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Review: Etika Mengumbar Link Kampus di Komentar Blog

Berkutat di dunia daring bersama blog memang ada saja yang ditemui, salah satunya membaca berbagai komentar yang masuk. Aktifitas silaturrahmi yang sering disebut blogwalking  pun sering terjadi, karena saling mengunjungi dan meninggalkan jejak lewat komentar sepertinya sudah jadi bagian yang tidak terpisahkan dari rutinitas ngeblog. Namun, apa rasanya jika disaat satu dan dua komentar yang masuk melulu orang itu saja. Hal ini terungkap dari IP dan ISP --IP: , yang sama ke blog wordpress dengan hanya berganti nama.

Cara Meningkatkan Ranking Alexa

Image via CrunchBase Semua pemilik blog atau website mestinya mengerti Alexa. Alexa atau merupakan situs pemeringkat website. Sebagai pemeringkat, Alexa menempatkan posisi suatu website atau blog terhadap website atau blog lainnya. Alexa meng-update peringkat itu setiap hari. Pemasang iklan melihat peringatkan Alexa sebagai salah satu alat untuk memutuskan pilihan media untuk belanja iklan.

Introducing Blogger Android App

Have you ever wanted to write up a quick blog post on the go? Now there is an easy way to do this on your Android phone! We are excited to announce our first version of the Blogger Android App. Using the app you can easily compose a post, attach a photo that you just took with your phone, and either save it as a local draft for later or immediately publish it to your blog. If you are an Android user, you can start using the Blogger app today by downloading it for free from the Android Market .

10 Essential Comms / Digital Media Blogs in 2010

Oh no! Not ANOTHER top 10 list!! Apologies up front if this particular genre of blog posts isn't to your liking but the end of the year is nigh and there are some bloggers / blogs out there that have really helped shape my thinking in 2010 and I wanted to share them with you. Here are the ones I've relied on consistently - you are probably familiar with most, if not all of them, but hopefully my reasons for regularly referring to these blogs adds some value to you and your regular reading rituals.

Google Luncurkan Program Aplikasi Sederhana

Google awal pekan ini meluncurkan suatu program yang memungkinkan orang untuk membuat aplikasi sederhana di smartphones dengan sistem operasi Android. "App Inventor for Android" memudahkan semua orang -programer maupun non programer, profesional maupun pelajar- untuk menciptakan aplikasi handphone berbasis OS Android. Google menyatakan dalam blog post-nya,"Untuk menggunakan App Inventor, Anda tidak harus menjadi seorang developer, alat ini tidak membutuhkan pengetahuan programming." "Anda dapat membuat segala macam aplikasi yang bisa anda bayangkan melalui App Inventor," jelas Google dalam sebuah post di blog-nya. App Inventor menyediakan akses ke sebuah sensor lokasi - GPS, sehingga kita dapat membuat aplikasi yang menunjukkan lokasi seseorang. "Anda dapat membuat aplikasi untuk mengetahui di mana Anda memarkir mobil Anda, aplikasi yang menunjukkan lokasi teman atau kolega Anda ketika sedang menonton konser maupun saat menghadiri konferensi,...

Our Gigantic Impulse Control Disorder

Ignore the message on the screen. Ignore the message... A couple of weeks ago, blogger Chris Brogan asked: “Are we addicted?” He wasn’t talking about narcotics, coffee, cigarettes or Twilight merchandise. He meant the Internet. Let’s ignore for the moment that the question was posed by a man who seemingly lives on the web 24/7 (and some would argue is made of pixels rather than flesh and blood) and dive into the question more deeply. I think addiction is the wrong word to describe our Internet compulsions and behaviors. Perhaps we should called it our collective “impulse control disorder.” But no matter how we label it, there’s little doubt that many individuals find themselves unable to resist the lure of the Internet. It clouds their judgment, disrupts productivity and leads to impolite behavior. The following scenerios are becoming quite common in corporate environments. Has any of the following signs of Internet addiction happened to you?

WordPress 3.0 Thelonius: New Features

Bloggers be ready to work with the newest version of Wordpress. Because the much anticipated Wordpress 3.0 is now ready for download and upgrade. Its been the hard work of 218 contributors for nearly half a year that make it possible for Wordpress to unveil the latest version of Wordpress codename as "Thelonious". As you know Wordpress is a powerful platform for blogging with full of features. Be it micro-blogging or personal blogs or a multi-blog corporate house, Wordpress has spread its wings everywhere. Wordpress is free and completely customizable. You can build and manage multiple sites using thousands of plugins, widgets, and themes available in Wordpress. The revelation of Wordpress 3.0 has created much excitement among millions of its users. They are searching for the new features of Wordpress 3.0. Lets delve into whats the major changes or new features has been adopted in WordPress 3.0.

