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5 Ways to Use Twitter for Good

I’m a big fan of  Twitter , and have been using it heavily since the outset. For those of you not yet using it, Twitter is a communications gateway that asks the question: “What are you doing now?” Users can answer and hear their friends’ answers via SMS, via IM, or on a webpage. Updates have to be under 140 characters. Think somewhere between IRC and IM and that’s Twitter. Twitter is a constant pulse product, meaning it can really sap your attention span. That seems antithetical to life-hacking, or at least to Getting Things Done. So how is it useful? Here are my tricks. Use Twitter for Good Quick Human Answers - Ask folks on your friend’s list which digital  camera  to buy for under $300 US, and you’ll get back a stream of responses. Conference / News Briefings - The last several major tech events were covered by Twitter. I heard about the Apple iPhone faster through Twitter than I would via blog surfing. Similarly, I’ve watched people in San Francisco report earthqua...

32 Ways to Use Facebook for Business

Facebook’s not just for keeping tabs on friends and filling out quizzes — it can also be used as a highly effective business tool. It’s great for marketing your products, landing gigs and connecting with your customers. Here are 32 ways to use Facebook in your business. Manage Your Profile Fill out your profile completely to earn trust. Establish a  business account  if you don’t already have one. Stay out of trouble by reading the  Facebook rules  regarding business accounts. Install appropriate  applications  to integrate feeds from your blog and other social media accounts into your Facebook profile. (Although you should be careful before integrating your Twitter feed into your Faceboook profile, as a stream of tweets can seem overwhelming to your contacts.) Keep any personal parts of your profile private through  Settings .

62 Ways to Use Twitter for Business

Most of you know that  Twitter  can be used for much more than just announcing what you ate for breakfast. Many of you already know Twitter’s value in business, but you can still take it further and use it to land gigs, market your business, grow your network and gain free publicity — all in 140 characters or less. It’s true that Twitter is what you make of it. Some people publicize their daily activities, some make it about link love, some share quotes all day long. Smart people using Twitter for business mix it up. Here are 62 ways to use Twitter more effectively in your business.

Triks: Bikin Firefox 4 Lebih Kencang

Image via Wikipedia Pertama-tama, buka dulu browser Firefox 4 Anda, lalu ketik di url / address bar dengan tulisan " about:config " (ingat tanpa tanda petik) Lalu cari beberapa sintaks berikut ini: browser.history_expire_days_min ganti nilainyanya menjadi 10 ( default : 90) browser.sessionhistory.max_total_viewers ganti nilainyanya menjadi 1 (default: -1) network.http.max-connections ganti nilainyanya menjadi 100 (default: 30) network.http.max-connections-per-server ganti nilainyanya menjadi 20 (default: 15) network.http.max- persistent-connections -per-server ganti nilainyanya menjadi 8 (default: 6) network.http.pipelining ganti menjadi true (default: false) network.http.proxy.pipelining ganti menjadi true (default: false) network.http.pipelining.maxrequests ganti menjadi 8 (default: 4) network.http.request.max-start-delay ganti menjadi 0 (default: 10) network.prefetch-next ganti menjadi false (default: true)

8 Trik Hindari Selingkuh Gara-gara Facebook

Jejaring sosial seperti Facebook dan Twitter menjadi penemuan yang paling berpengaruh sejak 30 tahun terakhir. Bagi banyak orang, Facebook ajang untuk mengenal banyak orang, berbagi berita hingga mencari pasangan. Demam jejaring sosial tak terkecuali terjadi pada orang yang telah menikah. Banyak orang dengan status menikah justru tenggelam dalam komunitas Facebook dan menemukan banyak orang hingga membahayakan pernikahan dan hubungan dengan pasangan. Ada beberapa hal yang perlu Anda dan pasangan ketahui tentang Facebook agar kehidupan Anda berdua tetap harmonis. 1.Berbagi informasi dengan pasangan Ini adalah langkah penting untuk meyakinkan pasangan bahwa Facebook aman bagi hubungan kalian berdua. 2. 'Orang tak dikenal' adalah bahaya Sebaiknya jangan menerima ajakan pertemanan dari orang asing atau seseorang yang tidak Anda kenal. Ajarkan juga pada anak-anak Anda bahwa permintaan dari orang asing di Facebook harus ditolak. Pertimbangkan baik-baik permintaan pertemanan...

