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Internet Explorer 9 Beta is Due in September

According to Microsoft Chief Operating Officer Kevin Turner, Microsoft is getting ready to roll out IE version 9 in September. As per some leaked report, Microsoft is expected to release the Beta version in August. The Beta is supposed to feature more user interfaces. The Web Developers are keenly waiting for the new browser. There is a significant improvement of Internet Explorer 9 in comparison with Internet Explorer 8, with considerably improved standards compliance and functionality. The new build that Microsoft released so far is mainly targeted for the Web Developers. It includes new Microsoft Java Script Engine and the new graphic subsystem, integrated with a home page full of test sites. There is no security or no Back button. The company released three platform previews to show the IE 9 engine. However, this is a very simple interface. Perhaps the company wants everybody to wait till the release. Microsoft didn't announce any Release date for the final version. But, th...

Google TV brings net to sets

Google's look and feel on TV will be similar to its style online. Photograph: Alamy Google has launched a "smart TV" service, in conjunction with partners including Sony , that will allow viewers to search the web while watching programmes. The service, called Google TV, will theoretically work with any TV set. However, the first products to incorporate the search capability will be developed by Sony and arrive on the US market from the autumn. Google TV-enabled sets, which will feature an on-screen search box similar to the company's look and feel on the web, will allow people to search for web content and download applications as well as programming from across the internet.

Twitter Rilis Platform Iklan

Sejak kemunculannya, banyak orang mempertanyakan soal bagaimana Twitter menghasilkan uang. Rencana Twitter untuk merilis platform iklan mungkin bisa menjawab rasa penasaran publik atas pertanyaan tersebut. Dulu, Twitter sempat 'ogah' pasang iklan. Mereka tidak mempertimbangkan pemasangan iklan sebagai salah satu sumber penghasilan mereka. Namun nampaknya, situs mikroblogging tersebut kini berubah pikiran. Seperti dilansir TechCrunch, Selasa (13/4/2010), Twitter akan merilis sebuah platform iklan yang nantinya akan berisi tweet bermuatan promosi. Berbagai tweet promosi tersebut bermunculan pada hasil pencarian Twitter mulai hari ini. Perlahan namun pasti, platform iklan ini diprediksi akan mengubah main feed Twitter secara bertahap.

9 Reasons Why Google Apps is “Telework in a Box”

I’ve recently been thinking about how Google Voice , Google Wave and Google Buzz joining the full Google Apps lineup would make it a budget-friendly teleworking platform. Organizations can now literally purchase themselves a “telework in a box” solution — a complete office productivity software, communications and collaboration package — with little or no requirement for support from their own technical staff. Here are some reasons why Google Apps might be your organization’s ideal telework platform: Low operating costs. Google Apps Premier Edition included everything and costs $50 per user per year. It can release you from software licensing costs and free up some of your internal technical staff from having to support telework applications, though you’ll still have to factor in some administrative and support time to provision and maintain remote users. Lower hardware costs. Outfitting teleworkers with hardware can be a major expense, especially if your organization isn’t...

Salah Satu Penyebab Twitter Error

Their words, not mine. I’ve mostly stopped bothering to post when Twitter is down like it is now and like it was yesterday (honestly, it’s news when they keep the site live for 24 hours at this point). But, seriously, they need to get their act together. It’s past embarrassing. Rumor is they’ve closed their big round of funding and things are all high fives over there, but much more of this and people aren’t just going to talk about bailing on the service for something new , they’re really going to do it (yes, even me ).

Facebook Drives 44 Percent Of Social Sharing On The Web

Photo: Dave Morin Senior Platform Manager Facebook Melamar Brittany Bohnet

Symbian Jadi 100% Open Source

Platform perangkat genggam yang digawangi Nokia, Symbian, siap mengusung model open source seluruhnya. Dengan demikian, para vendor bakal lebih bebas berkreasi membuat perangkat besutannya.. Platform Symbian 3, termasuk di antaranya aplikasi, middleware dan sistem kernelnya, akan ditawarkan di bawah lisensi Eclipse Public dan lisensi open source lainnya. "Anda bisa mengunduh dan memodifikasinya," ujar Larry Berkin, Head of Global Alliances Symbian Foundation, dikutip detikINET dari Info World, Jumat (5/2/2010).

Adobe To Surpass Microsoft As Hacker Target

Adobe Reader and Flash will surpass Microsoft Office applications as favorite targets of cybercriminals, a security vendor predicted Tuesday. In unveiling its 2010 Threat Predictions report, McAfee said the growing popularity of the Adobe products has attracted the attention of cybercriminals, who have been increasingly targeting the applications. Adobe Reader and Flash are two of the most widely deployed applications in the world. As a result of Adobe's success in client software, McAfee Labs believes "Adobe product exploitation will likely surpass that of Microsoft Office applications in 2010."

How E-Books Will Change Reading And Writing

Ten years ago, few imagined that by decade's end, people would be reading novels on cell phones. A lot has changed in the book world. "Over the last couple of years, I've really noticed if I sit down with a book, after a few paragraphs, I'll say, 'You know, where's the links? Where's the e-mail? Where's all the stuff going on?' " says writer Nicholas Carr. "And it's kind of sad."

Ning's Infinite Ambition

It isn't just a site where users can build their own social networks -- Ning is a model of how to create a perpetual growth machine. Here's something you probably don't know about the Internet: Simply by designing your product the right way, you can build a billion-dollar business from scratch. No advertising or marketing budget, no need for a sales force, and venture capitalists will kill for the chance to throw money at you.

WordPress 2.9, Now with Built-in Image Editor and Delete Undo

The latest version of the world most popular self-hosted blogging platform, WordPress 2.9, is now out and available for everyone to download and install. It's been quite a while since the last major update, more than six months actually, and the latest version comes with a few big new features and a bunch of smaller ones as well as updates, bug fixes, the works. The biggest feature is likely the new image editor which allows users to do basic photo editing inside the post editor without having to rely on third-party tools. “I’m here on behalf of the entire WordPress development team and community to announce the immediate availability of WordPress version 2.9 “Carmen” named in honor of magical jazz vocalist Carmen McRae (whom we’ve added to our WP release station),” Matt Mullenweg, Automattic founder, the company behind the open-source WordPress platform and the blog hosting service, wrote.