Pendapatan Facebook Mencapai US$ 800 Juta

Jejaring sosial Facebook mencatat pendapatkan yang mendekati US$ 800 juta pada 2009. Menurut berbagai analis, angka ini jauh lebih besar ketimbang prediksi mereka. Sebelumnya di dalam blog Facebook memperkirakan jejaring sosial buatan Mark Zuckerberg itu akan memiliki rata-rata pendapatan sebesar US$ 700 juta. Namun, pendapatan hampir US$ 800 juta itu meleset dari perkiraan petinggi Facebook Marc Andreessen yang mengatakan penghasilan Facebook pada 2009 akan lebih besar US$ 500 juta ketimbang tahun sebelumnya. Untuk tahun 2010, Facebook menargetkan bisa memiliki pendapatan lebih dari US$ 1 miliar. Besarnya pendapatan yang diperoleh Facebook diduga berasal dari periklanan.

WordPress Diincar Para Hacker! yang merupakan situs blogging gratis dilaporkan sedang diincar para hacker. Bahkan beberapa situs penyedia layanan yang terkenal seperti DreamHost, GoDaddy, BlueHost dan Media Temple diisukan juga ikut terpengaruh oleh serangan ini. Apa sasaran dari serangan hacker ini? Sasarannya adalah sistem manajemen yang berbasis PHP (PHP Hypertext Preprocessor), seperti Zen Cart eCommere. Rayuan maut si hacker Rayuan buatan hacker yang menginfeksi situs web, membuat situs web tersebut nantinya tidak akan memunculkan peringatan apapun. Hal ini dikarenakan hacker sengaja membuat browser seperti Firefox dan Google Chrome tidak berkutik saat Anda tengah asyik berselancar di situs web tersebut. Jangan khawatir! David Dede dari Sucuri Security telah mem-posting Simple Clean Up Solution untuk membersihkan situs yang telah terinfeksi. “Dalam masalah ini, kami tidak menyalahkan WordPress, saya berasumsi bahwa jika masalahnya ada di WordPress, jumlah situs yang terinfeksi kemungkin...

Twitter dan FIFA Bikin Halaman Khusus Piala Dunia

TWITTER JAKARTA, - Demam Piala Dunia 2010 diperkirakan bakal memuncak mulai Jumat (11/6/2010) malam nanti begitu ajang kompetisi sepakbola terakbar ini dibuka. Twitter pun telah mengantisipasi euforia pengguna layanan mikroblogingnya selama Piala Dunia 2010 nanti dengan mempersiapkan halaman khusus bersama FIFA.

99% of Stories Blogs Link To Are Published By Mainstream Media

Bloggers like to think they now control the nation's news agenda--but they don't. 99% of the stories blogs link to are produced by mainstream media, according to the latest study from the Pew Research Center's Project for Excellence in Journalism . Pew's findings—based on a year's worth of data analyzing the top stories on millions of blogs and social media pages, Twitter and YouTube—does show how new media websites can influence the overall impact of news stories, and the ways in which new media news storylines differ from the traditional press. For instance: Newspapers and broadcast networks generated more than 99% of the stories linked to by bloggers , and 87% of those stories were news reports rather than Op/Ed pieces. But there were only 13 times when blogs and the mainstream press had the same top story , the most-overlapping of which was "the U.S. economic crisis (five weeks in all)." Others were H1N1, the protests in Iran last June and S...

Apple Screwed Up Handling iPhone Gizmo-gate

It appears the saga of the lost (or stolen) iPhone prototype is drawing to a close. Tech blog Gizmodo, which paid $5000 for an unreleased, next-gen iPhone and then posted a detailed preview of the handset, now reports it has returned the device to Apple. Since Cupertino's legal sharks requested in writing that Gizmodo return the iPhone, there's little doubt the handset is the real deal. The result? Well, the world won't top spinning, but Apple may decide to make Gizmodo's life miserable with some sort of nasty legal action. Perhaps more importantly for Apple, the big reveal may curtail the media hype that will accompany the new iPhone's summer launch. In fact, the next-gen iPhone has already lost much of its mystery, if not its allure. Thanks to Gizmodo's scoop--ethically questionable or not--we already know what the new iPhone will look like, even though many of its finer attributes remain unknown.

Microsoft Bantah Perlakukan Pegawai Seperti Tahanan

Microsoft menindaklanjuti laporan yang menyebutkan pihaknya telah mempekerjakan anak-anak dibawah umur dan memperlakukan mereka seperti tawanan dalam penjara. Sebelumnya, National Labor Committee (NLC) melaporkan bahwa salah satu pabrik penyuplai perangkat tetikus, kamera dan pengontrol game Xbox untuk Microsoft, mempekerjakan remaja berusia 16 dan 17 tahun dengan tidak manusiawi. Mendengar laporan tersebut, Microsoft segera melakukan investigasi ke pabrik bernama KYE yang berlokasi di provinsi Guangdong tersebut untuk mengecek kebenarannya. “Kami memiliki tim independen untuk melakukan investigasi lengkap dan menyeluruh,” tulis Brian Tobey yang mengepalai unit perangkat dan hiburan Microsoft dalam blognya, seperti dikutip dari Sydney Morning Herald, Sabtu (17/4/2010). “Jika kami menemukan pabrik tersebut tidak mengikuti standar Microsoft, kami akan menindaknya sesuai ketentuan yang berlaku,” tegasnya.

