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Review: Etika Mengumbar Link Kampus di Komentar Blog

Berkutat di dunia daring bersama blog memang ada saja yang ditemui, salah satunya membaca berbagai komentar yang masuk. Aktifitas silaturrahmi yang sering disebut blogwalking  pun sering terjadi, karena saling mengunjungi dan meninggalkan jejak lewat komentar sepertinya sudah jadi bagian yang tidak terpisahkan dari rutinitas ngeblog. Namun, apa rasanya jika disaat satu dan dua komentar yang masuk melulu orang itu saja. Hal ini terungkap dari IP dan ISP --IP: , yang sama ke blog wordpress dengan hanya berganti nama.

Cara Meningkatkan Ranking Alexa

Image via CrunchBase Semua pemilik blog atau website mestinya mengerti Alexa. Alexa atau merupakan situs pemeringkat website. Sebagai pemeringkat, Alexa menempatkan posisi suatu website atau blog terhadap website atau blog lainnya. Alexa meng-update peringkat itu setiap hari. Pemasang iklan melihat peringatkan Alexa sebagai salah satu alat untuk memutuskan pilihan media untuk belanja iklan.

Facebook battles for even more of your personal info with new 'like' tool

Can Facebook get any bigger? The F8 developer event on Wednesday will reveal a Facebook 'like' button that will expand the existing sharing options between Facebook and the rest of the web, reports the New York Times . The existing share button will add a favourite link to a user's profile, but the new 'like' feature makes that much more substantial, allowing publishers to offer a wider range of social sharing tools and giving Facebook more data and what is being shared and who by. Photo by recursion_see_recursion on Flickr. Some rights reserved In return, publishers get access to some of that information to contextualise information on that page - so rather than listing the most read articles on its site, the like feature could show which articles the reader's friends had recommended.

MySpace Users To Link Social Networks

MySpace hopes its move to allow users to share online content from other social networks will drive people back to their site. The social networking site said more similar features would soon be introduced Once the world's most popular social networking site, MySpace has fallen behind the likes of Facebook and Twitter. But a new MySpace service lets people connect all their web accounts, rather than having to choose between using one or the other.

Complete List of 43 Twitter-derived APIs Unleased

Voila! For all Twitter mashups building unique apps for Twitter, the Twitter APIs are key. We got a across a directory of 43 Twitter derived APIs. Of course, there are scores of Twitter API open source examples to look into, but here's a collection to glance through. Developers have been using open source Twitter API for making applications, websites, widgets, and other projects that interact with Twitter. The Twitter API in some part is responsible for the hiking demand for APIs. Evidently, it's a new trend popular with Internet operating systems that will allow "one platform build on another, and another builds on that one an so on. Here's the collection of Twitter based APIs. Programmableweb offers the lists the 43 Twitter-derived APIs

Link-link Terkait Facebook

Facebook: - - - - - - - - - (lokal) - (lokal) Alternatif link untuk mengakses Facebook: - - - - - -

Jika Twitter Sudah Terjangkit Phishing Attack

Today there's a phishing run underway in Twitter, using Direct Messages ("DMs"). These are private one-to-one Tweets inside Twitter. The messages look like these:

General Election Campaign Begins on Facebook

Social networking site Facebook has launched a new campaign to encourage its 23 million UK users to engage with the forthcoming election campaign. Democracy UK will ask questions and then aggregate opinion and debate. There will be regular polls and on election day itself, the site will also encourage users to sign up to a badge declaring that they have voted.

Sex Diseases Soaringbrdue to Facebook Romps

CASES of syphilis have increased four-fold in Britain's Facebook capital as users meet up for unprotected sex, it was revealed yesterday. Figures released last month showed that people in Sunderland, Durham and Teesside were 25 per cent more likely to log on regularly. And an NHS trust chief said Facebook and similar sites were to blame for a shocking rise in cases of potentially-lethal syphilis in the region. Professor Peter Kelly, director of Public Health for NHS Tees, said: "There has been a four-fold increase in the number of syphilis cases detected, with more young women being affected."

Waspadalah Pengguna Facebook, Server Koobface Melonjak

Bila anda aktif mengakses situs-situs jejaring sosial seperti Facebook dan Twitter waspadalah terhadap worm bernama Koobface. Perusahaan antivirus Kaspersky memperingatkan kebangkitan Koobface dalam dua pekan terakhir. Dalam dua pekan terakhir tim peneliti dari Kaspersky Lab terus memantau Koobface. Mereka menemukan angka penurunan jumlah server Koobface dari 107 pada 25 Februari ke 71 pada 8 Maret. Tapi dalam 48 jam kemudian, angkanya malah melonjak menjadi 142. Menurut analis dari Kaspersky, hasil pengamatan tersebut membuktikan bahwa pemilik Koobface terus menangani infrastrukturnya. "Mereka tak ingin jumlah server turun terlalu banyak karena itu berarti kehilangan kendali atas botnet," ujar Stefan Tanase, Senior Regional Researcher Kaspersky Lab EEMEA.

