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The Top Five Terse Steve Jobs Email Replies

Steve Jobs, Apple's chief executive, doesn't often answer emails from his customers but when he does his replies are short and blunt. Here's our top five.

The Changing Face of the Web

The web has long been an important agent of commercial change, and it too is changing fast. iQ asked four “New Web” luminaries for their thoughts on how, where, why, and the likely consequences. Mickeal Remond, CEO of Enterprise Instant Messaging Provider, Process One gave us his thoughts…. “These are exciting times for the web as it sits on the averge of moving on from a basic directory to a dynamic interactive interface, connecting users worldwide. Closed business and social networks will disappear and be replaced by one social network… the web. With communication residing on the web, businesses need tools and applications that enable them to communicate and collaborate in real-time. We’re also starting to see a move away from traditional desktop software solutions to more flexible and lower cost web-based applications, with Google already offering browser-based desktop tools with its Google Apps suite and Microsoft also moving in this direction as it will (soon) be releasing Micro...

Why Do Adults Continue to Get Acne

Regardless of whether your teen years are in your rear-view mirror, or you're still in school, suffering from acne breakouts is a major downer. It may not seem fair, but you're certainly not alone. Once considered only a "teenage concern," today acne is one of the most common skin condition affecting adults as well. Acne is a complex problem with a number of possible causes. Culprits include hormonal shifts, cosmetics, pollution, changing birth control pills and stress. Of all the possible triggers, stress may actually be one of the most significant, according to recent studies by Stanford University and the Wake Forest School of Medicine. This means that anxiety-inducing situations - a major test, a first date or an important job interview - could lead to breakouts. However, even day-to-day obligations can be stressful enough to cause regular flair ups.

Google Streetview Only Blurred Out Faces