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Foto: Lamkabeu dan Kontak Tembak

Warga menyemprot hama di sawah miliknya di Desa Lamkabeu Kecamatan Seulimum, Aceh Besar, Senin (8/3). Pasca kontak tembak aparat kepolisian dengan kelompok bersenjata, Kamis silam, aktifitas warga normal kembali. Polisi memeriksa identitas warga yang menuju ke Desa Lamkabue Kecamatan Seulimum, Aceh Besar, Senin (8/3). Polisi telah menutup akses ke semua lokasi yang diduga tempat persembunyian teroris, pasca tewasnya 3 anggota polisi dan 10 luka tembak.

Video: Teroris di Serambi Mekkah

'Al-Qaida in Aceh' Says Survived Indonesia Arrests

A group calling itself "al-Qaida in Aceh (AH'-cheh)" has emerged in the Indonesian province where authorities have been cracking down on militant activity. Suspected militants in Aceh have been arrested and charged with planning terrorist attacks. The Indonesian government says two more suspected militants were arrested today but haven't been charged. The arrests, so far, total 16. In a statement posted on the blog hosting site, the new group claimed to be the target of the police crackdown. The group pledged to continue its jihad against what it calls "Zionist Jews and Christians and apostates."

Indonesian Police Raid Terror Group in Aceh

The Indonesian police arrested three persons in Aceh on Tuesday thought to have ties to the late JI terrorists Imam Samudra and Noordin Top. The three were detained following a firefight in the jungles of Aceh Besar district. In addition, one local resident was killed and his son injured as a result of the crossfire. Two of the suspects are from Pandeglang district, Banten province. The third was from Aceh. The raid lasted fourteen hours and involved 100 police officers. The police announced that they had been watching the group since September 2009 after locals reported paramilitary-style training in the jungle. In the raid, the police confiscated a Malaysian Army uniforms, knives, a telescope, and a large amount of cash. There was no initial mention of any firearms captured from the suspects.

Diskusi Jihad di Internet Tercium FBI

Pihak intelijen Amerika (AS) mendeteksi adanya diskusi terkait terorisme di sebuah situs jihad. Dalam situs yang diduga milik Al Qaeda itu terdapat pembicaraan hangat rencana aksi terorisme di bandara beberapa negara dunia. Dilansir melalui CBS News, Minggu (14/2/2010), pihak intelijen AS mengatakan bahwa anggota dalam situs tersebut mengajak para pengunjung situs untuk berbagi informasi mengenai keadaan dan kondisi keamanan dalam bandara-bandara yang ada di seluruh negara di dunia. Topik yang paling menarik adalah mengenai bagaimana cara menghindari perangkat pemindai tubuh dan barang yang ada di bandara tersebut.