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The Most Important Aspect of the WikiLeaks Debate

Image via Wikipedia There’s a lot of thoughtful discussion going on about Julian Assange and WikiLeaks in light of the publication of the 250,000 cables between the US and other foreign governments .  Some of the best I’ve read comes from Clay Shirky ( “WikiLeaks and the Long Haul” ), Jeff Jarvis ( “WikiLeaks: Power Shifts From Secrecy to Transparency” ) Evan Hansen ( “Why WikiLeaks is Good for America” ) and Ethan Zuckerman ( “Why Amazon Caved, and What it Means for the Rest of us” ) If you’re interested in reading more commentary, Alexis Madrigal at The Atlantic is doing a great job cataloging essays and editorials here . As with so many things, the moral question of whether or not WikiLeaks should exist or should publish this sort of information is nearly irrelevant.  The REALITY is that it DOES exist and CAN publish these documents and videos. Every communication sent by anyone, be it a lowly government official or a head of state, carries with it the inherent ri...

Julian Assange's celebrity supporters stake reputations on case

Image via Wikipedia The already curious case of Julian Assange took another bizarre twist yesterday when the court learned that a raggle-taggle of "household names" were prepared to stake their reputation in his case, offering sureties to the court with a total value of £180,000. Despite claiming not to know Assange, the film-maker Ken Loach and the socialite and charity fundraiser Jemima Khan stood before Westminster magistrates and offered big sums towards Assange's bail, though bail was later refused. Offering £20,000, Loach said he did not know Assange other than by reputation, but added: "I think the work he has done has been a public service. I think we are entitled to know the dealings of those that govern us."

WikiLeaks Booted From Amazon Servers

Image via Wikipedia Can WikiLeaks be gagged? A massive DDoS attack crashed the controversial site and its "cablegate" archive, forcing WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange to find new hosting. He did, thanks to Amazon. Now, after an intervention from an unlikely source--Joe Lieberman--Amazon has turned Assange away again. For a brief period, WikiLeaks was back up and running on through the Seattle-based company's servers. Amazon's A3 service offers self-serve cloud hosting, an ideal though temporary solution for the site's trove of confidential diplomatic documents. But Assange and Co. were kicked off Amazon's servers Wednesday, and again forced to find different hosting. Senator Joe Lieberman told AP that Amazon took down the site after inquiries from congressional staffers Tuesday. The company has stopped responding to requests for WikiLeaks, which reportedly has returned to a Swedish provider. According to reps for Sen. Lieberman, the issue is being handl...

Well, These New Zuckerberg IMs Won't Help Facebook's Privacy Problems

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg and his company are suddenly facing a big new round of scrutiny and criticism about their cavalier attitude toward user privacy . An early instant messenger exchange Mark had with a college friend won't help put these concerns to rest. According to SAI sources, the following exchange is between a 19-year-old Mark Zuckerberg and a friend shortly after Mark launched The Facebook in his dorm room: Zuck: Yeah so if you ever need info about anyone at Harvard Zuck: Just ask. Zuck: I have over 4,000 emails, pictures, addresses, SNS [Redacted Friend's Name]: What? How'd you manage that one? Zuck: People just submitted it. Zuck: I don't know why. Zuck: They "trust me" Zuck: Dumb fucks. Brutal. Could Mark have been completely joking? Sure. But the exchange does reveal that Facebook's aggressive attitude toward privacy may have begun early on.

32 Rahasia Israel yang tidak Dipublikasikan

1. Tahukah anda bahwa selain ras yahudi, dilarang membeli atau menyewa tanah di Israel? 2. Tahukah anda bahwa setiap ras yahudi yang ada di setiap Negara di seluruh dunia menjadi warga Negara Israel secara otomatis? Sementara warga Palestina yang terlahir di tanah negerinya sendiri sejak puluhan abad yang lalu terus diusir ke luar Palestina? 3. Tahukah anda bahwa penduduk Palestina yang menetap di kawasan Israel harus menggunakan kendaraan dengan cat dan warna khusus untuk membedakan antara ras yahudi dan non yahudi? 4. Tahukah anda bahwa Yerusalem bagian timur, Tepi Barat, Gaza dan dataran tinggi Golan dianggap oleh masyarakat internasional khususnya barat dan Amerika sebagai kawasan yang dijajah Israel dan bukan merupakan bagian dari Israel?

Google's 2010 New Year Secret Easter Egg

Google does not just have a new Logo today (Jan 1st 2010), they have  a secret goodie for everyone . They have done this before, but this is by far the most epic one yet! If you go to  Google  and click the "I'm feeling lucky" button without typing anything into the searchbox, you will get an explosive supprize! Happy new year!

The Secret Spiritual World of Children

Most of us understand that we cannot physically see beyond the visible part of the electromagnetic spectrum, for instance, to the edge of the infrared or the ultra violet. Accepting this, it might not be too much of a leap to realize that we may also be missing something – like being able to see or hear other beings that might actually be around us. This is the basic premise that – if you accept it - will enable you to give Dr. Tobin Hart’s remarkable book, The Secret Spiritual World of Children, a credible read.