First Dot-com Celebrates 25th Birthday

Exactly 25 years ago, on March 15 1985, computer manufacturer Symbolics, Inc registered the first .com web domain ever: By today’s design standards, and considering how web sites looked back in the late eighties and early nineties, it’s quite decent, although a bit short on content. However, its content and even the (now defunct) company that registered it are far less important than the boom it ignited: in 1997, one million .com web domains were registered, and in 2000 the dot-com bubble peaked, resulting in an inevitable meltdown.

Waspada, Serbuan Program Jahat ke Facebook dan Twitter

Perusahaan keamanan internet Kaspersky Lab memperingatkan adanya gelombang serangan Koobface, sebuah worm yang sangat produktif menginfeksi situs jejaring sosial. Sasaran program jahat ini adalah situs-situs seperti Facebook dan Twitter. Program-program jahat tersebut juga menggunakan website sah yang dikompromikan sebagai perwakilan untuk komando dan kontrol utama server. Selama dua minggu terakhir ini, para tim peneliti Kaspersky Lab telah mengamati server Koobface live C&C dimatikan atau dibersihkan rata-rata tiga kali per hari. Jumlahnya terus menurun, dari 107 pada tanggal 25 Februari, ke level 71 pada tanggal 8 Maret. Kemudian, hanya dalam 48 jam jumlah tersebut berkembang dari 71 menjadi 142, menaikkan jumlah totalnya tepat dua kali lipat, dimana semua komputer yang terinfeksi Koobface mendapatkan perintah dan update dari jarak jauh.

Avoid 'Phishing' Scams

Over the past few days, Twitter has been helping folks victimized by a phishing attack. Phishing is a deceitful process by which an attempt is made to acquire sensitive information such as Twitter usernames and passwords. The bad guys masquerade as someone you trust and may send you a Direct Message (DM) with a link. This DM may say something along the lines of, "LOL that you??" followed by a link to a fake Twitter login page. If you enter your credentials on that fraudulent page, the phishers can sign in as you and trick more people. Anatomy of A Phishing Scam Generally a phishing attack against Twitter users breaks down to a three-part process. First, accounts compromised in the manner described above send out messages to all accounts following them. Second, accounts that are newly compromised send out more messages. Third, the scammers behind the phishing attack make an attempt at monetization by sending out spam links instead of links to a fake login page. We fight phi...

10 Tips to Secure Your Twitter Account

Twitter much like Facebook is popular social networking site and these sites users are targeted with phishing scams luring them to reveal their username and passwords.Here are some security tips for twitter users for safe tweeting. Tips to secure twitter account.. 1.Use strong and Unique password : Use the password for your twitter account as a combination of characters, symbols and numbers. Never use same password for different websites and email accounts, use unique password for every website. 2. Be aware of fake twitter websites, try to type in your browser and enter your account credentials. 3. Always use extensions for browsers like Chrome and Firefox which shows preview for shortened links on twitter. Because you may be lured to click on a malicious link to steal your twitter username and password.

Google Buzz Vs Google Wave

When Google announced Google Buzz, its new social sharing feature for Gmail, company representatives admitted Buzz was inspired by a similar product: Google Wave. In fact, some of the features of Buzz and Wave are so similar you might be wondering why there are two different products in the first place? Both services are supposed to help you create conversations and give you a richer experience around Web-based media like videos, images ,and regular text. But while Buzz and Wave have a lot in common, there also some key differences that set each service apart. Wave and Buzz? What the heck are you talking about?

Hacking Rapidshare Account

Jika Anda mempunyai account premium rapidshare tidaklah menjadi masalah untuk mendownload berbagai macam file yang Anda inginkan. Namun jika Anda tidak memiliki account premium atau  Anda mendownload sebagai  free user , maka Anda akan mengalami berbagai macam limit dalam mendownload file dari rapidshare antara lain  : Anda hanya diperbolehkan mendownload satu file dalam jangka waktu tertentu, Anda harus menunggu beberapa detik ( waiting time ) sebelum download button ditampilkan serta batasan kecepatan download. Namun batasan rapidshare tersebut ternyata bisa kita hindari jika kita mengerti bagaimana trik download dan trik mengakali rapidshare. Untuk mempermudah dan menambah kenyamanan bagi Anda yang ingin mendownload file  dari rapidshare, maka berikut ini saya tunjukkan trik download dan mengakali rapidshare  agar proses download  menjadi cepat dan nyaman :

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