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Where Will Google Build Its Fiber Network?

Google over the next few months will be reviewing locales where it may build its experimental fiber network. The search giant in February said it would build an experimental fiber optic network in an attempt to illustrate the art of the possible in a small number of communities in the U.S. Since that news, Google has been pitched by 600 responses from communities. Individuals also chimed in. Now the requests for information are about over, Google will make a selection. Google said in a post: Over the coming months, we’ll be reviewing the responses to determine where to build. As we narrow down our choices, we’ll be conducting site visits, meeting with local officials and consulting with third-party organizations. Based on a rigorous review of the data, we will announce our target community or communities by the end of the year.

About hi5

Being bored can inspire. Some bored people are inspired to pick up a hobby. Some bored people volunteer for the greater good of the community. Some bored people spend every free night thinking of ridiculous things to do and videotape. The Hi5 falls mainly into the second catergory... oh wait, I mean the one about ridiculous things. It's all about doing something that will cause a laugh and hopefully not be too boring to watch on video later. The ideas usually start off simple... for instance, one day we decided to go to the park and feed the ducks. We ended up duct taping slices of white bread onto every visible spot on Scottys body and sent him to mingle with the ducks.

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Blogs Worth A Thousand Words

If a picture is worth a thousand words, then a photo blog is worth a few million at the very least. Photo blogs are widely used by amateur and professional photographers, travel bloggers, artists and many others as an easy way to share their work with millions of viewers worldwide. Attractive, contemporary and often minimalistic blog themes are used to frame the shots and make them stand out on the page.