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7 Best Firefox Addons for 2010

Mozilla as an open source alternative to the big guns of Microsoft and Apple has grown leaps and bounds. The credit behind the immense surge is due to the presence of Add-Ons. It seems that there is an addon for everything. Be it checking the Alexa rank of the site you are on or just checking the amount of bandwith usage. Well we have now come up with an assortment of the Top addons which were delivered to make the lives of Web Developers a bit easier. The community that tries to meet each an everyone’s need would be in an all new level once the following add ons are installed. 1. SEO Doctor SEO Doctor will allow easy SEO diagnosis and solves a myriad of problems webmasters. It is quite the cheat sheet for getting to know your webpage in depth in terms of SEO score and the number of links embedded in the page.

PCs are Going to be Touch Screen by the Year 2015

As per the recent report by Gartner, although, touch screen devices started to come in the market in 2010, but, its adoption in Enterprise Market is still very slow. Nevertheless, the research firm predicted that 50 p.c. PCs will be touchscreen by the end of the year 2015. "What we're going to see is the younger generation beginning to use touchscreen computers ahead of enterprises. We expect more than 50 per cent of PCs purchased for users under the age of 15 to have touchscreens, up from fewer than 2 per cent in 2009," said Leslie Fiering, research vice president at Gartner. At the same time, she predicted that less than 10 per cent of PCs sold to enterprises in 2015 are going to have touchscreen. The release of smartphone like Apple iPhone and the very recent launch of iPad made touch screen based devices very popular across the users worldwide. Gartner further predicts that the smartphone users will want to extend their touch based experience in their PCs too. Ma...

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Mencicipi Desain Anyar Facebook

Facebook kembali melakukan perubahan. Kali ini terjadi pada bagian homepage (halaman utama). Apa saja perubahannya? Pada desain anyarnya, Facebook memindahkan elemen navigasi yang sebelumnya berada di menu “Application” menjadi ke bagian sidebar sebelah kiri halaman. Selain itu, daftar teman online yang sebelumnya berada di bagian bawah sebelah kanan, kini menjadi berpindah ke sidebar sebelah kiri (persis di bawah Application). Bagian peringatan (alert) jika ada request friends, dsb yang biasanya muncul di bagian kanan, kini berpindah menjadi menjadi pop-up di bagian kiri atas. Pada desain yang baru ini, Facebook juga menambah pengalaman bagi pengguna, seperti kemapuan mengirim pesan langsung dari Homepage menggunakan jendela pop-up. Hal ini tentu menghemat waktu daripada harus menggunakan halaman yang terpisah. Untuk bagian Search yang sebelumnya ada di sebelah pojok akan atas, kini berada di sebelah kiri agak ke tengah dengan field yang lebih besar.

Light Touch

With all this talk of tablets and the much hyped launch Apple have planned at the end of the month perhaps the future lies in the Light Touch that instantly turns any flat surface into a touch screen (found via Design Boom ).