages to your friends list. Orkut has been the target of such XSS attacks in the past. The Bom Sabado Worm has affected many orkut profiles. Merely watching the scrap in your scrapbook or your friend's scrapbook may be enough to get your account hacked. The cookies of the viewers of the scrap are stolen and an automatic scrap is posted to their friends list creating a scrap bomb kind of thing.

Twitter Worm Sends Users to Porn Site

Image via CrunchBase A worm, designed by Magnus Holm, a Norwegian hacker created havoc at the social networking site because users are swamped by pop up messages and pornographic site. According to the security expert, a JavaScript command in the offending posts included a command, "onmouseover," that caused messages to pop up and Web sites to open automatically when the user mouse over it. Simultaneously, user is redirected to the new porn sites. Magnus announced his achievement in a Tweet. In an e-mail, Mr. Holm said he created the worm "because I wanted to experiment with the flaw," which he says was already being exploited by others. "The purpose was simply to see if it was possible to create a worm." Sarah Brown, wife of former British prime minister Gordon Brown is one of the victims. Her 1.1 million followers received a message early Tuesday with a link to a Japanese pornography site.Twitter said they fixed the problem several hours after it was ...

Computer Virus Symptoms to Worry About

Have you received an email - "My e-mail was hacked!!! I'm so sorry!" How does the email viruses spread and how do you react when you ensnare. Viruses can get your computer from any corner of the world. All the systems connected to a network are highly vulnerable to infection of all the interconnected machines. Once the virus hooks up to your computer, it scans word documents, spreadsheet and address books on the prowl for other active email addresses to target. The initial attack just affects the set-up and the access maintenance. It just wants the computer to be turned on the computer and the infected bot just waits for instructions. This computer turns into a zombie machine on which the hackers can carry out nefarious bidding. Delivery notices from the post office, messages from out-of-touch friends and headlines from seasonal sporting events. Some of the commonly known symptoms of computer virus infection are

Waspada, Serbuan Program Jahat ke Facebook dan Twitter

Perusahaan keamanan internet Kaspersky Lab memperingatkan adanya gelombang serangan Koobface, sebuah worm yang sangat produktif menginfeksi situs jejaring sosial. Sasaran program jahat ini adalah situs-situs seperti Facebook dan Twitter. Program-program jahat tersebut juga menggunakan website sah yang dikompromikan sebagai perwakilan untuk komando dan kontrol utama server. Selama dua minggu terakhir ini, para tim peneliti Kaspersky Lab telah mengamati server Koobface live C&C dimatikan atau dibersihkan rata-rata tiga kali per hari. Jumlahnya terus menurun, dari 107 pada tanggal 25 Februari, ke level 71 pada tanggal 8 Maret. Kemudian, hanya dalam 48 jam jumlah tersebut berkembang dari 71 menjadi 142, menaikkan jumlah totalnya tepat dua kali lipat, dimana semua komputer yang terinfeksi Koobface mendapatkan perintah dan update dari jarak jauh.

Ramalan Isu Kejahatan Dunia Maya

Kejahatan dunia maya di tahun 2010 akan terjadi pergeseran jenis-jenis serangan terhadap pengguna. Kalau sebelumnya serangan melalui situs web dan aplikasi akan bergeser ke serangan yang berasal dari jaringan file sharing. Demikian ramalan isu kejahatan yang diramu Kaspersky Lab tentang isu kejahatan dunia maya di 2010. Dalam siaran pers yang diterima, Rabu (16/12), pada tahun 2008, analis perusahaan memperkirakan kenaikan jumlah epidemi global. Ramalan tersebut terbukti akurat. Tahun 2009 didominasi oleh program-program jahat yang canggih dengan fungsi rootkit, worm Kido (yang dikenal juga sebagai Conficker), serangan web dan botnets, SMS penipuan dan serangan pada jaringan sosial.