Colo Man Erases Facebook Data After Threat of Suit

An entrepreneur destroyed a database that showed regional patterns among 210 million Facebook users after the social networking site accused the Colorado man of misusing the site and threatened to sue. Pete Warden of Boulder said he had planned to share the information he gathered with researchers. Facebook countered that Warden gathered the data without permission, violating rules of the site. Warden recently announced he had destroyed the data, including his own copy. He said he wasn't convinced that what he did was illegal but said he couldn't afford to fight a lawsuit. Warden said he starting compiling the data while developing a search engine for his startup company.

Save Time on Your Computer

It’s happened to us all: You’re on the computer paying bills, organizing car pools or doing any sort of work, then you drift over to Flickr, Twitter, or your friend’s blog, and before you know it, HOURS have passed! When I’m home at night trying to be productive on my computer—or even offline, sorting through mail—I certainly lose concentration with Facebook’s help. But, distractions no more! The other day I learned about this really neat site: . Right on its homepage, it states: “On average, RescueTime recovers 3 hours and 54 minutes worth of productive time per week per person.” How it works: First of all, it tracks your computer usage, letting you see which sites soak up most of your time and identifying trends where you start to go idle and lose focus on the document you have open. My favorite part is that you can have the system “nudge” you when you get distracted, or even downright block you (at your request, of course) from websites that steal your focus. Imagin...

A Bad Week for Google?

By some accounts, this week hasn't been so great for Google. The first bit of bad news concerns sales of Google's Nexus One phone. On Tuesday, the market analytics firm Flurry released a report saying initial sales of Google's Nexus One phone have been slim compared to the Droid and the iPhone. The firm compared sales of those those phones over the first 74 days they were on the market. In a blog post , Flurry says it chose that time period because that's how long it took the original iPhone to sell 1 million handsets when it was released in 2007.

Facebook CommentsTNG

Facebook CommentsTNG is a plugin for your Wordpress blog that will spider your notes page and find imported Wordpress blogs and bring the comments back into Wordpress. This is a complete rewrite from the original but I did borrow some ideas from it. Kudos to the original authors for their initial effort and for their plugin giving me the motivation to write this one! Features: Will recursively scan through all notes and bring in comments Test mode to see what would be imported without risking the database Uses simple html dom which means it’ll be easier to fix if Facebook changes Limit option to limit how far it goes back Timed automatic scanning Set what note you want it to start on E-mail field for setting a custom e-mail, The default is facebook at philtopia dot com which has a Gravatar set up with a Facebook picture Plugin can crawl your notes despite language set Plugin can get accurate post time from Facebook Auto approval of comments (make sure the plugin works for ...

Securing Your Social Networking Brand

Social networking sites as innocent as LinkedIn and as provocative as Twitter (have you seen my stream?) have now become a personal branding vehicle many professionals. Some of us have had the unfortunate experience of losing a job we barely had thanks to social networking. Others have seen it as the boost to their career they have been wanting for years. Let’s talk about security in the context of the latter. When I moved my blog to a setup I administered, I made two commitments to myself. The first is that I would make frequent backups because there has yet to be a flawless content management system introduced to the market and I could only assume I would have some kind of security problem along the way. The second was that I would pay money to wrap my entire blog inside an SSL stream. My primary goal with forcing all of the traffic through and SSL tunnel was to seamlessly provide a way for me to connect and administer the content from anywhere (like a coffee shop I frequent) wit...

Blogger Rusia Bersekutu Lawan Koruptor

Warga Rusia percaya kalau pemerintahnya sangat menjaga segala sesuatu yang berbau kemewahan. Tapi ketika kementerian dalam negeri Rusia mengumumkan rencana untuk membeli tempat tidur emas, sejumlah lapisan langsung melakukan kecaman. Disaat media yang dimiliki segelintir kelompok tertentu terlihat mengalihkan isu negara tersebut ke arah lain, maka sekelompok orang yang menyebut dirinya sebagai blogger menantang para birokat korup tersebut, bukan dengan senjata melainkan guratan pena. Rata-rata blog mereka secara tak terduga telah menarik popularitas, yang mencerminkan kemarahan mendalam karena perilaku pejabat dalam pemerintahan Perdana Menteri Vladimir Putin.

Salah Satu Penyebab Twitter Error

Their words, not mine. I’ve mostly stopped bothering to post when Twitter is down like it is now and like it was yesterday (honestly, it’s news when they keep the site live for 24 hours at this point). But, seriously, they need to get their act together. It’s past embarrassing. Rumor is they’ve closed their big round of funding and things are all high fives over there, but much more of this and people aren’t just going to talk about bailing on the service for something new , they’re really going to do it (yes, even me ).