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“Facebook Killer” Diaspora Finally Launches Alpha Version

Amid some excitement and some skepticism, the so-called “ Facebook killer” finally launched its Alpha version earlier this week. The first batch of invitations have been sent. Will you ask for yours? Although initial backers will be first in line, the guys at Diaspora have promised to quickly start making their way through the mailing list . “By taking these baby steps,” they say, “we’ll be able to quickly identify performance problems and iterate on features as quickly as possible.”

Top Ten Best Most Popular Open-Source Social Networking Software

Social Networking is what’s really hot and happening and why shouldn’t it be? You can interact, manage and be in touch with all your contacts at one single place that also sitting on your couch having your cup of coffee with a cookie may be. Among the youth social networking is the mass media, for than television and the radio. Take a look around and you will well figure out that the much famed social networking sites like Twitter, Facebook , Orkut , MySpace and LinkedIn are keeping internet users on their toes in various activities on their own site which incorporates profile, blogs, notifications, groups, files sharing (photo and video), messaging, forum discussion, search option, comments, social bookmarking and others exciting feature of social networking. But then when it comes to social networking as a mean of marketing strategy or relationship management gateway then you have to pay in some extra attention. To manage the huge contact database you need a residential software t...

Top 5 Best Popular Linux Distributions

Interestingly, a large number of Linux distributions are available, may be cause it comes free of cost and there are a lot of unique reasons to like them. Well, why not try reading this and figure out for yourself as to which open-source operating systems inspired our readers to provide our biggest Hive Five response to date. As a matter of fact the study have been done pretty much in details and here are the fruitful results for you, in the call for contenders, apart from asking which Linux distribution was your favorite, we went for a note on why, with the hope that readers new to Linux would learn a thing or two. Below are the most discussed upon and commented names. openSUSE Installation may be a bit of issue unlike some of the other distributions on the list, but openSUSE is quite user friendly. Well, this distribution includes YaST (Yet another Setup Tool) which speeds up installing applications to a great extent. To add to this the user interface also gets a boost from S...

Pembunuh Facebook Google Mati

Google Inc akan mematikan Google Wave. Program yang disebut sebagai pembunuh Facebook itu memungkinkan orang chatting, berbagi file dan mengkolaborasi dokumen secara real time. “Wave belum mencapai adopsi pengguna yang mungkin kita sukai,” kata senior vice president Google Urs Holzle dalam blognya. Google mengatakan bahwa situs Google Wave akan tetap ada hingga akhir tahun dan teknologinya akan muncul di proyek Google selanjutnya. Sementara kodenya telah tersedia sebagai open source. Google menjelaskan,”Kami tidak berencana untuk mengembangkan Wave sebagai aplikasi tunggal, namun kami akan menjaga situs ini setidaknya hingga akhir tahun ini serta menggunakan teknologinya untuk proyek Google lainnya.”

Google Luncurkan Program Aplikasi Sederhana

Google awal pekan ini meluncurkan suatu program yang memungkinkan orang untuk membuat aplikasi sederhana di smartphones dengan sistem operasi Android. "App Inventor for Android" memudahkan semua orang -programer maupun non programer, profesional maupun pelajar- untuk menciptakan aplikasi handphone berbasis OS Android. Google menyatakan dalam blog post-nya,"Untuk menggunakan App Inventor, Anda tidak harus menjadi seorang developer, alat ini tidak membutuhkan pengetahuan programming." "Anda dapat membuat segala macam aplikasi yang bisa anda bayangkan melalui App Inventor," jelas Google dalam sebuah post di blog-nya. App Inventor menyediakan akses ke sebuah sensor lokasi - GPS, sehingga kita dapat membuat aplikasi yang menunjukkan lokasi seseorang. "Anda dapat membuat aplikasi untuk mengetahui di mana Anda memarkir mobil Anda, aplikasi yang menunjukkan lokasi teman atau kolega Anda ketika sedang menonton konser maupun saat menghadiri konferensi,...

Top Ten Facebook Alternatives That Keep Up Your Privacy

With the rise to top spot in social networking world, Facebook's taking advantage of its monopoly. The social networking ace is eager on controlling online identity of its members and reconfiguring the world’s privacy norms. Lately Facebook has been accused of taking advantage of users privacy. In such a situation you must be looking for Facebook Alternatives. If you are looking for alternatives, you have many but those that upkeep your privacy and offer similar features and apps as Facebook are numbered. We made an effort to queue up the 10 Facebook alternatives that doesn't compromise your privacy. 1. Friendster It is already quite popular in Asia but has also grown in popularity in the United States. The network offers quite a few features to customize your profile, offering quite a few features to customize. This is the ultimate point of a social network through. You can stay updated on people's shared information  Friendster’s privacy is stricter than what we find w...

