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Google TV brings net to sets

Google's look and feel on TV will be similar to its style online. Photograph: Alamy

Google has launched a "smart TV" service, in conjunction with partners including Sony, that will allow viewers to search the web while watching programmes.

The service, called Google TV, will theoretically work with any TV set. However, the first products to incorporate the search capability will be developed by Sony and arrive on the US market from the autumn.

Google TV-enabled sets, which will feature an on-screen search box similar to the company's look and feel on the web, will allow people to search for web content and download applications as well as programming from across the internet.

"Over the past decade, the internet has created unprecedented opportunity for innovation and development across the world, but so far the web has largely been absent from living rooms," said Google. "Google TV expands video choice from the hundreds of channels available today through a pay TV provider to the vast storehouse of video content available through the web and streaming videos."

Partners at launch include Intel, the set-top box and peripherals company Logitech and Adobe, the maker of flash technology.

Google said it also plans to open source the Google TV platform to "help spur innovation in the industry and so that other developers can benefit from the project".

"The long-term goal is to collaborate with the entire developer community to help drive entertainment in the living room forward and to introduce the next generation of TV-watching experience," the company said.

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