Cara Memblokir Konten Berbau Negatif

Sistem pengelolaan database terpusat pada server DNS memundahkan pengontrolan situs negatif. Server ini hadir untuk mengurangi kecemasan orang tua pada anak-anak mereka atas maraknya video tak senonoh yang melibatkan artis-artis papan atas. Sejak merebaknya kasus itu, banyak orang termasuk anak-anak dan remaja dibuat penasaran. Warnet-warnet dikabarkan penuh dengan pengunjung yang mencari situs yang menyediakan unduhan film itu. Untuk menyaring konten-konten yang tak senonoh, pengguna internet bisa memanfaatkan tools Nawala Project (DNS Nawala) besutan Asosiasi Warung Internet Indonesia (Awari), yang bebas digunakan oleh siapa saja. Bahkan baru-baru ini pengurus Awari (asosiasi warung internet Indonesia) juga menghimbau para pemilik warnet untuk memanfaatkan tool ini. Menyadari sepenuhnya bahwa rekaman video negatif yang marak diberikan seminggu terakhir ini adalah satu bentuk kandungan negatif internet yang terlarang untuk diakses melalu warnet (warung internet). Atas kesadaran ...

Serious Windows 7 Flaws Unearthed

Microsoft announced on Tuesday that its newest operating system Windows 7 can be vulnerable to users in terms of code execution and denial-of-service attacks. The vulnerability of Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2 has been discussed before Microsoft issued the advisory. Although, the company claims that no attack due to this Windows flaws has been reported so far. The flaw was found in the Canonical Display Driver (cdd.dll), which is used by desktop composition to mix the Windows Graphics Device Interface (GDI) and DirectX drawing. Microsoft also thinks that chances are high if an attacker can successfully exploit this vulnerability, it can result the affected system to stop responding and automatically restart. The company assured that they are going to fix the problem once the investigation is complete. By this time, affected Windows 7 or Windows 2008 R2 users should disable the Windows Aero Theme to prevent the issue from being exploited.

What I don’t like about Facebook Like button

Have you noticed the new " like " button , tucked in the " Comment " and " Share " options?  For any Facebook users, "like" button is just another feature that they find in Twitter and Digg, which allows them to share content with their social networks . When you click the Like button, a Link to that page is added to your Facebook profile and a story is shared with your friends . The new function will allow users to signal the content that they like on sites around the Internet . However, its not as simple as it looks, as users might be tricked into "Like" ing pages that they don't like at all. According to some marketers, Facebook will be using the data from these interactions to target them with related adverts once they return to However, Facebook spokesperson denied thatthe new tool will allows the company to track users product preference.  Still there's more to it. The websites owners can embed this con...

10 Tips To Increase Google AdSense Earnings

Over the years, Google AdSense has emerged as a lucrative source of revenue for those willing work up their brains. Most people creating websites or blog with the intentions of generating  AdSense revenue are under the impression that they can strike gold with impressive content and  ads on the header. Their dreams are shattered long before reaching the break even. This is quite frustrating and sometime people quit. However, the game of converting the visits into clicks, requires much more than just attractive layout and engaging content. The key is optimize your site for Google AdSense using the features and tools to your advantage. You need not be reminded - if you are earning Google is also earning. We made an effort to filter out some unique tips for increasing your Google AdSense earnings. 1. Use keywords to get Google AdSense clicks Using appropriate keywords can generate handsome Google AdSense earnings. For higher paying keyword you can search the Google Keyword Tool ...

How To View Private Facebook Profile

So you want to know how to view private Facebook profile or pages? Be wary of sites that claim you can view private Facebook pages or profiles. The first thing before you proceed further, is to ask yourself why you are wanting to do this. Figuring out how to view private Facebook profiles became a brief hobby of mine for a few months last year and you could follow the same tricks as well. This trick will let you see anyone’s tagged photos even if they are private for you.

Ketahui Celah Hindari PHK

Menjadi sebuah pertanda buruk menghampiri Anda, jika tiba-tiba Anda dipanggil si bos ke ruangannya. Bukan tentang kenaikan gaji atau promosi jabatan yang Anda dapatkan tetapi pemutusan hubungan kerja sepihak dari perusahaan. Anda kaget, shock, kecewa, marah, menolak mentah-mentah atau menangis sejadi-jadinya? Itu wajar tentu saja. Pemutusan Hubungan Kerja (PHK) tak dipungkiri akan selalu membayangi setiap pekerja dalam sebuah perusahaan. Berbagai alasan pun coba untuk diterima para pekerja-pekerja itu, mulai dari kondisi krisis global, perusahaan pailit, atau bisnis perusahaan mengalami kemunduran drastis hingga mengharuskan perusahaan melakukan perampingan karyawan.

Most Popular Add-on Collections Firefox

Firefox collections are groups of related add-ons assembled for easier sharing.  This idea was launched from the Firefox Add-ons site several months ago.  Since some time has passed, I thought it might be interesting to check back in with this online Mozilla feature to see which collections are the most popular out there. Here are the most popular add-on collections for the Firefox browser: Windows 7 Theme for Firefox 3.5 32430 subscribers – This collection of add-ons were gathered to help you make Firefox 3 more seamless in the Windows 7 operating system.  Not only do you get the nice theme and tweaking add-ons, but you also get some great time conserving tools too! Web Developer’s Toolbox 7934 subscribers – Speed up the development process by using add-ons to troubleshoot, edit, and debug web projects without ever clicking away from Firefox.