Mozilla CEO, John Lilly to Quit

T he CEO of Mozilla, Mr. John Lilly is ready to step down from his post at open source software non-profit organization. Lily confirmed this via an email message to Mozilla employees. He is going to move to Greylock Partners as  a venture partner. Lilly took over from Mitchell Baker as company CEO in 2008. Initially, he served as company COO. Lilly will continue to serve as board of director of the company. Mozilla makes differentsoftware products and the landmark one is the Firefox Browser . According to the survey, the Firefox share went up to 24.6% in the browser market from 11 percent in 2006. Microsoft Internet Explorer is still the leading browser in the browser market. Although, its share dropped below 60%. Chrome browser stands at distant third place. Mozilla is expected to ship a beta of Firefox 4 next month and the final version will be released in November. The new version is supposed to improve in terms of interface and speed. By removing Internet Explorer from ...

14 Web Koran Elektronik Besar Berbasis CMS Drupal

Drupal adalah sebuah CMS (Content Management System) Open Source yang dugunakan sebagai sarana penerbitan, mengelola dan mengatur berbagai konten pada website. Bagi penggermar dan pengguna CMS open source seperti Drupal tak perlu berkecil nyali dengan Blogger pengguna Wordpress karena dengan CMS Drupal banyak sekali yang bisa Anda lakukan untuk mempublikasikan berbagai konten menarik tanpa batas seperti 14 website koran elektronik besar berbasis Drupal di seluruh dunia berikut ini:

82% Software Open Source Kompatibel dengan Windows

Sekira 82 persen software open source (OSS) yang ada saat ini diketahui kompatibel dengan sistem Operasi Windows. Padahal, pada tahun 2005 hanya 72 persen software open source yang mendukung windows. Hal itu didasarkan pada data statistik yang dikeluarkan Geeknet Network seperti dilansir Softpedia, Sabtu (13/3/2010). “Peningkatan jumlah ini merupakan sebuah kabar baik, dengan demikian sekira 350 ribu OSS kompatibel dengan windows, saat ini hampir terdapat sekira 433 ribu proyek pengembangan OSS,” ujar Scott Collison, Senior Director of Platform Strategy Microsoft. Selain itu, Collison mengatakan yang lebih menarik ialah fakta bahwa Windows merupakan sistem operasi yang mampu digunakan untuk 10 unduhan teratas di SourceForge. Kesepuluh OSS yang sering diunduh via SourceForge diantaranya, eMule, Azureus/Vuze, Ares Gallery, 7-Zip, Filezilla, GTK+ and Gimp Installer for Windows, Audacity, Portable Software/USB, DC++, and BitTorent.

How Hackers Work?

Thanks to the media, the word “hacker” has gotten a bad reputation. The word summons up thoughts of malicious computer users finding new ways to harass people, defraud corporations, steal information and maybe even destroy the economy or start a war by infiltrating military computer systems. While there’s no denying that there are hackers out there with bad intentions, they make up only a small percentage of the hacker community. The term computer hacker first showed up in the mid-1960s. A hacker was a programmer — someone who hacked out computer code. Hackers were visionaries who could see new ways to use computers, creating programs that no one else could conceive. They were the pioneers of the computer industry, building everything from small applications to operating systems. In this sense, people like Bill Gates, Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak were allhackers — they saw the potential of what computers could do and created ways to achieve that potential.

Symbian Jadi 100% Open Source

Platform perangkat genggam yang digawangi Nokia, Symbian, siap mengusung model open source seluruhnya. Dengan demikian, para vendor bakal lebih bebas berkreasi membuat perangkat besutannya.. Platform Symbian 3, termasuk di antaranya aplikasi, middleware dan sistem kernelnya, akan ditawarkan di bawah lisensi Eclipse Public dan lisensi open source lainnya. "Anda bisa mengunduh dan memodifikasinya," ujar Larry Berkin, Head of Global Alliances Symbian Foundation, dikutip detikINET dari Info World, Jumat (5/2/2010).

8 Keunggulan WordPress

WordPress adalah salah satu portal blog paling populer di seluruh dunia. Tahukah apa saja keunggulannya? Berdasarkan keterangan tertulis WordPress yang dikutip detikINET, Sabtu (30/1/2010), berikut adalah 8 keungulan WordPress yang paling dijagokan: 1. Berbasis Open Source WordPress ini berbasis Open Source, sehingga bisa didapatkan secara gratis dan dapat dikembangkan siapa saja. 2. Kustomisasi WordPress memiliki keunggulan dalam hal Content Management System (CMS). Hal ini memudahkan pengguna untuk menambahkan dan mengubah isi dari situs maupun blog, sesuai kebutuhan.