Get to Know Windows 7 Libraries Inside and Out

The new Libraries feature in Windows 7 makes it easier to manage your files and folders. Today we take a comprehensive look at everything you can do with Windows 7 Libraries. The Libraries feature in Windows 7 provides a central place to manage files that are located in multiple locations throughout your computer. Instead of clicking through a bunch of directories to find the files you need, including them in a library makes for quicker access. Access Libraries To access the libraries in Windows 7, type libraries into the search box in the Start Menu and hit Enter. The default libraries in Windows 7 will open up in Explorer which are Documents, Music, Pictures, and Videos.

FTA Berlaku, BB Palsu Menyerbu

SEORANG teman di milis baru saja membeli BlackBerry (BB) dan bertanya bagaimana mengaktifkan layanan BB tersebut. Setelah teman-teman lain memandu, ia tetap tidak bisa mengaktifkan beberapa layanan BB, seperti BlackBerry Messenger dan push e-mail. Padahal pulsa sudah terpotong. Selidik sana selidik sini, ternyata BB yang ia beli sebuah ponsel buatan Cina. Contoh di atas bisa saja terjadi pada banyak pengguna ponsel, terutama sejak diberlakukannya zona perdagangan bebas antara Cina dan negara-negara ASEAN atau AC-FTA mulai Januari 2010 ini. Sebelum ada perjanjian itu pun barang-barang Cina sudah masuk hingga pelosok-pelosok pedesaan. Apalagi sekarang setelah diberi kemudahan, tentu semakin merajalela barang-barang Cina masuk ke Indonesia.

TweetDeck, Mudahkan Cari Kerja di Twitter

TweetDeck meluncurkan aplikasi anyar bagi para pencari kerja. Dengan aplikasi ini, pengguna TweetDeck bisa mengakses lusinan lowongan yang bersliweran di Twitter dalam satu tampilan. Dinamakan JobDeck, aplikasi ini merupakan hasil kerjasama TweetDeck dengan mesin pencari pekerjaan TwitJobSearch. Seperti dikutip detikINET dari Clickz, Selasa (25/1/2010), pengguna TweetDeck yang dilengkapi JobDeck akan mendapatkan dua kolom tambahan 'Job Search Experts' dan 'TwitJobSearch'. Cara kerja aplikasi ini sama dengan situs 'induk'-nya, yakni mengindeks lowongan pekerjaan di dunia Twitter. Para perekrut yang ingin memastikan tweet mereka terindeks tinggal mengikuti beberapa langkah sederhana.

Tips Merawat Mata Agar Tetap Indah

Mata merupakan bagian wajah yang paling diperhatikan. Perasaan seseorang dapat terlihat dari tatapan matanya. Mata yang indah merupakan bagian daya tarik bagi penampilan seorang wanita, itulah sebabnya dalam merias wajah, riasan mata umumnya membutuhkan waktu paling lama. Tetapi, mata juga memiliki berbagai masalah yang dapat membuat wajah tidak segar. Untuk itu, Agar terhindar dari masalah-masalah penampilan mata Anda dapat melakukan pencegahan dan melakukan berbagai perawatan untuk mata. Perawatannya mudah dan dapat dilakukan di rumah. Berikut ini beberapa tips untuk membuat mata tetap indah

Tips Trik Memilih Tas

Kebanyakan wanita asal dalam memilih dan belanja tas wanita. Terkadang tas yang dibeli hanya karena merk atau warna yang menarik. Pas tidaknya saat dipakai sepertinya tidak menjadi alasan lagi. Ada kecenderungan memilih tas secara asal, tanpa pertimbangan lebih jauh, yang penting cukup untuk memuat semua barang yang mereka perlukan. Terlepas dari manfaatnya dan kelebihannya dalam menampung berbagai macam kebutuhan Anda, berbelanja tas yang biasa Anda pakai memiliki suatu kekuatan visual yang berpengaruh pada penampilan Anda. Misalnya tas etnik dapat membantu Anda mengoreksi bentuk tubuh Anda yang mungkin kurang proporsional. Mungkin kita tak pernah menyadarinya, jika yang Anda pilih sudah tepat maka Anda dapat tampil menarik namun sebaliknya dapat pula menghancurkan image Anda.

Gmail Hacks

You already know that Gmail beats all other email providers with its endless customization capabilities, Google product integration and fantastic spam filter. Take it to the next level with these Gmail power user tips and Greasemonkey extensions for Firefox. We haven’t forgotten the Mac users, either. For more great resources, check out the official Gmail blog and the Gmail Power Users group on Google Groups. If you'd like to learn more about other email programs, check out the email category at the web directory. 1. Master the Gmail keyboard shortcuts If you haven’t already, master the shortcut keys. Compose, mark as read, archive and much more with the press of a button. Sure, you know c for compose and ! for report spam, but do you know g + t for the sent mail folder? You can find a complete list at the official Gmail shortcut page.